I think we can all agree that P5 is one of the the worst in the franchise.
I think we can all agree that P5 is one of the the worst in the franchise
>200 floors of nothing was a good game
"The franchise" being Persona or MegaTen?
MegaTen for sure (along with P3 and P4)
Persona it's definitely below 1 and the 2 duology, but not that much better or worse than 3 or 4 (the soundtrack is way worse than those two but the gameplay is somewhat better)
Why does Neogaf/Resetera hate P5 so much?
1 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2
>somewhat better
>literally easier than fucking P4G
Worst turn based combat of all time
I feel very similar to the person who wrote this honestly. Extremely similar situation. I still haven't finished Persona 5 and found myself super disappointed with it. I was playing SMT Digital Devil Saga before I played P5, and holy fuck did it make me realize how little control the persona games really give you. I love the idea of Persona, they're still good games in my book. But they need to be scaled back in length, given more time to develop their mechanics, because as it stands they're long, drawn out visual novels with a simple battle system taped on.
no we can't, but good thread anyways, friend.
Why don't you just stay there instead of shitting up our already shitty board faggot.
>everybody hates P5
>P6 is going to dumb down the gameplay and be another P4
Are you ready Sup Forums?
>neogaf fucking NEOGAF
>taking neofags seriously
In that it has demon negotiation and real demons. Of course negotiation fucking sucks, on merciless at least, because weakness hits are one hit kos a lot of the time
I'm baffled too honestly, i actually think even Sup Forums is far more positive around P5 than ReseterGAF ever was post-release. The polarizing reception is real there.
>the soundtrack is way worse
t. Jpop shitter
because they imploded over the gay panic scenes, they literally had entire reviews written that only talked about the 60 seconds of gay panic in a 100 hour game
P4 gets a free pass for this because it makes them feel good
The thing is its not even just them, been through dozens of sites and complaints about the game being a slog, story going downhill post-Kamoshida, etc are bought up a lot.
Sup Forums cannot accept that P5 is the worst game in the series and almost everybody who has played it agrees.
>anywhere above 2 & 3 at all
Kill yourself
Negotiations in general are fucking shit too
No, it's not. Literally every major review site and journalist gave P5 raving reviews. Hell, the fact that the begining of P5 is the best is what makes this neofaggot wrong.
You mean retarded neofaggots with no taste, right? P5 isn't the best in the series but it's the best Persona game.
gay panic scenes ?
P5 is as good as a game can get. Fuck contrarians and fuck all white people.
I can't.
Awesome, another contrarian shitposting thread! My favorite!
playing p3p now, first persona game ever. its really fun
should i buy 5 when i'm done and wait for a rerelease of 4, or get 4 for ps3?
Is this how far the contrarianism goes? We're seriously pretending that Persona 1 is a good game now?
I hate that hellhole but that guy is honest ly right.
I enjoyed it, but I won't lie and say that I wasn't REALLY fucking fatigued by the time I got to Shido's dungeon.
I put the game down for like 2 weeks before I finally finished it.
>Linking the neo-neogaf: ultra concentrated sjw juice
You spend 80% of the time with charackters that fail to impress.
They resemble real human beings, which is quite the accomplishment.
But thats what makes them so utterly boring.
First off, stop playing P3P and play P3 FES instead. Playing P3P is a much worse experience if its your first time playing through the game.
After you finish P3, play either one, it doesn't really matter. If you're the type to get bothered by game mechanics being worse when you play an older game after a newer one, then play P4 first I guess. Also, if you have a Vita, P4G is the superior version. If not, vanilla is fine.
They will probably not make P6 as big as P5, it will likely be scaled back
The majority of criticisms towards P5 were
>Childish Plot delivery
>Restricted free time
>Slow pacing through the first half of the game then accelerated towards the end, but in truth the latter half was just normal game pace and the first half was slow.
>long ass hand-holding
Atlus has listened to a lot of feedback towards combat and dungeons on p4, so I expect P6 to tackle these issues very well
Specially since the expertise from developing a modern SMT console game and a high budget AAA fantasy game will pass on
Not sure about either of those sites, but your entire party is a bunch of backstabbing assholes/snitches.
P5 is good but noy great. It blows its load on the first palace and is just kind of a downward slide to the finish after that. Still I liked the artstyle, gameplay, and music. It was just the story and characters that needed work.
>I'm gonna talk shit to Ryuji all game.
>Ryuji starts talking shit back.
So we can finally admit that Teddie was better right?
They are both shit, I want based doggo back.
No, it's most likely what this user said: .
