Cool sword bud, but can yo sword fire fucking fireballs

>Cool sword bud, but can yo sword fire fucking fireballs
>binding ropes? That's cute, look at these binding spells i can throw
>poor peasants who have to pay for commonfolk travel, I can literally be anywhere in the world in mere seconds

Admit it already Sup Forums, magicians are the best class

>be warrior
>sneeze in the general direction of a wizard
>wizard is dead

>Swinging a metal chunk left and right
>Having control over the very fabric of reality

Agreed, OP.

>Anti-Magic Barrier


>slow warrior down
>turn him into a pickle
>eat him
Warriors are literally dumber than a fruit



>Use illusion spell
>Disguise yourself as warrior
>Have sex with warrior's significant other

Poor, poor warrior.


>Be rogue
>See mage in the distance, he isnt aware of me, he is too busy eating a pickle
>Throw shuriken at him

nothing personal kid

what kind of shitty anti magic barrier it is if it can be dispelled with magic

>inb4 muh instant-cast shield
>inb4 muh contingencies


mage is always best

Contingencies are always on mind when the world is plagued by a coward class.

Good luck attacking enemies that resist fire or magic overall, binding skills almost always fail anyway, magic or otherwise, and good luck teleporting anywhere you haven't been

Battlemages are obviously better
They can fight AND use magic

>Any better


I've always wondered; if magic is so great why aren't fighters allowed to learn some magic too?

>not being the spell warrior masterrace

If fighters bothered to study magic, it'd probably get in the way of their training, and if they managed to cast something, it'd be minor.


>Tryhard that plans every battle meticulously yet still is prone to failure.
>Small dik.
>Doesn't lift; weak and frail.
>Can't get pure maidens; only used up bar wenches.
>Gets fucked by anti-magic shit and spell reflection.
>Gets fucked in any fast skirmish.
>Gets fucked by Rogues -- holds a grudge.

>Gives zero fucks and runs into battles like a retarded idiot, yet is still somehow undefeated.
>Massive horsecock.
>Huge gains; can lift an atlas stone under each arm.
>Fucks only princesses and virgin maidens.
>Can make use of anti-magic and spell reflects to fuck Mages and other retards like Paladins.
>Loves a good fast skirmish.
>Shits on rogues -- but they're usually friends anyways.

>Tryhard moralfag.
>Microdik -- even smaller than a Mage's.
>He lifts, but still DYEL.
>Gets fucked by anti-magic shit and spell reflection too, but can also make use of it.
>Good in a skirmish, god-tier in an undead skirmish.
>Gets fucked by everyone 1v1 unless he runs and heals like a faggit. Always a pious cunt if he wins.

>Tryhard arrogant cocksucker who also happens to be hilarious.
>Normal dick.
>Athletic build despite not lifting -- almost as strong as a Paladin somehow.
>Drowning in pussy regardless of the origin.
>Good anti-magic and spell reflect shit is all plate.
>Good in a skirmish.
>Can potentially fuck anyone but Warriors -- will be a good sport if you win, but expect gloating if you lose.

Sensible settings let fighters achieve Herculean feats to compete with magicians as powerlevels go up.

Yeah, in games that have good magic.
>trying to play a mage in dark souls 3
>trying to play a mage in dark souls 1 with the intention of having fun

>fuck magic
>uses magic

Literally martial butthurt made physical, stay mad

>spells can't deal physical damage

Teamwork though, 2 mages vs a fighter buffed and healed by a cleric equals two dead mages.

Dragon's Dogma, which canonically has fit as fuck sorcerors, says hi

>wizards can't cast healing magic
>wizards can't buff each other
>wizards can't take out the martialfags from the other side of the room

Magicians are the frauds doing card tricks
You're thinking of mages

Warrior + healer will consistently beat 2 Mages. Warrior + Paladin will beat 2 mages in a fast for christ's sakes.

who archer/trapper here

Haha ! Upvoted my dude !

I had fun with pure casters (as, no melee at all) on Dark Souls 1 and 2. 1's magic was very powerful, 2's was weaker but still powerful.
It disappointed me how pure caster isn't viable on 3. The spells are just too weak to allow you to rely on them for the entire game and the enemies are too fast so you don't have enough time to cast.

Because debilitations and AoEs don't exist, right?

Mage is easy mode and only used by faggots who suck at games.

Dragon's Dogma has the most overrated, the most brainlet, the most 12 year old idea guy kind of magic.

