Was this the pinacle of true indie games?

Was this the pinacle of true indie games?

only true ending niggas can reply

The absolute state of Sup Forumsirgins

Your shit is inferior.

No, because Kero Blaster was better.

But does it have thicc robot panties?

No, but it does have feline and weird cute pink blob OLs in a hot spring which I feel is a fair trade-off.

Hot dang I need to play that shit

This was.

Yes, you do.

Absolutely. Too bad it sold out to the Jews at Nicalis though.

It was back when 2D pixel platformers weren't oversaturated in the market, so yeah. Not to mention it was fucking free.

define true

post cute robots


Yes, it was free too

No kickstarter crap
Low budget
Small dev team
Full of heart and passion
No corporate crap


nah fuck you
post cute frogs


why not both

Because Curly's lame.

yeah but she mad thicc

Please get yourself some better taste in artists, jesus fucking christ.

misery is literally best girl

How do you gents feel about Curly in a fighting game?