It's the first thing I would think of for a dumb reason people would hate the game that are all about social justice. The scene is completely fucking stupid, but not a reason to hate the game. Especially considering all of the other legitimate reasons to hate it.
theres no way im stopping now, im already in october. i kinda prefer the VN format; i've played enough RPG's to know walking around town to talk to NPC's is an annoyance and a waste of time.
i played a little bit of P5 and it made me want to get into the series but i keep hearing its the weakest of the three. probably gonna get it around black friday when its cheap and hope for a remaster in the near future
I would disagree on vanilla being fine. I even think that 4G is such an improvement over vanilla that I think 4G is better than P3FES but vanilla 4 is worse than 3FES.
>This game was an absolute slog to play through
>But I still loved it
It's amazing how deluded Persona fans are. I was hyped for it but everything outside of its presentation and music was a joke, especially the story and characters. It felt like it was riding some strange line between dabbling in serious topics in activism and playing the part of some 90s kid cartoon.
>Journalists gave P5 raving reviews
So did GTAIV, UC3, Skyrim etc and ranged to below-average to absolute shit across the board. Trusting journos to form an accurate opinion is the fucking peak autism.
>Hell, the fact that the begining of P5 is the best
Which is objectively true, even many anons Sup Forums who liked the game agreed that the plot peaked hard with Kamoshida.
Actual stakes, very personal, thievery actually heing relevant instead of downplayed hard majority of the time, the cast having chemistry before Makoto & Futabata destroyed it, Ann & Ryuji having relevance to the story pre-palace 3 & onwarss, Kamoshida in general being a genuinely hatable bastard instead of cartoonishly evil like the rest of the villains afterwards, etc.
And thats only a handful of some of the bigger problems P5 has user, its objectively the weakest of Hashino's modern Persona titles and it shows.
I agree, but why were so many people impressed
with the story? I guess most of them were new to the series.
I guess when Ryuji ran away from those gay dudes.
Agreed, but it's stupid to buy a vita just for that one game.
>i keep hearing its the weakest of the three
You spend too much time on Sup Forums, then. It's just contrarianism. It's at least as good as the other 2, if not better.
Persona 1 was better than the 2 duology anyways, the combat system didn't feel like a slog and neither did persona acquisition.
Yeah fuck white people. If you look at the numbers they make up like 15% of earth's population so we might as well kill them all.
>everybody hates P5
That's where you're wrong you fucking moron. Japan absolutely adores P5 it's the irrelevant west that has such a hate boner for it.
You're not going to get a straight answer on which is the best and which is the worst, they all have their strong suits and their weak suits. It's especially hard to get a consensus opinion on 5 because it's new and was very anticipated, so you get a lot of people disappointed, a lot of people who have it as their first Persona and so on and it can all swing their opinion from it being irredeemable dogshit to the greatest game this decade.
Dunno about worst. I think 1 and 2 are worse than this.
You're actually fucking crazy. The gameplay in both is garbage, but at least 2 has an interesting story.
No clue. The story was literally paint by numbers.
Evil god wants to destroy everything
Your charcter discovers some hidden truth
Power of social links powers you up
Small group vs humanity's will
Have seen it in P3 and P4 already.
>Instead of complaining about humans just grows his own body
>Zero fucks given when people laugh at his quirks
>Still genuinely values his friendship with them
Of course
They failed to infiltrate Atlus to meme the translation up so they launched a fucking website dedicated to smearing it. Nich Maragos was their only guy on the inside and he thankfully fucked off.
>I proceeded to love the hell out of the game from then on through to the end, and by the time I was finished, I was so happy that I promptly declared that it was my favorite game of the year
> I actually love, adore Persona 5.
>Actually, I love Persona 5 so much, it's one of my top three favorite games ever.
>in terms of gameplay, it is the best the series has been.
This kid loves the game a lot though. I think replaying a 100 hour jrpg would be a fucking slog no matter what.
Famitsu doesn't count, retard.
You're wrong too. The west doesn't even hate P5, only Sup Forums contrarians do.
P6 December 2030 on the switch. Incidently the switch 2 has been out 4 years at this point.
>apparently hates p5
>p5 avatar and name
Am I missing something? I didn't bother reading the whole thing.
As someone who started with 5 and got 3 and 4 because of it, I feel that 5 is probably my least favourite but still absolutely worth playing.
you generalized it way too much. Your perspective is kinda like:
>game has a person
>person do human things
>in the end your suposed to acomplish something
>the end
if you're going to generalize a game ambiguously like that, than every single game is exactly the same.
I'm about to play P4G for the first time.
What am I in for?
>-I-its contrarions!
Never fucking change. The honeymoon season is over, majority of Personafags outside of newcomers agree that P5 was a huge disappointment riddled with laziness all over it.
Yeah, Persona franchise is utterly shit, it's really lucky to be a real shinmegumitensei game, r-right user?
Say what you like but Persona 5 is still miles above 4 in terms of quality in just about every way
aids, play the vanilla one on the comfy ps2.
I'd flat-out replay that game over P5 thats for sure.
