Hey. I'm looking for gothic-esque games. I don't mean vampires (Masquerade) and edgy "badass" stuff (dark souls)...

Hey. I'm looking for gothic-esque games. I don't mean vampires (Masquerade) and edgy "badass" stuff (dark souls), I mean melancholic, genuinely dark and atmospheric games. Only two games I've been to able to find like it are Limbo and INSIDE.

Thank you.

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Well there's Gothic and Gothic II.

Gothic 1
Gothic 2
Gothic 3

That new vampire game

the void and pathologic maybe?

very creepy, but both are pretty hard and can seem tedious at times

Well, there is Gothic 2 : Night of the Raven

>gothic-esque games
>Limbo and INSIDE
what the fuck do you want again?

Alice in wonderland is pretty good

spec ops the line

sunless sea?
the gameplay is kinda meh, but the atmosphere and exploration stuff is top notch.

Guys, although the title is up to scratch, I'm not interested in that sort of thing, killing monsters and whatnot. I mean like this. Big difference to me

I'll admit, that gave me a bit of a chortle


Dracula point and click games.

Gothic II
Clock Tower (SNES) [don't bother with the sequels]



Im having trouble with your definition of "gothic" user. So I will say Hollow night because of its somewhat dark atmosphere and the arquiitechture desing of the levels, but by your exsmples I could be completely wrong in my recommendation.

Grim dawn

or diablo for that matter

Thief 2

Always found DMC3's levels to be very atmospheric in that regard youtu.be/xfEbuXCRjzg?list=PLBC406CEA67B717D6&t=47

set your monitor to grayscale then play a platformer

You mean "gothic" like dark and melancholy?

Dawn of War 1 and 2


Amnesia or Penumbra perhaps?


Amnesia Dark Descent's castle levels are very Victorian


>and edgy "badass" stuff (dark souls),
> I mean melancholic, genuinely dark and atmospheric games

But Souls games are melancholic and atmospheric.

Modded minecraft

If you don't mind puzzle/point and click style games.


You sound like a faggot OP

>edgy "badass" stuff (dark souls)

Are you fucking serious

Pic related

Total War Attila has not just one but TWO gothic factions.

hes just a special snowflake, so a faggot, yeh

Holy shit! There were other people who played it?

Anyways, there's also the text heavy CRPG called Inquisitor. It builds it gothic world through words rather than visuals.
BE WARNED : It's very text heavy.
The original translation (from Czech or Polish, I don't remember) was pretty spotty and they just recently made a new one in the recent patch.

Lots of people played it retard

Planescape torment

The two most gothic games I have ever played are Silent Hill 2 and Pathologic. Pathologic being a full 10/10 goth and SH 2 like an 8/10 .

There were Elvira RPGs as well



Cho Aniki is what you want

Also, the classic Clive Barker's Undying

Cho Aniki is what you're looking for.

I guess many adventure games
Ross played The Black Mirror, that looked pretty neat

I think you need to look up the definition of "gothic"

Little Nightmares

Try S.O.M.A.
The story will blow your mind
(Also dark and melancholic)

no one likes your little kid game
deal with it

I have to say the Dark Souls series and Bloodborne are your best bet OP.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow, lots of people here hate on it but it's a AA hack n' slash. Actual Gothic architecture and the story is very melancholic and like a greek tragedy. Great atmosphere.

Yeah, they nailed in that aspect

Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
Ultima Underworld 1 (don't forget about CM-32L emulation via Munt).
Tlon: A Misty Story (watch via youtube).
Probably, Zork: Nemesis.
Azrael's Tear.
Pathologic Classic HD, to some extent.

Thief: The Dark Project and its sequel fit your criteria. The former in particular is imo by far the most atmospheric game ever.

It almost doesn't exist. I bet it's because cogshit killed victorian settings and things like that.

But yeah try Pathologic, The Void, Clive Barker's Undying, Thief 1 & 2 and the American Mcgee's Alice games.

I'd add Sanitarium, Still Life, maybe the first Lucius, mediocre but has its moments.

>Limbo and INSIDE.
Why even use this word when you can just say
>melancholic, genuinely dark and atmospheric games

Anyways, I'd honestly love to see more (or any at all) goth shit in gaming but the best we can get is something along the lines of VTMB which is the cheesiest shit ever despite being a good ass game and a bunch kids in South Park listening to The Cure


Oh and the Disciples series if you're into strategy

>don't forget about CM-32L emulation via Munt
Can you tell me more about it?

Fata morgana no Yakata

>edgy "badass" stuff (dark souls)
That doesn't even make sense.

>Pool of Radiance
LITERALLY the first time I've ever seen anyone mention that game on Sup Forums

This is not the amazing SSI classic, but that pathetic cashgrab dungeon crawler.

You want a game with no gameplay, just moody visuals and music?

Just go watch a fucking movie

Never found a pornstar that looked like her.

Man, that skeleton is stroking his boner.

I strongly suggest The Room (not Tommy Wiseau fan game, the puzzle game). It has great visuals, starts mysteriously, and gets progressively more creepy without relying on any jump scares. There are 2 games ported to PC, and they're both worth it if you like puzzles.


bump for interest