So console wars aside, what is the general opinion about this game? I was a big fan of the first dark souls and I'm thinking of buying at launch. Is it worth it?
Please keep it civil.
So console wars aside, what is the general opinion about this game...
Its pretty good. I like the new take on the loot system and the combat is pretty fantastic. The levels can be a bit bland and enemies can get a bit repetitive. Its definitely a a buy if you like souls and ninja gaiden
I just hope it runs well on my machine. Been itching for a blind run on a Souls-style game since 3
I bought a ps4 for exclusives.
the loot shit is maybe the worst part of the game imo desu baka
That has nothing to do with what I asked.
It's a lot better than the souls games. It's like the team specifically thought about what are the worst parts of dark souls, then improved on those and made them better.
The weapons and stances are vastly more fun and complex than the infantile and repetitive Souls R1 R1 R1 R1 bullshit.
Magic and Ninjitsu are integrated vastly better than any souls game mechanics, and everything about the gameplay is smoother and more refined.
Didn't feel like reading through the other thread huh?
It's a great game that should have been much much better but was held back by it's development. Combat is very deep with tons of options and immensely satisfying to delve into but shoddy balancing means doing so isn't entirely necessary which is to the game's detriment. There's a high degree of build variety, the bosses are all really enjoyable, the levels are very well built and there's a shitton of content available.
level design/enemy variety/MMO loot bullshit beg to differ. combat system is gr8 tho
Be prepared for a shit port
It plays very well, and the grinding and obtaining of loot is pleasant. Shitload of options for combat. Unfortunately it suffers from weak story, bland locations, low enemy variety and musical blandness, and the difficulty ramps up immensely during ng+ dlcs. In my opinion, well worth playing.
Can't wait to play it on the better platform
There's not much in it for a blind playthrough. Levels are very straightforward with unlockable shortcuts, and the enemies don't vary a lot. It's a good game nonetheless.
I really liked the combat system but it got too monotonous for me at around the fourth or fifth region. Still haven't finished it and the descriptions I've heard of the way NG+ works have kept me away.
pvp is also more fun in Nioh then Dark souls
but thats not really hard to do
I hate Dark Souls and I really like Nioh. Take that as you will
I'm not very good at it but I feel there are enough options in the game to have fun and experiment until I find something that works. The combat is quick and responsive which beats the slow and clunky Dark Souls by a mile
First half: Best game I've played recently
Second half: repetitive garbage with no new level designs and enemy types
Gameplay (fighting) is good, but gets repetitive, you'll find the thing that works and keep doing it. Also you can just break the system completely by the end by just stacking shit.
Bosses are very good. Normal enemies will get very very repetitive.
Map design is very hit and miss.
There's way too much fucking loot. Every second enemy drops another sword, enjoy the bloated inventory with shit UI.
Finding green dudes (who give you more "estus" to use) gets repetitive, I loved it at first, but goddamn. Thankfully you won't even really need them by the end.
Story is... who knows, there's Jap historical figures being angry at each other. It's not very enjoyable.
It's a solid 7/10, but the same way that Killing Floor 1 is 7/10.
The combat is really entertaining and great. The plot started off interesting.
But it took a real sharp nosedive by making the story bland. You think it would be mainly about being the Great White Samurai chasing down an Evil Whizzard but no. 80% of the plot was just the same old muh Japanese Warring States Period wankery with some supernatural aspects shoved in. Half the time William is just a guy who's just tagging along for the ride.
That wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't also for the fact that the enemy variety is pretty limited as well. You get what? Skeletons, Ogres, maybe some yokais. Half of the bosses are just humans.
tl;dr: Still a good game. You will have fun with the combat. But the blandness of the enemy variety and the environment it self maybe off putting to some.
Ah well. It still looks fun.
Pray for my RX480 and i5-4570
>pick up loot
>press 2 buttons go sell it all
Why is this so hard for you people
I literally have not touched PvP more than once because I know there are some crazy motherfuckers on there who will dance circles around me. It turns into PvP Ninja Gaiden in that bitch and I cannot keep up.
