Funny shit from games

funny shit from games


Was going to post the FNV Dialogue Fails, but that's not gay enough for this thread.

of da weebum variety?

i chuckled at this one

doesn't matter as long as it's funny



lost already

This turning into a vidya glitches thread?




Never fails to crack me up

technology is always an easy target for (unexpected) hilarity




shooting stars playing would make this literally perfect

the way objects and bodies always get flung around with force in CS:GO never fails to amuse me
it makes the gameplay satisfying to watch



>the chicken at the end

I remember some PSP RPG looking extremely similar to this down to the weapon effects, someone please tell me what the fuck that was

>looney tunes.webm


That's rad

Did he tap?



delete this

i feel the exact opposite. It feels much more satisfying to have a more "realistic" physics level in shooter games.

>its treason then.webm

No clue, the game here is Bloodborne. I don't think anything similar was ever released on PSP.


I realize, just something about the weapon models and effects are really close to what I'm trying to remember

this is perfection

world of warcraft pvp

is vidya rumble still a thing?

Don't know if it helps but thumbnail reminded me of Exanima


The way the cat falls off is so detailed

Fuck thats better


we have a containment board for you Fritz

>9/11 survivor


Watch the whole thing it gets better

the physics aren't modelled unrealistically, it looks like it's adjusted in a way that each bullet has way too much stopping power to it whenever they affect the ragdolls than they ever would
still, it doesn't look that inconvincing, people actually getting shot looks nothing like it does in movies

>Scat fetishist
>Frequently buys hentai
>Illegal Immigrant
>Sponsors African children
>Anti-violence (lol) activist
>Anime watching faggot

Only like 2 of those executions were questionable honestly. Aiden is making the world a better place.


Probably not given he was flying above the ring, how do you even tap out there

stfu you sound like a retard

Its a joke,

i'm confused, wasn't this supposed to be a thread about funny shit?


edging like crazy



Holy shit they actually bothered to realistically animate that cat's fall.
GOD DAMN, Rockstar puts so much effort in when they want to.

Looks like the ghosts from Silent Hill 4

my sides

>Yeah, I guess you're kinda cool, but let's see you do a shove-it 180 with that tank!

I miss it




>the force awakens



this is inarguably the best way to clear the ship.

fucking dynamic

drunk souls much as I tried I just couldn't get the hang of it




Are all of those real or is there like a document you can edit somewhere and put them in?

Currently free on uplay, pretty sure



>drunk souls
kill yourself



what game?



That asshole is designed to be killed with a giant tree seed ONLY, I swear to god he just fucking cheats.


>When they want to
Nobody else comes close?

Making the world a better place.

What game?

post the other webms that include Bible quotes






No idea.

what game? looks awesome
