Spends entire day playing video games

>spends entire day playing video games

No thanks fag.

The creator is full autism and definitely /biz/ or Sup Forums

>phytoestrogen protien

It's like you want gynecomastia.

what the fuck is this shit

Canned semen sold under the guise of liquid meal replacement. It tastes like shit and is only drunk by fags who run startups and think it's trendy.

hipster soy "meal replacement" cancer, avoid it and people who consume it at all costs

>drinking people


Who would make this and why?

>tfw drank a quarter gallon of soy milk every day when I was 16-20.
How fucked am I?

Nu-male elixir

with coffee in it

>spends entire day on Sup Forums

What did she mean by this?

>afraid of cannibalism

not at all unless you're very unlucky. Sup Forums retards don't understand science and meme about soy/estrogen.

I'm sorry, but your IQ levels are now that of a Rick & Morty fan
I must ask you to leave this brainlet realm

>implying the autistic fucks buying this shit aren't already on transitional hormones

enjoy your low test and gyno

not fucked at all you retard unless you've literally already developed visible man tits. Do you think that somehow trace amounts of soy milk will accumulate in your body over the span of several years? Just quit drinking it if you're concerned.

gween tea and a non-soylent shake is better

>t. soyim

reply to this if you though the thumbnail was a fleshlight sort of toy

>yfw Soylent Gweentea is people

How big are your tits?

just drink a smoothie if you're that lazy.

Isn't that for little girls? Anyways, I just jogged around my neighbourhood for a few minutes.


>tfw never had soy anything as a kid or tap water or stuff like that
>still got moderate gynecomastia
>still became a tranny

I stopped drinking 8 months or so ago. I did have man tits, but they've gone away since then and I am flat once more.
I was just wondering if I was fucked in the long term.

>neglects to mention being raped as child might have something todo with becoming a tranny

it was probably the anime or tendies

>He drank from plastic bottles

I was never molested as a child or anything like that, my childhood was pretty normal. Are you projecting?

i'm 150lbs and supposed to be at 120, need to lose 30lbs. already quit eating out and have been drinking green tea and water with two home made meals a day. suggestions on weight loss?

also i cannot exercise my knees are fucked up from an accident.

I'd say watching anime and reading manga that fetishizes cute girls doing cute things is probably responsible for that.

Is this a meme or does drinking from plastic bottles really make you grow moobs?

>supposed to be 120
the fuck? are you a woman?

If there's a market there's profit to be had.

I dunno man, I dropped 95 pounds in 5 months by eating 300 calories a day.
Makes you feel like shit all the time but it works.

Why do you need to be 120 pounds? Unless you're a turbo manlet that's underweight.

I didn't do this though, I never liked moeshit and I've felt this way since before I watched that much anime
Didn't do this either regularly

i haven't played one video game this year

what do you fucking think retard?

wtf i didn't know Japan had an entirely trans population

>spends entire day complaining about video games on Sup Forums instead of actually playing them

I don’t know but I’m scared and confused

>that EXTREMELY optimistic, cherrypicked profile pic
jesus christ just burn it all

he must be pretty smart then huh

It's a meme silly, if you're young enough to be affected by it you shouldn't be on Sup Forums

according to your chart with my height my normals would be around 120-130.

i'll let you use your imagination

that sounds ridiculous. i couldn't do that as i'm working frequently and this would fuck up my productivity. kudos to you.

Ketogenic diet, brah. High fats, medium protein, low carbs to shift your body into a fat burning state instead of a carb burning state.
Google that shit for more info.

that's starvation bruh, you're setting up your body to turn into a blimp when you get older

>tfw parents microwaved things in plastic containers
>tfw became severely autistic


i've heard pros/cons against keto.

i suppose if it helps at all i've dumped all the liquor. i'm tired of it.

user's example was silly but if you calorie count you will lose weight.

the biggest thing is portion control. it also helps if you eat slowly and try to only eat until you're full, not until you've cleared your plate.

what are the contents of these bottles.....


>he doesn't know

Wait, does soy milk actually have an effect on titties?


>pass user since 2016
hey me too

some soy based product called soylent he drinks all the time.

i could calorie count but i'd prefer just to eat right in the first place. portion control is no problem.

This product seems like a good deal if it's not terribly pricey.
I would buy it if it was available in my country.

soylent green is people

I'm thinking you're a twink.

phytoestrogen + xenoestrogen from the plastic bottle

meal replacement shit that also happens to slowly turn you into a complete fucking mongoloid

fat is calories. if you live at a calorie deficit you will lose weight. it's as simple as that. all you need to do is ensure proper nutrition.

There's a particular brand of people who are terrified that trace amounts of estrogen will give them breasts.

imagine being this "redpilled"


Pick one, dirtskin.



just look at cosmo
then again you could argue he was a mongoloid to begin with since this is a speedrunner we're talking about