It's good but don't expect it to be too much like Dark Souls. It's similar, but it definitely has it's own feel and is more level based like a traditional game. Only thing that really feels like Dark Souls to me is the boss fights.
some are turbo autists and like to take their time organizing their loot
Team Ninja stuck with it for a surprisingly long time, adding content, patches, and just general ease of use to the game
I think a controller will be necessary to play it, but the overall gameplay is pretty smooth when you get into it. It’s a build heavy game at later levels though, so you’ll have to find a play style you enjoy or just hope you get really good gear drops
Aside from that the story can be pretty eh at times and William is basically a silent protagonist who’s whole story centers around getting his mermaid waifu back, but if you like Japanese mythos and history you can have some pretty “Oh hey cool!” Moments, especially with the final boss of the dlc
Did you never change your armor's appearance? Put some pieces to storage?
Never danced around the weight limit?
Never had a very good magical weapon, but of a sort you didn't really use and weren't sure if you were gonna try out?
But sure, that's two button presses.
Everyone keeps commenting on enemy variety. While you see most of them in the beginning each enemy has several different variations and multiple attacks available, and human enemies use different stances for their weapons. The bosses are all extremely unique and fun as well, even human enemies all have their own attacks and style of fighting. Most importantly, the combat variety is what actually deals with any supposed issues of enemy variety, you have so many options to deal with them that you should be taking advantage of them.
Well you can lock any loot you think you might want to keep and then 2 buttons to sell or destroy everything else. Once you get to divine stuff it's pretty easy to tell what you want to keep.
>oh no I might have to choose to enjoy tinkering with my inventory for a minute in an RPG
It's pretty good. It's got some clunkiness that comes from having a really bloated UI and nearly 15 years of development time, but the good ideas it has are really good.
The loot system is much more akin to Diablo than anything Souls-like. I'd go so far as to say that your equipment is almost completely unimportant until at least NG+, so if collecting gear and making a cool character build is your thing, I recommend rushing through the main campaign as fast as you possibly can.
As others have said, combat is the star of the game and it's pretty damn slick. There are some important details that the game doesn't really tell you though, and it could cause you a lot of frustration in the later parts of the game as the difficulty ramps up.
For instance: it's immediately apparent how high/mid/low stance affect your damage and mobility, but there's ALSO a rock-paper-scissors mechanic when facing similarly humanoid opponents. When you attack with a stance that beats your opponent's stance, you deal more hitstun when you hit, and they take more stamina damage and recover a little slower while blocking. If you don't pay attention to it, you'll quickly find yourself getting stuffed out of attacks that you thought were guaranteed, or getting insta-killed by combos you thought you could have blocked.
iirc, High beats Mid, Mid beats Low, Low beats High. You may prefer the moveset of one stance over another, but when facing humanoid opponents in the lategame and NG+ it's critically important to keep changing stances to keep the upper hand on the enemy. As far as I can tell though, most Demons don't care about your stances, so use whatever stance is best for the situation at hand.
>Once you get to divine stuff
"Once you get to NG+ the inventory management gets easy"
That's the thing, it's not made in an enjoyable manner, because of the UI. Every weapon is in the same category, and so is every armor piece.
>change armor appearance
Sure a few times. Open up the menu, select each piece then another piece for it to look like. Easy.
>put some pieces into storage
Open item menu, find what you want, put into storage. Easy.
>danced around weight limit
Play more, level up and increase weight limit. Easy.
>good magical weapon not sure if you're going to use
See: putting items into storage.
You need to play more games if you think Nioh's inventory management is that bad.
No, it gets EASIER. It's always easy. But in NG+ you should already know what set or sets you like and then you just collect divine + stuff to level it up and trash the rest.
Not him, but the point he made flew miles above your head. All of this shit takes time. Time you're not using to slice up dudes.
Answer this simple thing: if the UI was more intuitive and there was less loot bloat, would you enjoy the game more? Answer is probably yes.
Weapons get sorted automatically by weapon class when you change the sort type to anything other than newest. Armour isn't in any of the sort types but it's done by piece anyway and you can sort by the important stats like weight or defense which almost always does the same thing anyway.
Right. And even when it is only a few button presses, the pages and pages of loot you get can feel exhausting. Maybe it's just a temperament thing, but every time I go to sell off or disassemble all my gear I get really anxious that I'm missing one piece that's actually really really good. The inter-mission trips to the blacksmith or the shrine start to remind me of work, as I'm running down spreadsheets of barely-different labels looking for even a single nugget of cool or useful effects. With how goddamned finnicky gear can be as you get to NG+, it feels like a necessity if you want to have the best gear possible.
