They're remaking decks almost completely and only keeping the "feel" of it.
Apart from a couple sections the citadel is almost unrecognizable.
System Shock Remake Update
They already fucked up by trying to make the game play more like 2 and the Bioshock games.
From what i remember the original only had hidden loading screens though elevators, and now 23 years later they're struggling to not have any loading screens.
>reeeee they are improving this outdated game
looks good.
of course Sup Forums needs to REE at everything.
Maybe because the original was literally 'stand still and click things to death'. SS2 was a better mix of action and rpg that complimented eachother.
The part about station design has me hopeful. Despite it's failings, Prey 2017 had a good feel of the whole station being there for you to explore. Even letting you go off track and visit areas early. Even the locked out 'spaced' areas were accessible from the exterior.
It's a pretty simple thing to just make a whole station that feels functional but it really helps deliver the experience.
Prey was Reddit trash and I'm glad it flopped.
Looking friggen good
Why though??
General rule is to disregard anyone whose opinion requires the use of the word "reddit".
Okay, happy for you. I think it was just a victim of Bethesda wanting to slap the Prey license on the game and ship it out early. It has some good stuff locked away in mods.
does this video show the hacking? I'm curious how they'll do that
>everything looks like plastic shit
>SS2 was a better mix of action and rpg that complimented eachother
yeah fuck that shit, they ruined it with that artificial rpg bloat.
At least someone else thinks so as well.
I just hope I can slide around with the booster, and that they do the soundtrack justice.
so they're reimagining it? that's kinda what i want in a way. that way both games can definitely stand on their own.
the dungeon crawler level design wouldn't exactly work in a super high detail 3D engine anyway
>They say it's a work in progress multiple times.
It never felt like a bloat though.
i never got why they couldn't just do like SS1 and put super powerful weapons in the early game but not give you any ammo for them until mid to late game
Looks alright but I really hope that's not the only color palette they're going with
It's pretty obvious they wouldn't be able to keep most of the old stuff, though. Normies wouldn't be able to handle the old layouts.
If they can at least keep some of the basic design tenants, it'll at least be better than trash like Prey. They don't have a hope in hell of approaching even SS2 levels though, they'd need 10 times the money.
>They say it's a work in progress multiple times.
>Le pre alpha 0.0005 build
Thats bullshit and you know it.
I gave money to this, but now that they're changing actual level design, I'm kinda regretting it.
>backing anything
i'm curious to see how this is gonna pan out but never fucking back anything
Looks like it went the route of a reboot in the vein of DOOM 4 and I'm ok with that instead of a direct remake like their old demo felt like.
The dismemberment and shatter tech looked fun and made me a little sad that Dead Space is dead. What I really hope for though is their Shock 3 project is going along well, it's been in the dark and all I've seen from Otherside so far has been about Underworld.
I wonder if they'll keep those trippy hacking sessions where you go into the cyber world. Frustrating, but definitely one of the standout aspects of the original.
Besides the code being on the wall the demo felt pretty perfect to me
It looks good, if they want to do something more than a simple remaster with better graphics and gameplay, they needed to go this far. The pseudo-SS2 they showed last time didn't look interesting at all.
You didn't play it, I'm sure you didn't even play any of the System Shock games and I bet you don't even know what genre they are. Prey was better than the Bioshock games and a great System Shock spiritual successor.
>I gave money to this
you're a cuck. kill yourself.
Phil Spector gave it his blessing and is serving as producer. So, yeah, I had faith.
>Phil Spector
the murdering music producer? but yeah how many times have old devs done this whole "hey guys we're back" then it turns out its a disappointment or even a scam?
>Reddit trash
I meant. Warren, my bad.
>It never felt like a bloat though
>immersive sims: games that went out of their way to make the player feel as if he was there (immersive) by simulating a believable and logical game world (sim).
>can't fire a pistol because i didn't put some magical points into some imaginary stats
>trying to survive in a hostile and oppressing spaceship
>oooh found me some cyber modules
>let me forget what i was doing and backtrack all the way to an upgrade station and spend 15 minutes thinking which imaginary stat should i invest them in to make myself artificially better at the game
yeah fuck that retarded shit
aw man, that demo protoype was so good
I understand the whole changing engines and to some extent updating some of the level desing, but this just bums me out
people truly dont appreciate good art direction its a shame
Why have the visuals been downgraded since the demo?
I think it's looking alright
Looks better than when they had the whole engine switch PR disaster to be honest, but I'm still not entirely sold on the new aesthetic. Feels like they lost that 90s cyberpunk flair the original had. (Gutting the original music for epic orchestral probably doesn't help)
Making the game feel and play more like newer immersive sims is a good thing by my book though.
I hope they don't gut cyberspace though, that would kill a great deal of my interest in the game. Then again they've been going fucking slowly
>1 year and a half
>still on med bay
>Prey was better than the Bioshock games
Gameplay wise, sure. The story of Bioshock 1 was at least vaguely compelling, though. Prey was a snorefest all the way.
>and a great System Shock spiritual successor.
Fuck off. I bet you're one of those braindead cunts who thinks New Vegas is a good successor to Fallout.
Do you think full textures and effects are done on the fly with a flick of a magic wand? assets are refined over time and start simple (plastic) until they know they're not going to change everything.
You're casual as fuck. Go back to Doom or something.
You have unironic shit taste.
>flat out denies that it's not an immersive sim
even the elder scrolls games are better at it because your stats level up more "naturally"
It does not, only shows pins for now. I hope the only changes to hacking is easier to see walls or some shit.
remaking the levels is okay in my book as the original were just mazes (good mazes) as long as the keep the art direction and manage to design a good layout.
i hope however that they add a lot of environmental interaction like shooting electricity boxes disables electricity on a specific floor, or disabling the A/C system heats/cools the station which effects the cyborgs and player, or shooting water supply pipes to flood rooms.
also i hope they focus on emergent gameplay and not have everything like enemies and their placement be too scripted and predictable on repeat playthroughs.
