Autists: Assemble

hey, guys.

i really enjoy efficiency and assisted automation. factorio is probably the best for pure sugarcane autism. i've played through it several times by myself and with friends, even trying out a few mods. it makes me feel neat and clean when i organize a massive, automated complex.

i've also played a lot of high-depth sim, strategy, CCG, and MOBA games (dwarf fortress, gnomoria, prison architect, no more oxygen, civ 4, civ 5, civ 6, starcraft 1, starcraft 2, hearthstone, MtG, league, dota 2, etc.) to fill that void, but haven't come close to factorio's autistic depth.

modded minecraft with all of those industrial-automation/quarry/pipe mods was my gateway drug a decade ago.

i need my endorphin fix. i need the autism.

what other super-autism games are out there? any recommendations?

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here you go op. spacechem is right up your fucking ally, it's a great game


I play it at work all the time while I hum tunes. People definitely know something isnt right.

Did you play Factorio with Angel's and Bobsmods?

I need the autism too. You are not alone.

> added to cart

that's low-tier autism. when i'm at work or in my grad school classes, i do nonograms (i burned out sudoku; the japanese get autism). pixelo has some neat variants which make it a super autistic numbers game.

yes. it was quite autistic and quite fun.

glad to hear it, fellow autist. i need the clean-feels.

if you like spacechem (which sounds RIGHT up your alley because it's production optimization), you should look into the developer's other games. he makes a ton of single player puzzle games, they're all fucking great

would you recommend opus magnum?

what is this?

i haven't played it, it looks like a less complex version of spacechem.

spacechem gets incredibly complex because you have to manage not only processes/refinements, but you also have to control the input/output volume of your shit since there are "multiple grids" (reactors) to work on. i don't think opus magnum has that

>tfw no RPG made by zachtronics that takes FFXII's Gambit system and injects it with autism steroids

hnnnnnnng. let's combine that with resident evil's "organize your inventory" tetris that everyone but autists hate.

keep the community as pure as the autism high.

This is one of the worst Zachtronics puzzle game imo

SpaceChem = Shenzhen I/O = Infinifactory > Opus Magnum > TIS 100

Infinifactory is probably the closest game to Factorio

If you are so autistic then explain how these mining drills would work in real life.

Last I checked on Earth people have to dig through tons of earth to get to anything useful.

It's good, It's easier and different from Spacechem in that the challenge comes from optimizing solutions rather than just trying to solve them like in spacechem

>"organize your inventory" tetris

With different bonuses depending on how you organize everything?

TIS was good you brainlet.

i'm with tis100 was fun

TIS was okay until Shenzhen came out. Now it's crap and pointless.

Aurora 4x. It's the most autistic game out there. It makes everything you listed plus fully modded Factorio look like Farmville by comparison.

i still don't know if aurora 4x is an actual game... i have never been able to do a single fucking thing in it.. the programmer must have been literally an alien or eldritch creature

nothing beats factorio
been playing with my autistic tfwnogf on a single map for 7 days playtime. Now her computer cant keep up anymore as it got too large. Stardew valley multiplayer is the thing we're waiting on atm

I need any multiplayer autism simulator.

i just looked this up. sadly, w/o any aesthetics, i can't be immersed. even dwarf fortress looked better than this. rip. lol

i know. my autism needs to level up.

you seem to be conflating Sup Forums autism with the real mental condition.

> tfw stardew valley isn't edgy enough for tfwnogf

Dwarf Fortress.

i've probably logged 200hrs into that, friend

i'm looking for some autism gems

A-Train PC Classic is currently on sale and was just recently translated into english.

The Guild 2.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1&2.
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
Pharaoh + Cleopatra
Zeus + Poseidon
Caesar 1-4

X3 Reunion.

Gangsters: Organized Crime?
(posted it in the wrong thread originally)

Come for the autism, stay because you're a programmer now.