Switch BTFO
Switch BTFO
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Am I a retard? Do people genuinely care about raising their resolution from 1080p to 4k that much that the XBONEX is like, exciting to them? I feel like this whole release barely even showed up on my radar because i genuinely don't give a fuck
Hey there fello kids
Congrats on your ban from Games Done Quick Xbone
>corporate-sponsored memes
Sounds familiar
How will bing bing wahoos ever recover?
>If you want a 4K Blu-Ray player, the Xbox is a great buy (though like I said above, I think I'd go for the more affordable Xbox One S). But if it's all about the games? The Nintendo Switch just seems like a no-brainer right now. Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, and Mario Odyssey are all great games, and being able to play them on the go really does feel a bit magical. Microsoft is years ahead of Nintendo in online features, but, well, they just don't have Zelda, do they?
Is this you?
Fuck forgot image
poorfags will never understand, they actually think they're getting the same experience on their shitty 720p tv
So when did gamespots focus shift to facebook clickbait and posting stale memes?
That's the only explanation I can think of that would explain this weird phenomenon
It's a bannable offense to post a screenshot so blatantly horrendous, at least the post numbers are still discernable.
So should I get XboneX for Crackdown 3 now that it's out?
>that embarassing plug on Conan
I thought Phil Spencer was our savior bros
Considering years of pointless graphix discourse on Sup Forums, I'm sure there's enough of an audience that both wants the best specs on a console, but also doesn't care for PC gaming.
It's a weird bunch of people, but they're out there.
Wow that is fucked up on so many levels. What a creep
>Am I a retard? Do people genuinely care about raising their resolution from 1080p to 4k that much
My only TV is still 1368x768. I'll give you one guess as to whether or not I care. I don't really care about 144hz either and as such my computer monitor is 60hz (though it is 1080p, unlike my TV).
>inb4 you dont know how good they are or else you'd switch to them, poorfag
I've used both 4k and 144hz monitors and TVs and I can't really see the difference, especially from a distance.
what is this, a screenshot for fucking ants?
Wait for the game to release. It has been delayed too many times, and there's no guarantee they'll fulfill the spring 2018 release.
And who knows, they might make an xboneX bundle for Crackdown 3. Just wait
Nintendo fags have been getting too brave lately like anyone cares about their toddler games.
The market will always be Xbox vs Playstation with that side bitch Nintendo being the hoe choice
is that Owen "car keys" Wilson?
I can't read any of this, what is it about?
Wait, I was under the impression that it was supposed to come out at the same time as XboneX? It got delayed again?
I know that 144hz is the kind of thing that you can't really feel but once you switch to it you can't go back. As for 4k, I know the primary reason why 4k will be good, eventually, is that it'll just remove the need for anti aliasing, due to such a high pixel density, but honestly fuck that I have good enough AA at 1080p.
Here is a copy that is actually legible
Isn't it coming out for PC too?
I'm a Sonybro myself, but that's just fucking ridiculous.
How much corporate dick can you take up your ass and suck for money to post something like this officially?
It's one thing to post funny le maymay photoshops in console war faggotry shitpost threads to trigger thin skinned fandrones here on Sup Forums.
It's an entirely different thing if you are a "professional" video games blogger aka "journalist" site that earns its revenue by writing about vidya.
If I were Nintendo I would blacklist those fags forever.
Why do you think there isn't any Crackdown 3 shitposting going on?
The boneX launched alongside Super Lucky's Tale as its console exclusive. That's it.
But hey, Ninja Gaiden Black
The lame thing is they were too cowardly to do it with the PS4 Pro and used the switch instead.
>I'm a Sonybro myself
Imagine being a grown man saying this
>Not liking PC gaming
They are just poorfags that can't afford quality 4k on a good rig. The only reasons you should purchase a console is if you like the exclusive first party games on offer or casual FPS/sports games that have a larger player base on console. Any other reason and you're just a poorfag trying to justify why you don't like the better option.
it says “fuck off mobleposter”
>gamespot shilling for MS
stop the presses
Kinda funny considering how much they were sucking its dick for giving Gamestop revenue.
you need to kill yourself Micro$haftintheasstaker
what was the last MS exclusive gamespot gave a 10/10?
As a PC bro I can assure you than 1080p gaming is for children and poorfags and I ditched it in 2014. That being said I fucking love my switch
I have a very good machine, and I could run my games at 4k, but I don't see why I should buy a monitor for a higher resolution when 1080p looks great.
uhh it also means shit looks and runs better at 1080p too, my dude
>pay $500 for a console with even less games than PS4
What the fuck do people even play on X1? The broken MCC? Halo 5? Gears? Forza?
