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Name one good Microsoft exclusive in the past ten years that isn't Halo, Gears, or Forza?

>PlayStation All Stars 2 is made
>Features actual starts, that are just Xbox characters

it's probably just a joke or a rumor.

I don't know about you OP, but Xbots really haven't been a thing in the past four years. They've all but gone extinct at this point. No need to agitate what isn't there.

>tfw Microsoft saved Sony

Insecure Sony fags are shook cuz Xbox one.


That would add exactly 0 games to the Playstation library that I would want to buy.

Are sonybros that desperate to want Xbox games?

project gotham racing

this is pure clickbait don't click it. it's an article using the minecraft shit as an argument to hypothetically suggest that microsoft will do the same for halo or gears in the future.

Halo on PS4 would be pretty sweet.

I haven't seen a reason to own an xbox since Fable 2 so this hardly comes as a surprise.

Does that mean Banjo-Kazooie on Switch? P-please Phil.

Too many people here are too stupid.

MS is gonna buy the PlayStation brand, that's what he means. 10 bn usd, and that's it.

> people think MS gives a fuck about the xbox
They don't give a shit about hardware, they know software and services make the money and even then it's not like they haven't brought their ips to other platforms in the past

Most their IP is exclusive to Xbox or Windows or both. It isn't going anywhere else outside Minecraft.

Who wrote this? Phil said "other systems" not Playstation. Plus it will be indie shit anyway not their big franchises.

whirlwind anal vore

Sonyroaches have no games, they want Microsoft and Nintendo to completely go third-party so Nintendo and Microsoft can make games for the Playstation.

But Minecraft is already on Sony consoles

>MS buys Playstation
>merges it with Xbox
>proceeds to run it into the ground
I'd actually pay to see that.

>tripfag AND clickbait

Here is the original article for those that were able to read it Microsoft said nothing about putting their games on the Playstation or Switch, just Macs, Steam, tablets, and other devices that weren't other consoles.

Without reading anything I would guess its a
"We don't have anything planned yet but we are always open to new ideas"
Which people hear as
"HALO 6 PS4 EXCLUSIVE!???????"

How about Microsoft figuring out what exactly makes good games?

Microsoft already understands that I think you need to ask Sony that because the last time they made a good game was on the PS2 when they still gave a shit.

So Nintendo is the only "pure" console this generation? They should go back to using [ONLY ON NINTENDO] logos, since they actually stick to it.

if there's no crossplay, I dont want it.

Man, I really wish some other company could get a foothold in the console market. I'm tired of the big two + ninty always getting shittier and shittier.