What's the worst classic RE and why is it this one?
inb4 it isn't, because you're fucking wrong.
What's the worst classic RE and why is it this one?
inb4 it isn't, because you're fucking wrong.
Because that airplane bossfight.
CV is way better than re 0
>no item box
>having to move all items from location to new location
>partner system that doesn't add anything and just forces you to use one character as a packmule
>retarded hookshot that forces you to separate
>worst classic Re
>boring enemies and bosses
>leeches arent scary
>terrible story that was probably written in 5 minutes
>boring locations except the train
-was scarier than re0
-had better story
-had cooler locations
-much better enemies and bosses
-better puzzles
Literally wrong.
literally right
>liking 0's boss fights,locations, and story
OP here. They're both kind of shit. But where CV feels like a Resident Evil by numbers, RE0 at least tried to do new things mechanically. The two characters and inventory system were fucking annoying yeah but at least they tried. The most CV has going for it in terms of adding anything new is fucking Bandersnatches that can climb walls. When that's your big mechanical innovation, it's time to grab the shovel.
I was more annoyed by the Nosferatu fight. Mostly because if you didn't know you'd be switching over to Chris after the fight, you would lose any weapons you were carrying on Claire for most of the game.
Story's bollocks, but everything else > everything of CV
Was just watching Gstar's playthrough of this. CV looks absolutely dreadful.
I liked that bossfight.
t. brainlets
you didnt even try to refute any of my points
>having to move all items from location to new location
If you are doing this you are objectively playing the game opposite how they intended. You carry your shotgun, grenade launcher, a pistol, and (to the church) the hookshot (and you leave it there). You do not need to haul any other junk with you to a new area since more ammo and herbs is provided.
3 because Carlos sucks and Nemesis gets old after a while.
Fun fact, CV was originally supposed to be RE3.
I'm glad it wasn't. 3 is way better than that trash heap.
>time when the game just came out
>bought it on sale because hey resident evil
>get stuck on the first few scenes
>look up a walkthrough
>shows me the rest of the game is no better
>sell it right back
Seriously nobody should defend this shit game.
>liked both games enough to finish them
so you have shit taste
>not liking what I like
>shit taste
Sounds like you don't have any discerning taste, fucko.
>better story
>Matrix Wesker and a tranny villain
Also no RE was ever scary. Anyone who thinks it was is just showing they were underage when they played it. Every game is just goofy dialogue and dumb zombies.
and how is that worse than a tranny leech?
Wrong. Devil May Cry was supposed to be RE3. It was supposed to be a PS2 launch game, but it got delayed when it was revamped into an original IP and Nemesis, which was intended to be a side-entry, became the mainline RE3 instead.
Leeches are cool because they are vampires.
So now you're advocating for the quality of RE0 and CVX?
Please, further prove your obviously shit taste.
Nah, fuck you. The first three games were scary for it's atmosphere, music and sound effects and the tendency to have giant fucking monsters chase you down when you least expect it. Anyone who wasn't scared the first time they played these games back when they were released are most likely the ones who are underage and just played them recently.
RE0 is unironically my second favorite RE. The HD remaster looks so good and it stars Becca in her basketball outfit. I hope they don't fuck up REmake 2.
>I have no reading comprehension skills
>t. brainlet
At least it had a comfy save theme: youtube.com
2 objectively
>but but the items used by one character are gone for the other
boring ass fucking game
Everyone knows that CV is the best RE (Dont count Remake 1).
Everyone else is a huge special snowflake faggots with shitty opinion
What, the side pack and the machine gun only? Who honestly gives a fuck?
>posts literally nothing relevant
just stop
the prison section was fantastic though, it just goes to shit gradually after that
An RE set entirely in a prison instead of a mansion would be kino AF.
Every time I hear about DMC's origin coming from Resident Evil, it was always said to be built from an early version of RE4,
Nope, that was an early Resi 4. Code Veronica was going to be 3 and they wanted to use the extra power of the Dreamcast to make it the next big jump in the series. Problem was they were contracted to make three mainline games meaning the third couldn't contractually be released on Dreamcast. So the side game became 3:Nemesis and the real 3 became Code:Veronica.
*contracted by Sony to make three mainline games.
>used up all your heavy ammo even though nothing before the airplane fight warranted any use of it
>gives you fucking dual PP-2000's with a percentage ammo count
>not saving your ammo at all in a fucking Resident Evil game
>"Wow. How was I supposed to know?"
>leave your office
>blood splattered walls and corpses line the halls
>average day in America
Because people like this user () tend to parrot speculations and assumptions about the Devil May Cry's development or their post overly simplified versions of what actually happened.