I literally had to turn that part of my brain off for NG, as I KNEW the equipment I was getting was going to be worthless eventually, but I kept feeling this nagging that I was missing something important or useful. It kinda sucks, but I guess that's Diabloclones for you.
>wahh I just want attack things up and get epic kills like call of duty! Why do I actually have to spend time in an inventory system in this RPG game??
Not all of us have OCD and can appreciate what amounts to at most a minute of satisfying downtime.
>vague ultimatums to show superiority of opinion that's only tangentially related
Loot is used as a form of currency, reducing it fucks with the game's economy.
It has great combat mechanics but literally everything else is either abysmal or mediocre.
>if something in a game was better, would you enjoy it more?
Wow you got me there. What a shocking discovery you have made.
>bringing up Call of Duty without any provocation
Mentally retarded.
i loved every second of it and i will purchasing it for PC to play with my bros
Hows the atmosphere and enemy designs? Will this game cratch my dark fantasy itch?
Sorry, I write a lot.
Too much loot bad. Gives big headache. But skipping loot induces paranoia. No can win. Big sadness.
It's a good game and I hope PCbros also enjoy it. Although it could be better with more enemy variety.
Sounds like you're too stupid to be able deduce what is and isn't useful in a set of gear after hours and hours of playing a game and learning about it. RPGs probably aren't your thing if your brain hasn't developed enough to use those types of thought processes in a timely manner.
>too fucking stupid to use a basic inventory system
>e-everyone else is retarded, not me!
Enemy design is cool if you're into Japanese mythology, but there's no atmosphere or whatsoever. It's one of the reasons why Nioh doesn't hold up in a comparison with Dark Souls. The game doesn't have a single beautiful or even memorable location.
not stupid ,he just prefers efficiency
This is all on you. Not the game. In NG sorting by rarity or attack tells you everything you need to know, the rarer equipment is the better the inherited effects generally are, which aren't even important now, by NG+ you should have an idea of exactly what types of equipment or sets you're interested in, in which case sorting by type lets you immediately see if you got any new of the same type.
You usually want a couple of pieces of a set, you want them to be high level, weight the right amount, defend the right amount. When you have 8-15 pieces each, it gets slower than it should be to manage.
What possibility there is to sort is not enough.
Is this your first discussion on the internet? If you still don't get my point, then I have nothing to say.
>You think it would be mainly about being the Great White Samurai chasing down an Evil Whizzard but no. 80% of the plot was just the same old muh Japanese Warring States Period wankery with some supernatural aspects shoved in
The latter sounds a lot more interesting to me to be honest, you've inadvertantly sold it to me.
>too dumb to even extract a single point from one post
kekkering @ ur lyfe famalam
You have no point. Saying "if thing was better it would be better" is not a point.
Says the guy who can't extract anything at all from the easily accessible information given throughout the game and inventory system and just throws a tantrum that he actually has to manage an inventory instead of having an "auto-equip and upgrade and sort everything for me because I'm a complete fucking retard" button
>there's no atmosphere whatsoever
>doesn't have a single beautiful or even memorable location
Do you actually believe this? The burning village, deep mountain caves, and Dazaifu shrine in the thundering rain are all at the very beginning and all look and feel incredible to walk around in.
I kept one of just about every unique weapon and armour type, the sorting abilities were plenty and it never took me long to do anything. It sounds like you weren't actually aware of how equipment works or ever learned what each kind of equipment was, there are several ways to know at a glance all those things and you only need to learn that once.
>I was a big fan of the first dark souls
Why do we have so many people with literally NO standards at all on Sup Forums? What the fuck happened to this place four years ago? Did they ban a lot of people on NeoGAF?
It has a great atmosphere if you're into japanese sengoku era stuff. Traversing through abandoned temples during the nightly rain, exploring snowy labyrinths, going through a weird-ass ninja village with traps and fake walls, being a part of a battle of sekigahara and its hellish version, climbing a sacred mountain, going through a graveyard twisted by fox spirits, etc.
Enemy designs are fucking superb.
Those locations sound generic and bland even in description. There is nothing awe-inspiring in them, so thanks for proving my point.
>of the first dark souls
>posts 3
what did he mean by this
Great combat system with lots of depth. Bland boring asian theme. Dumb Diablo loot system. Cool boss fights.
Worth it.
im just posting itt to call you a faggot
>defending shitty design
>eating shit
>Didn't feel like reading through the other thread huh?
I didn't see it until I had already posted, but it seems to be full of console wars shit right from the very beginning. I wanted to discuss the game without the platform crap in the way.
