Why does assassins creed 1 feel somehow pro-jihad?

seriously. in muslim cities they openly preach against the christian king and the crusaders and in christian cities they just preach about god and a little something about islam, without even saying any related word to it, like islam, muslim or allah.
it really bothers me



Assassin's Creed shows both sides having good and bad people, and the difference is likely that the muslims are rebelling because they've got conquerors at their doorstep.

so a bunch of cuckolds.
way to prove his point

It's a long running theme to play as the bad guy in Assassin's Creed titles. Which should be a given as it's right there in the title.

> Radical Islamist terrorizing the Holy Land

> (((Italian)))

> Unhinged Native American attempting to cockblock the American Revolution

> blood thirst pirate that destroys plantations and interupts transatlantic shiping lines

AC Unity
> Overthrow the government for (((reasons)))

AC Syndicate
> you literal work for Karl Marx

AC Origins
> perpetuates the historical inaccuracy that Black people were somehow Egyptian royalty.

These are just the main titles. The side games make you take the roles of even more unscrupulous characters such as escaped slaves, vagabonds and nihilists.


We're still confusing the brown characters in AC:Origins with black people.

This is the dumbest thing I've read on Sup Forums in at least a week.

> he turns his Gamma settings up to white wash history

>Assassin's Creed 1: Christians are the bad guys, Muslims that took over former Christian lands are the good guys
>Assassin's Creed 2: Pope is the bad guy, you murder him
>Assassin's Creed 2.5: Ottoman invaders that conquered Constantinople, raped and murdered its occupants, destroyed and defaced Christian buildings and artifacts are the good guys, the Christian Byzantines trying to get their homeland back are the bad guys

>Christians preachers preaching about god, the end times, peaceful converting to the true faith
>Muslim preachers preaching about kaffir invaders and killing all kaffirs, hating Christians and calling them pigs

AC1 demonizes Muslims and glorifies Christians.

go back to pol, nazi piece of shit

AC1 was somewhat nuanced, some targets revealed good intentions enforced by violent actions they perceived necesary, in the end even Altaïr realised that it wasn'tall black and white and saw the corruption in his mentor
AC2, this is not John Paul 2 we're talking about here, but Alexander 6, not the most pious and catholic pope in history
You're right about revelation, but assassins and templars are beyond nations

but the main bad guy in asscreed in the end turned out to be the master assassin himself

>sexual orientations and gender identities

What does this even mean?

the Borgia pope and his family of warmongering profligates deserved to die anyway

men with green hair that cut their cocks off

So you haven't actually played any assassins creed game then

It's called context. You have to remember that Christianity and Islam were very much at war with each other during the Crusades and Christians by far did the most of the slaughtering of the other side.

I thought AC did a pretty good job of being even handed, personally. They never glorified Islam, or Jihad, and most of the bad guys, as well as the main bad guy, were Muslims.

Get fucked faggot

Sexual orientation = hetero/homo/bi (or if you're a tumblrtart, asexual ponyamous wolffluid)
Gender identity = man/woman (or if you're a tumblrtart, non-binary transdeerkin intersexual hermboy)

As for why it's at all relevant or important to game development, your guess is as good as mine.

with your Islamophobic bullshit.

It made sense when it was just religious Faith's and beliefs, as religion was a large part of AC's story. Gender and sexuality are just irrelevant.

one of the main characters in black flag is a crossdresser


>AC2, this is not John Paul 2 we're talking about here, but Alexander 6, not the most pious and catholic pope in history

AC2 was amazing because most of the really fucked up shit they depicted the Borgias as engaging in were actually true. They were incredibly fucked up, and somehow ended up running the church.

profoundly unintelligent post

Yeah, but not in the modern day sense. She was doing it because of her occupation in a setting where a woman wouldn't have been taken seriously if she was even allowed.

Now that shit with the "transman" character AC Syndicate, that was fucking retarded.