You guys should read Project Umbrella more often. Here's an interview with RE3's wroter Yasuhisa Kawamura.
>CODE:Veronica was a Dreamcast exclusive game, the scenario for ZERO was just getting started, and Mr. Kamiya's team was forced to go back to the drawing board to design for the PlayStation 2. This meant that fans on the PlayStation would have to wait several years for the next sequel, a scenario that CAPCOM wanted to avoid. On the other hand, it would've been unacceptable for a game designed by Mr. Kamiya to be any less than perfect in quality, and besides, it would be unthinkable to rush the development on a brand new hardware like the PlayStation 2.
>So, the decision was made to promote the "Gaiden" team into the new BIOHAZARD 3 team and the staff size was significantly increased to work towards a launch on the PlayStation 1. This allowed us to release a BIOHAZARD game on a consistent schedule while providing Mr. Kamiya's team enough time to concentrate on the capabilities of the new platform. Mr. Kamiya's team was reorganized into the BIOHAZARD 4 team, and was tasked with creating a top-notch game for the PlayStation 2. When BIOHAZARD 3 was finished, a large portion of that team, including myself, joined in to help. This BIOHAZARD 4 project eventually changed directions and finally saw completion as the game "Devil May Cry 1".
>hating on CV
>hating on it most likely because of a >story
How to spot plebs 101
There's was also an interview with Hideki Kamiya with 1UP where he makes reference to Devil May Cry starting out as Resident Evil 3 during development, but I can seen to find it.
>Capcom actually being smart and allocating appropriate resources where they need to be in order to make great products
It's hard to believe it used to be so good only 20 years ago.
I'm this user. That's the exact quote I remember reading and getting my info from. Must've gotten mixed up along the way.
Knife runs were actually fun in Code Veronica. That's about all I can say for the game though.
You need the hook shot for the train car before the testing facility
I don't know what you're trying to say. I meant once you get to the facility and while moving to the church you only need to carry like 4 things, one of them is the hookshot, and then you can abandon it forever. If you're making 5, 6, 7 trips to haul all your herbs, ammo, ribbons, whatever with you every time you enter a new area you're making unnecessary work for yourself.
>all thanks to Umbrella
>a European corporation
Shit taste. Code Veronica is far better than 3 and 0.
Not better than 3, but not too far worse.
Shotgun + ammo and Grenade launcher + ammo is a full character. Handgun + ammo and magnum + ammo only leaves two slots for healing items and/or quest items. It's a good game but Billy should have had 8 slots
At any rate, I don't think there was any contract with Sony for having mainline Resident Evil games appear on PlayStation consoles first.The only reason Code: Veronica wasn't a numbered entry was because it was intended to be a Dreamcast-exclusive and most of its development was actually outsourced to Nextech, the Sega subsidiary that was also responsible for the Saturn port of RE1.
Yes there was a contract saying that numbered RE titles must be on sony.
RE3 came out 2 full years before DMC, there's no way in hell that DMC was in development since 1997. Kamiya's team was potentially going to make 3 but their focus was shifted to 4 which became DMC.
DMC development started in 1998.
3 is worse desu
Also 0, but we pretend it doesn't exist.
[citation needed]
>PS3 version uses a more advanced version of the MT Framework engine so we get fancier lighting and better textures
>PS4 version is just the ps2 version in HD
Why capcom?
See.>In 1998, FLAGSHIP's lead scenario writer Noboru Sugimura was busy working on "BIOHAZARD CODE:Veronica" and other FLAGSHIP scenario writers already had their hands full working on "biohazard 0 (ZERO)".
>Director Hideki Kamiya's team was already working on the next title in the series, BIOHAZARD 3. The game was loosely set on a luxury cruise liner and had a general plot where HUNK was attempting to bring back a sample of the G-Virus. I was assigned to a newly formed team that was working on a spin off title called "BIOHAZARD Gaiden" ("gaiden" is Japanese for side-story or spin-off). *Editor's Note: In this instance, "Gaiden" was the initial name for LAST ESCAPE, it is not referring to the GameBoy Color game of the same name.
>The director of "Gaiden" was Kazuhiro Aoyama, a game designer who was responsible for the designing the levels in BIO1 and BIO2. The rest of the members, with the exception of the programmers and sound crew, were comprised of newly hired staff.
>In place of FLAGSHIP, I was chosen to write the scenario and assist Mr. Aoyama in designing the game. "Gaiden" was intended to be a small scale game made in a short time span so even though I was new to the company, it was deemed that I would be capable of handling the scenario.
