Was it autism?

was it autism?

No, it's Claude


Got the GTA collection for PS2 on PS4 a couple days ago and I'm playing this one for the first time since 2008.
Got killed three times at the first Chinatown mission because aiming guns without camera control is fucking hard.

It's gonna be one hell of a ride, isn't it?

Just finished it but had to cheat like crazy.
Is it even possible without the health cheat?

I was one of those kids who never cared about GTA storylines but at some point in life you get tired of just killing everything, so yeah I'm gonna play them all in order.
>Is it even possible without the health cheat?
I'm about to find out and it's probably going to take me months.


No it was also revenge.

>Mute MC
>Took me more than a year to realize

I meant more than a decade.

GTA III is an unbalanced piece of shit, as soon some enemy has a machine gun you are pretty much dead in nano seconds. The shotgun is also annoying but just lays you down for a few seconds and doesn't instantly kills you. Unfortunately the enemies shot you right after you stand up again with the shotgun.

GTA III is pretty much one of the most unfair games ever created.

No, just get used to the lock on, squeeze that trigger until they fall down and try not to get out of your car if you don't absolutely need to. People praise the atmosphere of Vice City but nothing beats a rainy afternoon in GTA 3 with double cleff FM playing tbҺ fαm.

How do I shoot from the car again?

Q or E and LMB
I don't know the equivalent in peasant tech.

iirc a lot of missions can be cheesed by parking cars in spots before starting the missions

you have to change the camera
you can only shoot sideways

He probably means to not shooting at all and just drive over your enemies the entire time.

>never make a sound
>spend 9 years in a relationship with psycho catalina
>agree to take suicidal missions for strangers without even a second thought
Claude was the OG autismo.

>P C u c k s always shitting everything even when they're not mentioned at all
Have your (You), faggot. I fucking hate you all.

You look left/right with L2/R2 then fire with Circle. You'll also need a sub-machine gun like an Uzi or the Mac-10 to shoot from a vehicle.

He single-handedly took out all the mob bosses in Liberty, he was clearly working for the feds.

PC is the only platform someone should be asking that question. It's not like the PS2 controller has 40 buttons.

The equivalent of trying to insult someone by calling them white. Nobody has ever, or will ever, feel inferior for playing games on a PC rather than a console. Stay mad

Thanks, cottager.

Since when does cvck filter to bro? Thanks a lot, hiroshimoot

For nearly a decade Claude was rich and had a thick booty ride or die chick riding his dick.

Until she shot hum, life must have been great.

gta 3 becomes laughably easy when you get the M16

cuck doesn't filter to anything, retard.

Did my brain filter it? I wouldn't be surprised
Testing, cuck

>m16 has double the firerate of an uzi
the good old days

>P C u c k being retarded
>Doesn't know how anything works
>Still claims to be superior for no reason at all
Yep, nothing new here.

Inferiority is implied when people actually fucking care what others play on.

Yeah, that gun is OP as fuck, shit has the fire-rate of a minigun. The only real balance against is that it's manual-aim only.

rip thread, ruined by console vs pc shitposting

Oh yeah, you probably believe people only make fun of things when they're insecure about something, right?

it was all a ruse by op for extra bumps

More like ruined by PC faggotry, consoles get along very well for the most part. Except for those particular threads where P C u c k s pretend to be Nintendo and shit on Sony and vice versa.

*blocks your path*

No, just that actually using your platform of choice as a way to feel objectively superior is pretty fucking sad.

Not nearly as sad as taking it so seriously

>tfw saw someone dressed almost exactly like him and with a haircut similar to his yesterday
Not sure if low key cosplay or coincidence but I could not stop looking at him. The look is pretty normal overall but this was still the first time I saw someone where everything fit.

The only trouble I had doing the missions was the one wear you have to snipe people on a boat and the last mission which I basically got lucky on after several attempts.

I would totally stealth cosplay as him if I was tall and wasn't a fat fuck. Good on that guy.

I saw a guy dressed like Tommy Vercetti on vacation last year. Looked a little like him too but fatter.

Why didn't you just approach him? "Claude"?

>stealth cosplay
What are some vidya characters with a shitty pubes beard like mine that I can try this with?
Don't say 30 year old Noctis, I'm not Asian.

Have you considered shaving?

No. I'm fat, I do this to hide my double chin.

everyone can see through it, trust me

So, you basically saw current Ray Liotta then.

But it's WAY less noticeable. Trust me.
It's like getting tattoos if your -anything- is fucked, drives the attention away from it.

>aiming guns without camera control is fucking hard.
This is why the PS2 GTAs are best on PC. The aiming controls are at least half decent and not fucking awful shit that the console versions had.

>The shotgun is also annoying
Jesus fuck that shotgun. Driving through mafia territory and having your car instantly explode after 2 shots with no way to jump out of your car was goddamn infuriating. Trying to do sidemissions in that area was hell.

Why'd she have to die, bros?

>The aiming controls are at least half decent and not fucking awful shit that the console versions had.
This is a good argument.
>I don't know the equivalent in peasant tech
This is not.

When will the faggots learn?