>Only long-term results of the Crusades was Constantinople being overrun, Catholicism losing power, and Muslims were able to invade and hold Spain for centuries

Great job Christians, you really showed them!

there's a decent tv series about them
the historical setting and most characters are the same as in ACII

>first game opens with an interesting dynamic between Assassins and Templars
>all sequels are just woop go stab these evil dudes

Nice bait.

AC also came out at a time when 9/11 was still very much a part of the American consciousness and as a nation we still (rightfully so) had a distaste for Muzzies.

what about Rogue?

literally how? OP is saying Islam in video games is a bad thing

it is. you'd have to be a mental midget of infintismal size to defend islam

Saudi Arabia is our ally.
God Emperor Trump said so and his words are law.

This made me laugh

You fuckers take every post way too seriously, this is clearly a joke

Fuck off. I hate Sup Forums rednecks as much as the next guy but Islam is an absolutely shit religion that shits on gay people and women while encouraging pedophillia. If you defend Islam then you are an awful human being.


It's not a phobia when the /anger/, not fear, is rational. Beyond that, it's not a fucking religion, it's a societal structure, and is completely antithetical to everything valuable in the world.

Would have included in the post as an inb4
Exact same crap but inverted. Now that you're killing Assassins, all the Assassins are the biggest Assassin cunts in the whole series. And the get the biggest Templar bro.

and Brotherhood too, obviously

lmao wow

holy shit people like you actually exist? you literally belong on Sup Forums

no they are just regular egyptians in the game and most of NPC's are even paler than the main guy who is clearly not black

I know , I was pleasantly surprised with all the
posting on this board prerelease and ubisoft's typical m.o.

Are the retarded people and beggar women the worst NPC's in history? They exist only to annoy you. The beggar women will even throw rocks at you as you climb, and attacking them hurts you because it's not an accepted action.

Way to be an easily offended little bitch, perfect for being alt right

Oh and being alt right doesn't mean you're not a cuck, you're just a virgin cuck without any real friends or future prospects

Allies wouldn't make him dance for their amusement

>shitting on me because english isn't my first language and i didn't know how to spell infinitesimal
fucking racist shitheaps

they've been our ally since WW2


>attacking them hurts you because it's not an accepted action
Only if you kill them IIRC.

Punched every time

Go on then, defend Islam.

It’s a religion that demands its people murder in the name of a warmonger pedophile who called himself a profit.

It treats women like slaves and robs them of their sexual agency. It states clearly that they should never be educated and that if they’re raped, they are the ones at fault.

It sentenced all gay people to death simply for their sexual preferences.

I have nothing against middle-easterners, and I think we should help refugees but you can’t defend Islam. It is a religion of hate, death and prejudice, and is holding back the human race as a whole.

Is this honestly where we're at now? Getting triggered by ten years old games?

this, you can grapple them and throw them around as much as you want

AC has been SJW before SJWs existed
theyve always been a solid series and promoted all world views

Wow, and I thought those slimy rednecks from pol we’re just paranoid. Looks like we do have a few refugees from gaf

Get out of here mate, this place isn’t for you

Fuck the Saudis. Fuck American pilots holding the hand of some prince in a fighter jet bombing Yemen so the prince can get a skull and cross bones on his plane.

Isn't all that shit in the Bible?

>t. Sup Forums
Too obvious.

Probably? How is that relevant?

Why single out Islam?

Only bleeding heart sjw liberals use the term “alt-right”

Just call them neo-Nazis, rednecks or manchildren like normal people do

And we made them BEHAVE. Untill we kill enough muslims to force a real reformation that isn't just them going hardcore fundamentalist, it can never be accepted as a real society.

A. There aren’t any Christian countries killing women because they got raped

B. We were talking about Islam.

C’mon man, keep up.

While this is related to a videogame, the subjectmatter you want to discuss is about political interpretation. Might wanna go to the politics board with this.