>However, things started to change mid-1998 when we received word about the impending transition to the PlayStation 2.
>Mr. Kamiya's team was working hard building a top quality game, but alas it was targeted for the PlayStation 1. By the time the game launched, the market would have shifted towards the PlayStation 2. Furthermore, the PlayStation 2 was a powerful system and without sufficient time for development, the "BIOHAZARD quality" that everyone expected would not be achievable.
I hate how they censored this game. The Ashfords are suppose to be Nazi's and show that Umbrella originated from Nazi's. Which would explain why Umbrella is the way they are.
>tfw just got 1, 2, 3, and Code: Veronica
I'm trying to play the first one, but the whole "use up 5 bullets to kill a zombie" thing is really getting to me, and my attempts of dodging aren't working since the hallways are so narrow.
What do?
Yes, RE1 start is a bit challenging, but that is normal. RE1 Director's Cut has a different starting handgun that has critical headshots that happen very often, which saves you a shitton of ammo in that initial hour of the game where everything is a struggle. Original non-directors cut has the plain handgun that can't one-hit kill zombies.
Stick with it, the struggle is what makes it fun.
Currently working on a review video for RE0 since it's the only one I haven't finished, and so far I'm not having any fun. The halls are way too fucking narrow, and the mimics are the worst thing ever in the series.
You can leave the magnum ammo in the main hall since it's not that much and you can easily return there at the end of the game using the elevator. You should still have plenty of slots to carry a couple herbs, but you'll get more in the church anyway. It's really only a problem the first time through when you don't know what you'll need coming up. I've gone through like 4 runs by now so I don't even really think to carry much with me anymore.
CV also has the best soundtrack of the franchise, in my opinion.
*Hits you from outside of the camera's view*
I don't even remember any puzzles from CV.
>Which would explain why Umbrella is the way they are.
That's the big problem with RE0 is it forces you into combat in almost every room. They never leave you room to dodge, it sucks. But the good thing is you can run by all the mimics since while they are in their human phase they will not hurt you.
Explains why they're so vigorous about globalizing the world and why every single Umbrella person is nuts.
Any game that allows you to brick your save file is shit, CV apologists need not apply.
fuck off memester
dino crisis is the only good RE game
the RE series is so garbage they had to totally re-make the first one from the ground up for it to be playable
Because it doesn't exist.
So how does that even happen?
I'm gonna need to know, since I plan on playing CV after I play through the first three.
>How does that even happen?
He did it himself. He put all his shit in the item box for... whatever reason.
I thought there was a knife behind the stairs in case you did this?
>knowing this while playing the game for the first time
We found the Guidebabby
The site doesn't exists anymore due to 1UP going under, but there's transcripts online.
> Devil May Cry originally started out as Resident Evil 3, but it turned into DMC because it was so different, and we lost a year of development time. So I thought maybe I was screwing things up and that Capcom wanted to fire me, which would explain why I couldn't do DMC2, because the news came as such a surprise to me.
Now fuck off.
CV turned RE into anime.
>Implying RE1 didn't already do that first with half of S.T.A.R.S. having implausible military career at such young ages.
The JP version even had cheesy J-rock songs for the opening and ending.
Personally I love both CV and 0 both are fun in their own ways.
I do think 0 is better then CV since 0 never fucked me over in the second half.
In terms of worst RE game 6 has that damn crown if you ask me its the only truly bad mainstream RE game.
>Saying CV is the worst
>Not mentioning Gaiden or Director's Cut
CV, 0 and 3 are the best
Gaiden isn't half as bad as everyone says and the only thing wrong with Director's Cut is a few of the songs on the soundtrack. and the fact that they left shit censored and that it's not actually a "director's cut". But it plays fine and RE1 is still a great game.
found the shitter
That's a cool animal. What is it?
>Playing the arcade mode on the 360 release
>Beat it as all the characters, just need to do Wesker
>Get to the end
>Final boss doesn't spawn
RE4>REmake>RE2>RE Outbreaks>RECVX>RE5>RE3>REV2>REV1>RE6
>REmake over RE2
>CVX over RE3
You were so close, user
redpill me why CV is bad.
no clue user
Claire running speed is so slow and the scenarios are pretty big sometimes.
CV is pretty boring
>Environments are fairly boring
>Puzzles feel soulless and are worse versions of puzzles from better RE games
>It's not balanced very well, your first time through there are at least two very crucial moments you can easily fuck yourself over, more so than the other classic RE games
>Weapons suck
>Steve Burnside
At least the villain is entertaining as fuck.
The majority of people agree REmake is better.
Literally /our guy/
>Steve "discount Leon" Burnside
>citation needed