So far it seems I'm going to get it, unless it's poorly optimized and I'd need to upgrade.
Generally, how well optimized are team ninja's games on the PC?
>it's shitty design if I'm too stupid to do basic inventory management
I can only assume you're 13 years old and haven't played any game made before 2005
Your brain would fucking explode if you had to play any game with more than the most simple inventory management requirements
>Didn't feel like reading through the other thread huh?
go suck a dick
OP probably didn't want to wade through a thread's worth of console shit slinging and don't pretend like you would
Obviously since I didn't fully describe them and limited myself to the first region since spoilers for newcomers. We're talking about visuals and atmosphere after all, something you have to see and experience rather than read. Obviously.
Holy shit you've never even played the actual game, didn't you.
A big disappointment considering what it could have been.
Not an argument.
I get it, you enjoy eating shit and defend it on principle, but smarter people are not into that sort of thing.
Who's arguing? I'm just making fun of you for being so fucking stupid that you can do basic inventory management. You already did the work for me in proving my point.
This is the resident fanboy who will even try to deny shit every single person who has played this game agrees are major issues. Do not listen to him.
Actually, I beat it yesterday. I'm currently balls-deep into the DLC and I have yet to come across a location that is not a glorified maze with shitty textures. The level design is so poor that it merely reflects the setting on the most basic level.
>it's Japan, there are wooden huts and temples and shit
But I guess "atmosphere" has turned into a huge meme and a few flickering lights is all it takes to make retards fawn now.
>I'm just making fun of you for being so fucking stupid that you can do basic inventory management.
Calm down, nigger. You're so mad after getting BTFO you can't even type straight.
I'm shocking you can even reply to posts. You have to look at a set of keys and decide which one is correct to spell the words you want to use. Hell, you have to decide which words to use from so many options, I figured you would throw a tantrum each time and just give up.
The old one wasn't great but it was a little better than the new one. I don't have any first hand experience with their ports but from what I hear most of Koei Tecmo's PC ports are pretty basic and don't have much. Still the game's the game.
It was just a joke bro, that's why I still made the rest of the post which was something similar to what I posted in the other thread.
Has better mechanics and combat than any other souls game.
it's biggest and only real flaw is enemy variety.
Art design is great, everything else is mediocre to awful.
Sorry user I'm just a little on edge today
>I'm shocking
Can you repeat that? I don't speak retard cuck.
This, the game is extremely mediocre and alot of people have complaints with the enemy + level variation. Still had a ton of fun nonetheless and got 100+ hours out of it.
It's not a Souls game.
I'm not saying this as a negative, it's just that people approach this game like it's trying to be Dark Souls when it's just doing its own thing.
A controller is required.
You can't play the game with K+M. The set up is not supported.
Not as in it doesn't work well
But as in It doesn't exist.
I'm not him but Dark Souls 1 is easily the worst of the series, which goes a long way to explain why so many prefer it here.
Not surprising, just like Nioh inventory system you see an minor imperfection that doesn't impede you in any way and start whining like a little bitch.
The level design is actually consistently solid. There's an enormous amount of shortcuts, sometimes even alternative routes, secrets and generally shit to explore on each of them it's insane.
>"atmosphere" has turned into a huge meme
Drop those buzzwords before they turn you into a drooling retard, user.
>Dark Souls 1 is easily the worst of the series
>This game will unlock in 11 hours
>still can't purchase it
Fun. Different enough from soul games to feel fresh. Honestly prefer it ds3 and bloodborne
>souls games
I'll let you know when my standards drop so low that i use SoulsShit as reference to measure how good an action game is.
The game is not even on par with it on many other aspects so saying it excels at one means nothing.
that's why the game has sorting and selection options.
So you can get rid of/Sell/Breakdown/tribute all of the low rank shit you are never going to use.
Knocking down those 300 items in your inventory to 20.
Kelley is a loveable villain the same way Hammy Wesker was.
DLC storyline > Main storyline tbqhfam
Axe is best weapon.
Still mad you couldn't beat smough and ornstein huh?
Finally we're getting somewhere. So you admit it's shit, glad we could sort this out.
Like I said, if you don't value your time, feel free to put up with this shit and keep consuming it. Just remember there's nothing glorious about eating shit.
>Bot reply
Wow, who could have seen this coming?
>Bait reply
Wow, who could have seen this coming?