A) 1080p doesn't look great
B) I doubt you have a 4k capable machine because that would mean having a 1080ti or better
>1080p looks great.
I have a 1080 gtx and an i7, it was like, top of the line last year.
MCC and gears 4 are unironically better than every PS4 game except bloodborne
T. Idort
Yeah, MCC is great when it works.
>1080p gaming is for children and poorfags
>bing bing wahooos in 720p on his Toys R' Us tablet
So you have a decent 1440p machine. Your monitor is the last thing to upgrade. Get the new Samsung 1440p/144hz HDR monitor.
once you get cataracts like us oldfags you'll understand
Bing bong wahoo is the best video game of the fucking decade you stupid loser, and the switch is the most powerful handheld ever made
MCC being broken has been a meme for over a year now, and the single player is more important than the multiplayer anyway
>Bing bong wahoo is the best video game of the fucking decade
if you're 12
Mario is unironically more mature than ass Creed, Wolfenstein, star wars, etc. It requires more of your brain to play to completion and more mechanical skill
It's not a meme when it still kicks you out of matches and split-screen literally does not work in matchmaking.
I thought you weren't suppose to jump head first into experimental consumer technology until it becomes more affordable and everyone has more experience with it.
These new consoles look ugly like a sin. Slim versions look ok at least.
>and the single player is more important than the multiplayer anyway
are you fucking stupid?
Xchads blowing the fuck out of Neokikeshitendownies. I might pick a Bone X up this X-mas.
uh no those games have blood and sex which are the only two things a mature gamer shoould be looking for in his games not this mario kiddie shit
Sup Forums has literally spent decades shitting on Nintendo for low graphics, yes the average Sup Forumstard is like Gamespot and only cares about graphics over games
>this person possibly believed his post was funny/intelligent
Frightening, desu
is that fucking real
holy shit just blatantly shilling
No one should say this even ironically.
kinda like that guy in the early 20th century who said all the things that need be invented as already been invented. have fun being stuck in a timeloop of mediocrity you simpleton fuck.
Xbone X is the Donald Trump of Video games
>I-it was PS4's turn! REEEEEEEEEEE!
No honey
>proof once again that PC+whatever Nintenbrobox is on the market is the best combination
Why is PCGamer even discussing this.
It's not PC games
Because they literally have nothing to discuss about and they are butthurt.
Okay, but what games does Xbox have?
RARE Replay
Jack and Daxter confirmed for ps4?
>Gamespot thinks they're still relevant
>OP thinks Gamespot is still relevant
People who are interested in 4k probably have invested in a PC that is capable of doing just that. Xbone was just a netflix machine with FIFA 9000 on it.
Halo 5, SSOD, Forza, the best version of multiplats on console, crossbuy with windows...
video game journalism
>Whoa! I can play xbox games in somewhat crisper graphics!
How exactly is that worth turning your head for?How anyone could even get remotely excited by the X is beyond me. It's such a boring, unimpactful new release.
Wow! An Xbox One X! Now I can finally play such great games as... uh... and uh... hmmm...
>sony niggers literally SEETHING
yeah because Bloodborne and P5 are that great lmao
What is even the point of a 4k console
If you own a non-nintendo console its because you're too poor/stupid to build a gaming pc. Meaning you probably dont own a 4k tv either.
Besides the fact: What fucking video games are on xbox? I literally haven't seen anyone discuss an xbox game here in months.
Everyone I know that owns a ps4/xbox just owns cod, battlefield, fifa and madden.
Theres no games on it.
What game are you buying that you wanna see in 4k that badly to shill out for ANOTHER console?
i'm 25 i still cant have fun with super graphic games they sell
i just stick with plain old mario
too much realism and scenario is just boring
>What is even the point of a 4k console
We literally have threads EVERY day shitting on the Switchs graphics. The Xbone X is the officially Sup Forums approved console.
Games don't die a week later on console. There's still people playing bo2 and older games on Xbox.
Sonygaffers are pedophiles that's what.
>officially Sup Forums approved console
Lol what? Every single thread I've seen talking about the Xbone X has half the people shitting on it's pricetag, graphics upgrade, no games, etc.
They know Switch appeals mainly to kids so they use some kiddie meme shit to relate to them. Pretty good marketing.
>every single thread is filled with butthurt and damage control
>Do people genuinely care about raising their resolution from 1080p to 4k that much
No, because then they wouldn't get these boxes that do checkerboard rendering.
They just pretend to care because the hype machine told them to.
what the fuck is a living room pc?