What do you think could currently be done with the Mother franchise?

What do you think could currently be done with the Mother franchise?

Is there any hope for a revival?

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There doesn't need to be another sequel

Itoi wants to move on. Why won't you

it's not a series that really needs sequels/iterations, each new game was really just a spiritual remake of its predecessor.

i thank god that itoi is primarily a writer who has artistic integrity

Not really. Itoi doesn't want to do another one and the people who worked on it have moved on.

Team up

Remake Mother 1 so it looks better, has a remastered soundtrack, and plays more like Mother 2/3. That's it really, the series doesn't need a new game.

wish they weren't rebranding it

Eh, not much point in fixing the first game, since that was what Mother 2 was.

They have completely different stories, characters, and locations though.

>What do you think could currently be done with the Mother franchise?
Nothing. Let it be.

>Is there any hope for a revival?
Some games have been done with some influences from the Mother franchise. It's the most we can get, really. If these games are good or not, well, that's another question entirely.
Also there's absolutely no sense in "reviving" Mother if Itoi won't participate heavily in it, which is not happening.

The series is done.
The only thing they could do with it is rerelease the 3 games in one pack or remake them from the ground up in 3d with a style similar to the recent Pokemon games.

Doesn't need a sequel. Series should've ended at 2, anyway. Mother 3 is pretentious hipster garbage that shits all over what made the first two games so good, anyway.

The series has been getting some love from Nintendo even without sequels. The fact that EarthBound finally got VC releases along with a European release in general and Beginnings made it to the West shows they still acknowledge its existence without having to resort to cheap remakes or garbage sequels.

lol fuck off, Mother 3 is so much better than Mother 2 that its not even funny.

>sob story about how shit blondie's life is and how everything the series originally stood for and parodied was shit and that you should feel shit for ever enjoying it
>better than a coming of age adventure across America and the world as a whole
Sure thing. By the way, absolutely nothing Mother 3 has holds any emoyional value whatsoever. Hinawa was a walking plot device who has done nothing in the few minutes before she died, and Lucas, who is supposed to be the titular character who develops, gets fuckall once he becomes protagonist since the game still keeps the silent hero role despite wanting to shove a narrative down people's throats.

Man, they really nailed the look, sound, and feel of the Mother series.

Can't things just end for once? It was a very personal set of games and without its original creator behind it there's really no point.

Every single retard who always strolls into these threads to regurgitate the same awful garbage they've been spewing for half a dozen years about

are so absolutely closeminded and retarded that it baffles the mind that there are so many.

I guarantee you these fucks would have never ever in their lives have predicted that Kid Icarus Uprising could have happened.

Mother 1 was improved with the Mother 1+2 re-release. That being said, I wish Mother 3 had tied up the story of Mother 1 as well. And honestly, Mother 3 still feels a bit unfinished, since we know there was a lot of cut ideas from EB64.

>Man, they really slightly edited the sprites, and mashed together different sounds/music from the Mother series.

Just license Tomato's translation, that's all that needs to be done.

user you're retarded. Mother can only work with Itoi leading it and he doesn't want to work on the series anymore. With KI, the series was never really had a director that knew what the series should be like, Sakurai just saw that the series never had a game in a long time and had some great ideas for a new game based around the series. Also, Sakurai doesn't want to make another KI, he's done with that series because he feels that KI:U doesn't need a sequel, and it doesn't.

If Itoi doesn't want to make another Mother game, than it shouldn't happen.

>a game has never ever come out without the original creator giving approval

kill yourself retard

No need to be so hostile. A Mother game without Itoi would be shit because Itoi's sense of writing is so unique. Plus I think Itoi actually holds the licence to the Mother games.

Again, you are incredibly narrowminded.

>Plus I think Itoi actually holds the licence to the Mother games.

Why would you want a game to come out without the original creator? That would just be fanfiction. And if that's what you want, there's always Mother 4 (if it ever comes out).

Not everything needs to be a big franchise. Sometimes it's okay to just have a trilogy and end it before it has the chance to become shit.

>It's story means it was a bad game
I thought we were playing a video game, not reading a book. What you had to do to get to each of the landmarks was fucking tedious and boring.

remake the first two (M3 dosnt really need it)
other than that though i think its all wrapped up. it better this way to be honest, ending the series with three great games is better than letting it drag on and on.

Because you're a fucking idiot who forgets that remakes and spinoffs exist, both cases where the writing can be a nonfactor you fucking moron.

Except the writing is what makes Mother what it is. Without it it's just a Dragon Quest clone.

so was getting the needles. and at lest with the first two games i could at least enjoy the story

You said words and yet none them refuted what I just said.

>could be done with Mother
Nothing, it's done.

>hope for a revival?
I hope not, it's a perfect trilogy.

I just want a 3D mother game already like Iwata wanted to do on the N64.
Fulfill his dreams Nintendo.

>graphics and gameplay have an impact on the story
there it is, the dumbest thing ive read all day.

The story negatively impacted the gameplay of M3. It was a linear slog with exposition everywhere.

eat my cock, triple double n i g g e r

actually, the mother series is one of the few RPGs i could actually see working well in 3D

Wow, such hostility for one reply saying it doesn't need to be a huge franchise.
I'm not sure where you think I forgot remakes and spinoffs exist, but we don't need 'em. The series is over.

>hurr the platforming is what makes megaman what it is, why even make megaman battle network lmao

Well if Nintendo can bring back Fire Emblem they certainly could do the same with Mother and actually make it work

>Plus I think Itoi actually holds the licence to the Mother games.

I don't think there is much else that can be done with the series without making it feel forced. That being said, I would love a Final Fantasy Tactics style game with the same TONE as mother. Telekinetic and psychic kids joining together to fight an alien invasion and or the occult. It would be a blast.

>mfw they remake Earthbound to look like the clay models

>lol lets not fix giant glaring issues with any of the 3 games because I said i'm okay with it

It's done, let it be.

>Implying Megaman games have even a modicum of effort put into them and weren't just shat out by Capcom for as long as they could afford to do so.
>Implying the Mother games were made with the same mentality.

Please don't act like Nintendo bringing back FE was a good thing. The GBA games were okay and PoR was great, but the series has turned into pure dogshit and ruined Kaga's once good series.

Yeah lets not, they're fine. Work on something new.

Has any of Itoi's other work made outside Japan?

>characters look like tiny gremlins instead of people

I have a bad feeling that if a new Mother game came out in this day and age, retards would call it an Undertale ripoff.

I said "I think" for a reason. I'm just guessing that because he's specifically named in Smash under all of the companies that have characters in the game.

>youre right
if i ever find my kids playing that game, its a beating waiting to happen

they're going to bring it back and it's going to be some eshop puzzle spinoff, and when they do I know you'll be here posting
>wow, would you look at that!

but I'll know you'll know how much of a fucking idiot you'll be feeling. Retard.

I sadly believe that

>Plus I think Itoi actually holds the licence to the Mother games.
you have no idea how jewish Nintendo can be.

Only the children really, I mean it doesn't have to be exactly the same

its the worst with the children.

>implying you didnt just display a strong case for autism

>shat out

sure thing

someone redo this with ness

but he made them...

well it costs like $20 to make one of these so I don't see why not

I mostly mean from a relevancy perspective. I'm not a fan of Waifu Emblem by any means