All specs should be made viable and 1-60 skills/talents from TBC (even WOTLK) should be brought in as needed to make...

All specs should be made viable and 1-60 skills/talents from TBC (even WOTLK) should be brought in as needed to make them functional.

If a Paladin, Druid, Shaman, etc. want to do something besides serve as heal/buffbots, they should be able to. If a Mage wants to plop down a table instead of manually conjuring food and water and then manually trading it all to 40 people, they should also have that option.


Not an argument.

Bad game design doesn't magically become good game design by virtue of being old.

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Nah all those inconveniences made for more sociability

>If a Mage wants to plop down a table instead of manually conjuring food and water and then manually trading it all to 40 people, they should also have that option.
Fuck no. I charged people back in vanilla for every stack they wanted, don't take that from me.

How does entire specs being garbage make the game more social?

Unless you mean by causing the players of said classes to (rightfully) shitpost about them.

can you wowtards stop spamming new threads when there is like 3 already up?

>WoW Classic should be just like nu-WoW
Piss off shitter

>I don't like this game
>Instead of not playing it I'm going to shout about how it should be changed to make me like it

Fucking buzz off you little child.

>If a Mage wants to plop down a table instead of manually conjuring food and water and then manually trading it all to 40 people, they should also have that option.

Yeah, they do have that option its called play retail

It was bad design 13 years ago, it's bad design now.

What you don't get is that if ret, for example, is "balanced" to be """viable""", then it's ruined for those that actually enjoyed it.

Yeah! And they should add lfg! And heirlooms! And free epic mounts for lvl 20s!

Because there is more to the game than just raiding

>it's ruined for those that actually enjoyed it.

Like who?

Hindsight is 20/20. You're missing the entire fucking point of Blizzard doing this, it isn't to fucking rectify the "mistakes" they made you dumb fucking cunt.

If they do it right they'll have community votes for quality of life improvements, like OSRS has done

I stopped playing ret after they "fixed" it in TBC. It was no longer interesting and today it's literally nothing at all like it was back then. It was ok for certain specs to be better for different things. Ret was good for PVP and light/solo pve. It's ok that it wasn't arms. Arms existed for that

Some of us are actually interested in playing the game instead of fishing and ERPing.

>Will very likely share a sub with retail
>Retailshitters will flood the polls with stupid fucking ideas and ruin the game yet again

Great idea Einstein.

Then play retail

Yeah and look how great that turned out. Osrs shouldnt even be called old school

I seriously hope that they will raise the level cap for vanilla

Aha! So Blizzard finally admits they fucked WoW up and NuWoW is shit!

I seriously hope you won't continue to spread your stupid opinions on the internet.

>Not an argument.
Except that it is. You sound like you want the Live servers where everything is homogenized and "viable", whatever that means.

You should go play that instead of whining about something you were probably laughing about days before the announcement.

Your kind poisoned an entire genre though your incessant bitching and whinging about this and that, and now that there's greener grass somewhere, land that is not in putrefaction after years of "improvements", suddenly you want to migrate there and set up shop to destroy that as well.

Go fuck yourself.

Well yes sort of. The fact that they're doing this is kind of an admission of that on their part.

If they change literally anything about the content it'll be dead on arrival.

The only saving grace at the moment is they're likely to hire the nost devs.

Well said. I can't fucking stand all these retards coming out of the woodwork since the announcement.

>Most of the specs being useless is actually good and improves the game

Vanilla purists really are brainlets.

You're the same type of retard that thinks OSRS needs RS3 shit in it

The only things I could want are some class balancing

Alright, let's be realistic here and do a quick analysis. What are the chances of blizzard fucking this up?

On one hand, they have the Nost devs and their mangos core as a base for what a simulated vanills server is close to. On the other hand, you have community input, which will ABSOLUTELY be overwhelmed with retail shitters who want class homogenization, lfg, etc.

So what'd you guess the chances at? I say there is a 100% chance they'll fuck it up.

Go play new wow, dont talk about vanille pls

Some people intentionally play the underused/underdog specs

>Hunters literally just autoattack in raids and jump around every once in a while to avoid being marked AFK

Nice game Vanillababs

I played Retbull on elysium and raided 60 doesnt mean i wouldnt want a small buff for myself or druids for example

You can say the same thing about retail, though. Most specs just aren't viable raid dps due to parse simulators. The difference is that instead of those specs trying to find a niche in the game they can take advantage of like in vanilla, retail babies just don't play those specs at all.

I agree, but the core gameplay needs to stay the same. If they add shit like CS and DS, they'll "balance" the rest to fall in line

>Trusts Blizzard to tweak balance numbers

Vanilla players want that "bad design" you fucking moron, get out of here

You can make everything viable in a 20 to 40 men environment quite easily. TBC pretty much everything was viable and every classes and specs felt unique. Literally all you need to do is tweak some numbers, and maybe add more gear.

Take feral druid for instance. All you need to do is make their crit buff slightly better, so it actually is a group increase dps to bring one or two for your rogues. Nothing fundamentally changed. Also, you should think like if TBC never hit and we got another update instead (1.13). Small incremental updates to make the game better while still following the same overall game philosophy.

Plenty are interested in playing the OP classes/specs.

You don't play "specs". You play spec. You play your class' main spec because no one will take you in a raid if you aren't the optimal spec because they can get someone who is and who will be many times more useful. No raid wants dead weight so people can play more obacure classes. Most specs are straight up unplayable and unviable.

>reee give us legacy servers
>but change all the shit I don't like reeee

Unironically go back to retail. Vanilla WoW was fun because it was so wonky and you got to come together with complete strangers or people you knew from real life to conquer the poor game design and explore the world of Warcraft.

>>you play spec
>he didn't spend all his dkp on t2.5 pally gear and dark edge of insanity and then respec and never raid again because reckbombing niggers in AV was too much fun

what I think might happen is a few groups of committed turbo-autist will start tryharding early raid content and 20-manning it using ultra efficient classes, then the mass of faggots will follow suit leaving all these "haha I just play prot palala for fun :-)))))" in the dust
vanilla was a shitfest when it came to class balance it's not even funny, but hey, I look forward to watching it unfold first person, can be fun

not sure if you're describing vanilla or retail

PvP is already mentioned, but multiple characters is possible as well.

Stop trying to change classic into retail. You already have a fucked up version of the game to play.

>multiple characters
Yeah as long as you don't mind having to pour over 200 hours into a new character while your main falls behind gear-wise