>Muslims were able to invade and hold Spain for centuries
>result of Crusades
>"In the 8th century, nearly all of the Iberian Peninsula was conquered (711–718) by largely Moorish Muslim armies from North Africa. These conquests were part of the expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate. Only a small area in the mountainous north-west of the peninsula managed to resist the initial invasion."
The crusades didn't start until 200 years later you fucking dip.

The alt-right called itself alt-right.

Eh, it’s old enough that I think this is a worthwhile look at video game history from a modern viewpoint

Besides, do we even have a proper politics board? Pol doesn’t count

Islam would be a great religion if it wasn't in the hands of sand niggers.

It's related because SJW's are trying to take over games, and they're inherently allies with islam. Don't believe me? Go look into AJ+.

But why are we talking about Islam?

It was Hillary that got the name to stick

Why do you give a single fuck about AC1?

>SJW's are trying to take over games
>and they're inherently allies with islam

Shut the fuck up you dumbass hick. You have no idea what Islam even is.

I think you are looking for /cm/

Then why do you sjw bigots call them by the name they call themselves?
They’re neo-nazi redneck manchildren.

Get it right.

the actual alt-right, as in, white identiarians, is fucking tiny. stormfront tops out at 120k views a month, and thats when they had memes at the top of their page. their average was 90k. youtubers who went into it in a pro sense were 20k subs, tops. alt-right is fucking tiny.

> Overthrow the government for (((reasons)))
You are fighting templars, which are the ones instigating the revolution.

Islam is pretty much inseperable from all the arab tribalism

a few days ago in another thread someone told you cucks you only began to get triggered by games because you started to eat Sup Forumsshit.
This is another example. Not a single one of you had anything against AC's story until now you've become a cuck.

Excellent job defending Islam guys, I’m real convinced now that your anti-woman, anti-gay religion is a wonderful ideology of peace.

Did origins have this or not

Stormfront is not the alt-right, they are all at least one whole generation older.

Yeah and it's a bunch of non god people in the bible doing all that shit. God pointing out to the people that doing that shit is sin.

>perpetuates the historical inaccuracy that Black people were somehow Egyptian royalty.
So you haven't played it?
The only ones who appear are a pharaoh that the main character hates, and Cleopatra.

It was a joke, numb nuts


ignore the gross neonazis in this thread just report them or something

got any other websites, or even remotely comparable means of tracking the numbers? I'll wait.

Poe's law, I guess.
Idealists truly deserve to be executed.

I'm no neo-nazi. I fucking hate race identity, as 'my team' is the most poisonous idea ever injected into cultural discussion. It should have been left in the stone age, where it belongs. if your argument doesnt hold up past "But muh extended family" fuck off.

>It sentenced all gay people to death simply for their sexual preferences.

Because it's trying to accurately portray some of the non-latin narrative at the time?

Read a fucking book for once in your life OP. I suggest Thomas Asbridge's "THE CRUSADES" which uses both Latin and Muslim contemporary accounts to construct how battles, plans, and diplomacy worked throughout the crusades. You fucking cuck.

If the Social Jihad Warriors are somehow changing the physics engine and leveldesign in the asscreed games i'm glad to hear it how that works out on a gameplay level.
If you want to look at the political angle of games like some current videogame development courses, i suggest you take that to the board specialized in political discourse.

I'd like if people self moderated more and had the selfawareness to notice how political discourse derails a good 40% of videogame discussion on this board.

If the board for politics is shit, feel free to contribute to make it better. Normalizing making off-topic threads on other boards isn't going to help this website.

It definitely did, but I can't remember if that image is the one in Origins. I think it is though. The message may have been slightly different. The "gender identities" thing was not a thing until the past few years.

Islam is the only chance to truly have a WWIII, so yes, i'll support it.
Humanity has deserved it's destruction for a very long time.

try WWI
It's not Laurence of Yemen or Laurence of Persia or Laurence of Syria for a good reason

>all the falseflagging in this thread by one faggot Sup Forumsack

Intersex isn't Tumblr it's a genetic disorder