So whats the final verdict for Odyssey after the week its been released
Its a 10/10 for me
So whats the final verdict for Odyssey after the week its been released
Its a 10/10 for me
really great game, probably in my top 5 of the year
Soild 9 my goty. Some moons being the example of tedium and darker side being easier then expected brings it down
5 outta 5
I want to snuggle with Rosalina so fucking bad
a joke compared to mario 64
So does Poochy actually appear in this game outside of the hint photos?
Because it would be weird if they made him a 3D model for just a cameo.
Go to the top of Bowser's Castle in the post-game and fish with Lakitu.
Why would it have the entire castle? If it did, you'd just complain that it's empty because you can't jump into all the pictures.
>tfw I just saw that Lakitu and didn't feel like fishing
I'll try next time I play, thanks user.
This, fags.
Plus it wouldn't even have the pictures anyways since they were made by bowser's magic bullshit.
>missing the fun cloud walls
the N64 one in a comparative context looks autistic, the new one is more tasteful, better fitting for a princess.
Strong 9/10, weighed down by a few things.
-Having to go through the same Broodal fights 3 times was just lazy.
-Cloud and Ruined kingdom felt like wasted potential. I honestly wish they weren't even "kingdoms" at all and just some random stage you fell on to and then left, never to return.
-Dark Side was and even bigger offense being so small and bland and only serving to point you back to other kingdoms for half its moons and the crummy boss rush.
But honestly, if even half the kingdoms left me with the feeling that Metro Kingdom did at the end I'd probably overlook most things.
I don't think it looks soulless. They added some flowers, it's rather nice. And have you looked at your own picture? The Cloud walls are still there and even have the two dot eyes, it's just made a bit less obvious and cartoony.
Also: Yes you can't re-visit the whole castle. But who cares? It's a nod to the past and not a full fledged "we tried to recreate Mario 64 castle bit for bit"
>doesn't have walls painted for a toddler's room in one part of the game
>that means the entire game is garbage
Nostalgiafags, everyone. They always find the most minute things to complain about.
Ordered the Odyssey Switch Bundle because it looks so much fucking fun.
I guess you could say its a BING BING WAHOOO! from me
I don't know why so many people complain about Cloud and Ruined Kingdom. They obviously didn't take the same amount of man power to create as the other kingdoms. They were clearly indented only as arenas for boss battles, so I don't know why you'd complain about them putting in extra content for them, because they could have very easily made it so you never returned to them like you said.
>I don't know why so many people complain about Cloud and Ruined Kingdom.
Because they look cool (Ruined Kingdom especially is one of the coolest looking areas in the entire game) and it would've been nice if they'd been full explorable areas. The "they're just boss levels" excuse doesn't really work, because in previous games the boss levels were things like Bowser in the Dark World and Bowser Jr.'s Boom Bunker, actual levels leading up to the boss fights, which Cloud Kingdom and Ruined Kingdom both lack. No matter how you slice it there's plenty of wasted potential there.
>I don't know why so many people complain about Cloud and Ruined Kingdom
I think I made it pretty clear why. I would have liked to actually explore Ruined Kingdom in particular, but again, its just wasted potential.
>They obviously didn't take the same amount of man power to create as the other kingdoms
That's still time and effort that could have been put in to make the more fleshed out kingdoms even better.
>so I don't know why you'd complain about them putting in extra content for them
See above. The way they are now is like teasing me, dangling something (that could have been) nice just out of reach.
What's Odyssey? I'm just here for Peach. Post more Peach.
3D Land 3
shitty unmemorable movement with wonked out physics
rolling is fun
What's this I hear Peach cucks Mario?
9/10 it's ok. Got 250 moons, got the king costume, that's enough for me.
Also should mention if it gets reasonably priced DLC with some new worlds to explore I'd bump it up to 10/10. All it needs is some new content.
Many of the game's jawdropping moments come from just experiencing them for the first time, and the lack of any really memorable moons means that revisiting the game is going to be a slog.
I feel in a few years people will really turn sour on this game unfortunately.
Do you really trust anyone saying the word cuck on Sup Forums
Okay I'll reiterate, does she really JUST leave him stranded.
She doesn't marry him in the end.
Its Mario, she could leave him in a fucking black hole and he'd find his way out.
I really disagree with this. You're right that many moments are less impactful after the first time but they're so good the first time I feel they can't be discounted. People talk all the time about games as art but then they just judge it like they're judging a product, imo the game was truly moving and that alone makes it 10/10. I felt more playing this than any "cinematic" movie game bullshit.
>Mind control porn
No Peach leaves on the ship with Mario. If she didn't Mario wouldnt be on the mushroom kingdom.
it good
7/10 for me. Some really outstanding levels (Cascade Kingdom, Wooded Kingdom, Seaside Kingdom, Lake Kingdom), some really boring levels (Luncheon Kingdom, Sand Kingdom), and overall the game felt pretty short. Would have been nice to have more bosses instead of fighting the same Broodals multiple times. Played all the 3D Mario games, and this is probably my least favourite.
>outstanding levels
>Lake Kingdom
Small and underutilized honestly. Completely outclassed by Seaside. And you don't think Metro was one of the better ones?
Metro I'm not sure about. I liked it when it was all rainy, and the festival was one of the highlights of the entire game, but exploring it to get the post-game moons I didn't find it hugely entertaining.
>Lake Kingdom
Lake Kingdom is probably the worst in the game, what did you like about it?
It was just quite comfy and relaxing.
I won't deny that it has great atmosphere and aesthetics, but the level design is pretty abysmal. It's a good example of how not to do a water level.
something wrong with those tits
You're right, they're not on my face.