>be a warrior
>live in the heat of the moment
>only truly alive when they are engaged in glorious combat
>their knowledge, tactics, and mastery of their weapons are all they need
>hitting them only makes them stronger

>be a mage
>wield magic, a heretical essence that lets you cheat
>engulf fields in flames with the flick of the wrist
>opportunistic, conniving assholes
>magic is stupid and overpowered
>can basically do whatever they want with no consequence
>no respect for anyone other than themselves
>wears a fucking dress

Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch!

DeS had godlike magic, as pretty simple spells, not a huge ton of variety, but Royal class + fragrant ring + Silver catalyst + Crescent weapon + Kris + Geri's Stiletto was a fucking fantastic set up. Scarfing down spice in battle and resting between for regen, love it. Magic user was more than viable, it was unstoppable.

Do tell me why, user!

>not being a mage just so you can chill in a tower and run a neat store all day while doing comfy magic research with your familiar all night
Combat mages are fags though, I agree.

>easy mode

Why are martialfags so insecure?

>Binding spells
While effective, it takes a bit more work on the part of the caster to get the same psychological effect than if they were doing the ties manually.
Magic Bondage < Conventional Bondage < Magic Enhanced Conventional Bondage.

1 was all too same for me. Everything was mostly soul arrows and variations thereof. 2 had great spell variety, that's where the strength came from, though unfortunately there wasn't much reason to use anything other than soul arrows in pve either. Pvp magic was amazing though. 3 was just downright shit. They kept the old system and animations, tossed out many good spells ds2 added because they believed the meme, changed the resource to something far less useful, and the rest of the game changed to bloodborne. DS3 was a bit of a disappointment in many ways like this to me.

>no game lets you become an NPC
I hate this. I just want to sell potions and trinkets and earn money to furnish my tower while sending adventurers on quests to get me shit.

>he hasn't played recettear

I want to play recettear wizard edition.

Mages are that kid tier
>no huh you didn't hit me, I got a magic shield

Why are fighters so basic? Mages have all this cool magic and rogues have all these cool skills, and fighter just has stuff to make him hit harder or be hit harder. Other than adding magic has any game actually made fighters more interesting?

Because fighters aren't?
>uh yeah well I have an anti-magic field

*steals all your mana potions*
too easy

Mana potions are fighter jewery. Real wizards cast from materials, slots, health or stamina.

By fun I'm talking about pure caster being fundamentally different from regular tank or dodger. Not only you need to dodge an attack, but you need to time your casting with the enemy's animation, have enough room between your enemy and you so you can cast the spell without being interrupted and not wasting all of your spells hitting air. It was really fun for me.
I found some bosses to be harder when playing as a caster than using a melee class.
>changed the resource to something far less useful
By far the fucking worst. Having to manage the amount of casts and sacrificing attunement slots for additional casts cast of a particular spell was far more interesting than "take a sip".

>Be bard with rod of absorbtion
>All your spells' energy is now in said rod
>Whack with axe

Yeah. Real OP dude...

>swing sword
>cast spell
>get hit
>die in 5 hits instead of 2

>befriend wizard as a warrior
>get him to enchant my axe with some magic bullshit
>take enchanted axe and murder monsters for materials
>haul materials back to wizard for more enchantments
>wizard and I eventually dress ourselves in the sides of some monster or another and adorn ourselves with cool relics
>wizard chills out at the top of his ivory tower
>I build a fort at the base of the tower
>proceed to harass the gobbos a few miles over while wizzardbro calls down the stars upon the kobolds

I'm literally going off of over 10yrs of arena 2s. Once in a blue moon 2x Mage can burst down a healer, but 9/10 one Mage will eat a silence from the healer or the healer will get off the dispel before the mages will finish the job, and then they've blown half their gimmicks and now the melee will start wrecking one, effectively taking 50% of their team off offense.

This is true romance.

>not beinga magic knight

I can remember one of my earliest memories of wizards being Merlin from the Disney movie Sword in the Stone. I thought it was so cool how he could make tools do chores for him and could just go take a vacation on a distant tropical beach in the future whenever he wanted. I think I remember reading The Once and Future King and there was a scene where he shows Arthur ice cream and explains how he just went and picked some up in the future because he wanted some. If I was a wizard, that's the type of stuff I'd be doing. Bending time and space to my whims to give myself a comfy castle that keeps itself clean, a kitchen that stays fully stocked with amazing food, and a few enchanted creatures or objects to act as servants purely because I'd find them more entertaining that way. Also, I'd have some kind of soundtrack with leitmotifs playing when certain things happen or I'm with certain people. It'd be like living in a perfect movie.

Good taste, my wizza.

>the worst parts of /tg/ in one thread on Sup Forums
Not even surprised

Dumb meme. Prayers and chanting are for priests and druids. Real wizards understand the universe on such a fundamental level that they can bend reality with nothing but a thought, D&D be damned.