But the old level design was simple and easy to navigate already while being fun and seeming like a real ship. I just wanted my HD system shock.
>Games are either finished projects or in concept stages and never on between
I'm not denying that. I'm saying you're a casual fuck for having an issue with it in the first place.
It's intended to have you make permanent choices about your playstyle and treat the station as a whole. You just want it to be Doom where you pick up every weapon and go through the levels one by one.
Shock 3 is another Dev
I really only wanted the remake so i can compare citadel graphics so now that they changed it i don't care.
Wait did they drop the pixelated texture look? That shit was really neat
I'm very wary of Night Dive after they added ledge grabbing and objective markers to the Turok 2 remaster (the ladder could be disabled but the former could not be turned off until a later patch). I have no doubt they're going to fuck with System Shock in the same way by adding a bunch of safety nets for casual retards.
>You're casual as fuck
>he thinks rpgs are for hardcore gamers
go play StarCraft or Dwarf Fortress then spout your le casul/hardcore bullshit
>all that post process
>that complete lack of neon lighting and colors
Looks like absolute shit.
I play both of those and I still think your a casual.
i'm a casual for hating a shitty unbalanced system
shock 1 had no RPG elements yet it was kino, explain that
>>also i hope they focus on emergent gameplay and not have everything like enemies and their placement be too scripted and predictable on repeat playthroughs.
It's way fucking easier for them to "streamline" the encounters though. I'd like the game to give me a rimjob while it's sucking me off, but you've got to be realistic. It's a small team with a tiny budget and they're already biting off more than they can chew.
Emergent gameplay requires designers who know what the fuck they're doing, and morons who are remaking a game for KS brand recognition aren't exactly high on the "top shelf development staff" list.
They're going to throw in a shoddy stealth system with lots of vents that just happen to go past the enemy cages and call it a day.
Where are all the blue and purple walls
God, you're a fucking idiot. It isn't Final Fantasy or Oblivion where it's entirely worked out by numbers. You still have to move and arm.
Key word being "was". We found better things since the 90s.
But i played it for the first time in 2016 and it was still Kino
>Key word being "was". We found better things since the 90s.
Nah, SS1 is still kino and miles ahead of the inconsistent mess that is SS2.
i hope they keep it, hacking was cool as fuck in it, like some real neuromancer/johnny mnemonic shit
2's is the Goldilocks zone
I feel a replay coming on
best build for fun?
Played it for the first time ever last year too, but keep telling yourself that.
>Nostalgia from a game i played only a year ago and never before that
Okay friend
Nostalgia is probably the wrong word. More that you're told it's cool to play that game, so you're already bias.
But i only played one so i could play 2
Or they could just like legitimately like the game. Such an unheard of concept!
I was giving them the benefit of the doubt until now even after the last concept art but I strongly dislike this artstyle. Looks like generic space ship number 969349272. All the personality of the original is lost, way too similar to SS2. Level design looks fine though.
It's a shame they didn't follow the direction of the demo.
If I was biased I would like 2 since that's the one people always fellate yet I didn't so now what excuses do you have?
Never played SS but this looks like shit
Not sure why, but as soon as I saw it I thought, "Yep. That's System Shock". Whatever you did... be it hallway height/width ratio, colour scheme, or general "mess", it just has that original "System Shock" feel. I can't put my finger on it, but I'm really pleased!
Different engine. Were you not paying attention to the video?
I know but they've completely changed the art style.
>tfw System Shock 1 is getting too popular and all the other anons have played it and i'm going to have to start claiming Infinite is best *shock game now
>rpg gameplay elements is "artificial rpg bloat"
bioshock infinite map layout is supposed to be like the first two bioshock game but levine decide to tone it down because of concole limitation
2bh fuck this "lets make everything a retarded maze even though it does not make logical sense"" trend old games used to have.
A station is not supposed to be maze-like, it is supposed to be easy to navigate and get around, or do you want the workers taking an hour to go from point a to point b faggot
>pointless time sink research with backtracking to chemical rooms so you can use weapons isn't artificial rpg bloat
This looks like absolute trash and those niggers who are doing it should play some KF2 and don't waste time on showing their "advanced" dismemberment tech.
Except that level was literally designed to be a maze. The rest of the floors are simpler. It's just another biased, cherry-picked image that always gets reposted.
the premise of the game: a trained soldier, short-term surviving in a hostile spaceship didn't necessitate an rpg approach.
I enjoyed Prey but it definitely wasn't better than BioShock, and I don't even particular like those games.
game was ruined from the start
Now it's in unreal, but you're right. If they actually wanted to make a good game they should be using Godot
They changed engines? Guess there's some hope for it after all.
>anything I don't like is reddit
It's actually way less complicated when you play it, doesn't feel convoluted at all, at least not to me, and I'm pretty shit at orientating. The level design is so good it's full of recognizable spots and differentiated rooms that help you guide and orientate yourself. After a while you don't even need the map to know where you are and where you're going.
>Unity demo looked way better than the current Unreal build.
Yeah well, whatever.
great job watching literally the first minute of the video
seems ok
oh no something in a video game isn't realistic
>lol is just videogame bro it is not realistic"
that is not an excuse for retarded design choices
The Unity demo looked like hot garbage. The change in engine doesn't look any better but at least it'll run better. Either way, it's still a pointless remake made by an IP squatter and a bunch of nobodies who didn't even work on the original game.