Normies actually thought this

>Normies actually thought this
How do we fix normies ruining RPGs, Sup Forums?

>same universe theory

is there anything more reddit?

They aren't, you basement dwelling milky licker.

Hope for a dictatorship which appoints a videogame Tsar with rights to execute.

Still less worse than "It never happened because it was all a dream/staged/simulation/etc"

Fucking normans and their "cinematic universes" caused this.


Who the fuck thought this? One takes place on Earth, the other doesn't. Also, the lack of apparent magic/gods in Fallout vs TES.

The Wire takes place in the same universe as X-Files, not some crazy minute lore or easter eggs either, they share the same characters with speaking parts.

I'm 99% sure that was only ever spouted as a joke. Kind of like how "Jojo reference" is only ever used to make fun of Jojo fans.

But one day, the "Vaultborn" will come to the wasteland and link the worlds :^)

>to appeal to a mass market, developers ditch the more nuanced elements of a game world so people don't get confused
>normies not ruining RPGs

Hello, 2000s child

Normies are ruining RPGs with this half-baked horse shit.

For this idea to make any sense you have to assume both games exist in a vacuum with no established histories

At this point i would unironically vote for the return of the Hays Code for movies, music and videogames.

>reee normies reee le normiess reeeee
>xD even though im a normie myself lmao


I didn't know they had cinema back then. Anyway, if you really want to blame anyone for it, blame Dr. Whofags with their retarded theories that character X from unrelated series is secretly a Time Lord.

At most, normies ruined the mainstream RPGs like TES, there are plenty that aren't ruined if you look deeper than the absolute surface.

R*dditors thought this. You just know it was thought up by some stoned Redditor and posted on /r/Gaming

Sup Forums

>Game takes place on Earth with no magic or supernatural occurrences
>Game does not take place on Earth with magic and supernatural occurrences
>Somehow they're the same universe

>Hays Code returns
>it's written/enforced by normies
>Japanese vidya is outlawed
>only method for getting it is either smuggling or even steeper priced imports

Ackchually Elder Scrolls takes place on Earth (through the godhead), while Fallout takes place in an alternate universe.

guys what if Fallout takes place in the past and Skyrim takes place in the future after fallout and the magic is due to radiation, pickle rick

Apparently these idiots think TES is Fallout with the GECK activated....Fuck me.

I'd be curious to see what happened.

>not giving away your old life to become a waifu smuggler

We'd be rich, my man.

>Todd becomes the game monarch
what now faggot?

I don't know why people like this theory, they want everything to be connected

for , not that it hugely matters.

>I'd be curious to see what happened.

Last time, the Code implementation lead to the birth of the most kino movie genre - Film Noir, until the code dissolved by the late 50's, when movies went to shit again and destroyed the movie industry, out of which came out the 70's American Reneissance.

The entertainment media and culture are so degenerate (not in Sup Forums but in literal sense) and derivative that nothing but good will come out of this.

This theory has literally gotten worse by capeshit movies alone.

>become anime smuggler
>pockets lined with the clammy autismbux of desperate weebs
>hear a knock on the door while I'm cutting fresh subs to disc
>police raid imminent
>crank up the OP for TTGL and prepare for battle
>immediately overrun by platoon of chads
>life without parole for the corruption of the youth and degenerating of America

Sounds like a great plan.

Form the resistance.

I was just thinking that, limitations spawn creativity. Maybe why so many like using older games/engines. Sad it has come to that but now Hollywood is just.....just look at it I don't even need to say.

I'll smuggle you blow up sex dolls while you're in jail, partner.

>he's still butthurt just because it's canon that Batman, Superman and Spiderman are same universe

Play indie games if you want limitations, faggot.

I do, and when I'm the Tzar you'll play them too.

And like them
Just kidding, you can keep the normie trash

>Last time, the Code implementation lead to the birth of the most kino movie genre - Film Noir
Wasn't Film Noir born out of the overall discontent Americans had with their reality after World War II, though?

Film Noir as a genre was also coined by the French, if I'm not mistaken.

>He likes normie shit
I do too, but god damn most of us have been reading the comics way before faggy ass Disney movies came around

>two completely different IPs
>created by two entirely different developers
>taking place in the same universe because Todd's writers are THAT fucking shitty

i mean I wouldn't put it past Bethesda, they were the same ignoramuses who thought that the fucking alien special gag super-rare encounters were actually legitimate and little gray men who worshipped Elvis were responsible for world war 3 (not the world war that began on the Earth when the last remaining sources of oil began to dry up, leading to a final nuclear conflagration between the American Empire and the Russo-Chinese bloc which were the last remaining superpowers on earth)

So that's not a theory, that's just a part of the universe.

The law and order series' also happen in the x files and the wires universes.

Oh god I forgot about the aliens shit, that's part of what made me just reject Fallout 3 entirely, going from shit, to insulting shit.

>Wasn't Film Noir born out of the overall discontent Americans had with their reality after World War II, though?

That's one way to look at it, but Hays Code literally forced directors to step up their story and framing game, because you couldn't show a lot of stuff on the screen anymore.

I already play indie games you useless Tsar.

Then you won't mind playing them just a little bit more, comrade.

>games share assets because Beth is lazy
>fuckfaces so retarded and loyal like dogs that they thought it meant they shared the same universe

Same universe theory shit is always fucking obnoxious because unless developers say it outright, some autist is gonna be like "B-BUT THEY'RE REALLY FAR AWAY THOUGH (EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO EVIDENCE, I JUST LIKE THE THOUGHT)"

I pretty much only play indie games. Christ, you're worse than Nicky.
That's the Goddamned Commies.

>less worse

fucking ESLs

Bethesda has already raped the lore established in FO1 and 2, wouldn't surprise me they aren't beyond completely pulling shit like this out of their ass.

Its Bethesda tradition to ripoff Ultima, so I would believe it.

>Argonians calling people smooth skins in Skyrim.
>Deathclaws in TES:O
>Legendary weapons in Fallout 4 having magic-tier enchantments
>Not Nirnroot in Fallout 4
>Bethesda legitimately retarded enough to go through with such an idea
>Fanbase that would undoubtedly eat it up

All that being said, the though of Lusty Argonian Maid (in Power Armor) existing tickles my pickle greatly

Good way to identify normalfag redditors. Fuck off back to where you came from.

Name the absolute worst same universes

The entire Elder Scrolls unvierse is a god's dream though.

Should I pull the trigger on the Sapphire version of the RX 580? It's getting 5 star Amazon reviews (about 4/4 reviewers in total), but I'm hearing a lot on forums of people getting coil whine with this card, and that's something I desperately want to avoid. But it's also one of the cheapest versions available.

Fuck, wrong thread