What could pawsibly go wrong?

How good is this game, honestly? I have heard it's bad, but I haven't heard a lot of specific details on why it's bad. Are people just memeing?

Think of the most soulless, generic, and uninteresting platformer you've ever played or seen. The most tedious Euro-shit collectathon. Now take that, and add non-stop Bubsy narration (which uh, I guess you can switch off if you want to take in the game's "atmosphere").

Giant, empty levels, anemic and uninteresting enemies, pedestrian platforming, pointless collecting to pad out length, shitty graphics, slowdown, stiff, lifeless models and animations, ugly still-image sprites everywhere...

It's a $40 "please fuck me in the ass" type of game.

The 3D models and animations are cheap
The 2D assets look like scanned concept art
There's only 13 levels including the boss fights, they counted the tutorial as a level on the Steam page
You can beat the game in an hour easily, there's nothing to see after that
Bubsy doesn't even have unique death animations for different things, which is pretty much the only special thing the old Bubsy games had going for them.

It's worth maybe $2 at best. Definitely not a $20 game.

Apperently you can beat it in like, an hour. Maybe less. That one over world? That's it.

You can easily beat the game fast enough to refund it on Steam, so why not just find out yourself?

Well they had some balls

It's 30 burger bucks.

the devs thought of everything

Ever played Little Big Planet? remember those user made levels that were just a big empty box with a shit tons of bubbles so you can get some trophies? Thats the whole game

>made by the same devs of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
I thought it seemed familiar, though dropping 1/3rd of your price after just days of launching is a terrible sign. From what I've seen, it's really boring.

It's a 1-hour long game that costs 30$.
Also it's very generic and bland.

I think this could be one of the worst cash grabs ever made.

its not bad in any particular sense. Its just totally useless and superfluous. Same with that Fox game that came out or Yooka Laylee

It's a bad game and nothing but a cashgrab gimmick to prey on people stupid to fall for the novelty of a new Bubsy game in 2017 or stupid enough to buy it "ironically".

ok so how about the music? Can I expect some hot remixes?


and Bubsy is even less responsive than Sack Kid

I thought Bubsy was a sexy trap now?

That was made by a tranny who was self inserting as a tranny bubsy

So.... He's... Not a sexy trap then?

>Owners: 696 ± 963
>Players total: 693 ± 1,358 (99.62%)
>Playtime total: 03:18 (average) 03:18 (median)
It's the very definition of shovelware.

They listened to gamer gate and retconned Bubsy being trans.

I watched Joel stream this like a week ago (inb4 e-celebs, fuck off). It's REALLY bad.

>Levels are bland and soulless
>Only three bosses and it's the same thing every fucking time with new moves, the final boss is just the same fucking boss but with a crown on it
>Looks like a launch 360 arcade game
>Can be beaten in under an hour
>Credits imply another half-assed remake is on the way
>The ending is just a ten-second WOO HOO I DID IT
>Overworld makes no fucking sense, one level implies you're boarding the alien ship with where it's placed on the map but then the level itself is a lava cavern

I guarantee anyone who actually enjoys this trash is some asshole genuinely lying to themselves.

Hes having autistic orgasms over this game failling and how he “predicted it” while everyone knew it was not gonna sell well

They took an old unique Game, and made a shovelware platformer out of it.

Whats worse, this game, no mans sky, or revolution 60?


Even when I was eight I knew this shit was fucking garbage, it's the only game I ever begged my dad to let me take back to blockbuster the night we got it

This game was made solely for youtubers to play it while saying "ughhhh why was this game made"

Literally the entire reason Bubsy was so infamous is because he was the most cold calculated attempt at cashing in on the talking animal mascot with tude trend in that era.

Holy shit, this costs as much as than N.Sane Trilogy?

NMS because the villain pretty much got away with it.

>intro "cinematic" is just a camera pan over a still image

they had nothing to lose. why didn't they try their best and make something that at least would put them into the radar? they got a nice (or at least decent) VA for bubsy. this game isn't bad but it doesn't have a purpose to exist

how does this compare to fractured furry tails?

>They got a nice (or at least decent) VA for Bubsy
Holy shit man, fucking "your British accent sucks" in full effect tonight.

That was the original guy from the genesis games.

I don't think it'd be Bubsy unless it was almost-functional enough to pretend that when you give this to your kids, you just looked at the retarded cat and figured "Whatever, my piece of shit son/daughter will eat this shit up. They don't know any better."