>have to commit genocide constantly in order to not be killed by rogue
>be me a psionic
>vanguard of 50 kobolds constantly around me
>can detect thoughts miles away
>instantly dominate mind on everyone who poses a threat
>if they are hiding their minds and I pick them up I can send waves of enemies at them until their mana is used up and then kill them with a troll

>brainlets try to justify the lack of brains by swinging a piece of metal
Lets be honest, warriors are the peasants of the medieval world. A world where magic exists, there is no reason not to main magic except if you do not have the resources to study magic or being a brainlet who can't understand words.

There is literally no reason to not learn magic and in an ideal medieval world, everyone would learn magic due to the convenience that it provides, even warriors, since it provide amazing powers that can benefit even if you wish to swing a sword or buttstab someone, such as:
>become invisible
>get magically stronger
>enchant your weapon or conjure a weapon
>create a magical shield

Alot of warrior classes have magic or interact with the forces of nature god and reality itself dumb wizard fag

>I DM a low magic settin-

>wizards cant cast healing magic
At that point it is no longer a wizard and is instead a red mage.
>can't buff
A buffed wizard would die to a non buffed warrior.
The warrior dies to poly magic not damage magic because thats the whole point of warriors. They are beat sticks who can sit in dragon fire for long periods of time.
>range magic
This all depends on how op everyone is.
The cleric could just ask his god to kill you and you would die.
The warrior could have antimagic armor.

Anti magic doesn't work on holy powers

Psionics are wannabe teenage wizards. D&D fucked so much stuff up in fantasy.

>martials need magic to even compete
ha ha oh wow

What random videogame distinctions are you even using here?

Anti magic shields
God given powers depending on what type you are
Nature given powers way better than what a wizard has acces to
Can one punch the earth and tear through time with fists
Wizardfags so jealous of martials

>Gab wand
>Snal it in halve

eheh no more wiz

Holy powers
Mother Nature
And the universe isn't magic powers dumb wizard fag

Both arguments are null and void. Tis the Demon Hunter who succeeds indefinitely; for you see, you cannot kill what you cannot hit.

>arguing over low-budget isekai wish fulfillment: the thread
Just pick a class that you enjoy and have fun, dudes

>Alot of warrior classes have magic
You said it, kid.

>Touch the wizard with a sword.
>It dies in 1 hit.

>Anti magic shields
Literally invented because martials can't compete
>God given powers depending on what type you are
>Nature given powers way better than what a wizard has acces to
Wizards regularly deal with old gods
>Can one punch the earth and tear through time with fists
Sounds like magic!
>Wizardfags so jealous of martials
Martials are absolutely desperate

>wade in oblivious of your surroundings
>raargh me fighter
>touch illusion with a sword
>get nuked by a dozen magical traps

>invents gunpowder

>Shoot wizard with a bow before he can do his spell
>Wizard is now dead

> cast simple af diamond skin spell
> gun fags and fags bashing things with metal sticks instantly and completely BTFO

>enchant sword with fire then initiate on enemy with a short range combustion before slicing them up, leaving behind a charted dismembered corpse
God, I love DaS3 and being a warrior mage. Pure mages and pure warriors btfo

>confusing hardness with toughness
Diamonds are hard but not very tough

Nah warriors do what ever they want because they can alter reality with STR instead gay sissy int
Name one truly powerful old god a wizard killed
And i mean cthulhu strong
And antimagic was here way before magic became strong
And godly powers still btfo magic along with nature itself giving me a martial power

>be thief
>steal warriors sword while he's busy looking for the wizard
>steal all the wizards valuables while he's magically raping the warrior
>go to the tavern and get drunk/fuck some wenches

wew laddie

>cool magic you have here
>it would be shame if someone...
>use anti magic field here

Thanks, alchemists!

>shoot illusion
>think you've hit the real thing
>walk in oblivious
>still fucking die

That is the entire plot of recettear

>Nah warriors do what ever they want because they can alter reality with STR instead gay sissy int
Except they can't and never have. In every single mythology, martials have needed magic, enchanted items or some outside force to help them. They actually can't do it themselves.
>cthulhu strong
Read your Lovecraft and don't meme words.
>And antimagic was here way before magic became strong
This claim makes no sense. Anti-magic exists as a reaction to powerful magic.
>And godly powers still btfo magic along with nature itself giving me a martial power
>godly powers incredibly limited to what humans are capable of
>magic is literally super-natural, beyond and above mundanity

>anti magic field
Just like the butthurt kiddies all martials are. Nuh uh, I've got an anti-magic field! It's pathetic.

Harry Potter and the maul to the face