Good but easy game with best boy's s-link
also you'll need to max out marie, otherwise a lot of content will be missed
All the criticisms boil down to the same half-baked nitpicks that aren't even actually true. I have yet to hear a compelling case for P5 being any worse than P3 and P4
This is from fucking Sup Forums by the way, only about a month ago.
>the biggest lie ever told on Sup Forums
Worst game in the series has a 93 metascore. The Persona series must be the best gaming series out there then. LOL
But P5 is the worst Persona. It's lawfaggotry of the worst kind.
I haven't played P4 yet but P5 shits all over P3 because tartarus is so fucking bland and boring to play through. I almost didn't beat P3 because of how awful it was
Its literally an uninspired rehash P4 done worse in many ways, so no not really senpai.
>Phantom Thieves
>quite literally brainwashing people to be "good"
>not lawfaggotry
>Locking shit like party swapping behind the confidant shit
>Have to do confidant shit for team members when we are on a team and spend time together already
I mean the latter one was really dumb because it would do the one for Morgana as the story progressed.
You literally don't know what lawfaggotry is, do you?
P5 is the essence of style over substance.
>half baked nitpicks
Spotted the shill, are you going to tell me next that Akechi and the twist weren't written half-assed as possible?
>147 votes
Holy fuck thats some next-level autism you have there user, bravo trying to handwave how much of an emberrassment the game ended up being.
>Shilling metacritic
Better than P5 desu.
>Just spouts buzzwords as a replacement for having an actual argument
Even fucking Sup Forums, the most contrarian place there is, doesn't think this game is a disappointment. How the hell can you say that the general consensus is that P5 is shit? This isn't the only poll either, there's one like every few weeks, always with the same results.
>reset era
worse than reddit and neogaf combined.
Fuck off and die
Not him but i can definitely say that i enjoyed the combat, dungeon, and even the texts in TMS more than P5. Both were still fun however.
>gameplay isn't as piss easy as P3/P4 were
>has talking with demons back as a feature
>the rparty rooster isn't useless since they level up with you, and you cant use them to its fullest
>has a different way to pick battles than the bland "hit it before he hits you" shit
>dungeons are not straight corridors with the same textures over and over
>it had both dungeons and mementos for you to grind all you like
>shit to do in your city
>harder bosses compared to P3/P4
>other gameplay improvments worth mention such as new property atacks like nuclear and rehash of others like light
>but fuck literally every thing that could possibly be considered substance in this game because im going to just puke some pasta opinion i saw on Sup Forums multiple times over and over that doesn't actually reflect what the game actually is
inb4: lol personafag butthurt fatlusdrone rpg weeb shit ebin :DD
>Whining about buzzwords vs solid arguments
>Proceeds to deflect any sort of criticism in favor pulling the typical "nitpick" card + bringing up a poll with a minuscule amount of votes being skewed towards apologists.
Just stop user.
t.someone who never played the game
>gameplay isn't as piss easy as P3/P4 were
>gameplay isn't as piss easy
>isn't as piss easy
not the quoted but, im eager to see your arguments user.
and just to make sure, implying is not an argument.
Anytime someone starts a thread with " I think we can all agree" is a blatant bait thread cherry picking their bait and hoping for replies. Move on people.
P5's biggest issue is that it just keeps going. The quality of everything continues dropping and the game just keeps going. I'm not sure if it was them running out of budget or creativity, but finishing the game felt like a chore. It's still a great game but goddamn do they need to go back and fix up the second half.
>gameplay isn't as piss easy as P3/P4 were
Right, it's even easier thanks to shit like Baton Pass.
>has talking with demons back as a feature.
Which is still dumbed down compared to mainline.
>the rparty rooster isn't useless since they level up with you, and you cant use them to its fullest
Is the average player really going to use and level more than three other characters? If they need to cover an element the protagonist can do that.
>has a different way to pick battles than the bland "hit it before he hits you" shit
You're going to always have back attacks if you're using cover. Hell, the game punishes you if you aren't using cover.
>dungeons are not straight corridors with the same textures over and over
Right, they just took several of P3/P4's maps and glued them together with an occasional braindead puzzle along the way.
>it had both dungeons and mementos for you to grind all you like
Mementos is somehow worse than Tartarus. On top of the droning music the floors are always huge. At least Tartarus sometimes spawned you near the stairs. Why do you even need to grind anyways?
>shit to do in your city
Not much to do that wasn't in the previous games besides the batting cage which isn't even worth doing.
>harder bosses compared to P3/P4
I don't think you played P3/P4 if you're saying that.
>other gameplay improvments worth mention such as new property atacks like nuclear and rehash of others like light
A step in the right direction.
>not the quoted user
Lol sure
3 > 4 > 2 > 5 > shit >>>>>> 1
>That thread
Holy shit, what happened to the acclaim the game had months ago?