If vanilla was so bad, how come it had a growth of 8,000,000 subscribers over 2 years?

If vanilla was so bad, how come it had a growth of 8,000,000 subscribers over 2 years?

TBC had 3,500,000+ growth

WOTLK had 500,000+ growth

Every expansion since has had net loss, but still, nothing comes close to the amount of subscribers gained.

because WoW was "kind" of the first of its kind, opening the MMORPG genre to a wide audience

at this time the only alternatives were stuff like runescape, way to complicated for normies and not exactly pretty to the eye

WoW combined amazing aesthetics (for its time) with failry staright forward game mechanics and allready had a name (WARCRAFT) behind it so it basically had a free ride

>Light's Hope is absolutely packed despite the bullshit that's gone on
>despite the fact that less people play private servers
>despite the fact that there have been character wipes
>despite all these things being in modern WoW they keep leaking subscribers
I don't get why these retail cock suckers are so opposed to us nostalgiafags getting our own server.
>I'm not interested in the past, I believe in moving forward
Shut up fags. The game was objectively better in the past and the inconveniences made the world feel alive and immersive.

MMOs now have one purpose. Making money from selling gold.

Hey Crogge.

He did nothing wrong.

i mean vanilla wow will definitely get a lot of players initially
(i am going to ignore class imbalance and useless specs)
the real problem will come after Naxxramas. Should Blizz release BC? if that happens do they release WotLK after Sunwell?
Will Blizz create an alternate universe and make different expansions for the new "classic" WoW?

Will they leave it untouched? If they do it'll get stale quick and people would probably move back to getting new expansions every 2 years

It was still scummy.

I pray that they release it just as people want it, warts and all, just to see the reaction 6 months after release.

If they change anything, then people will scream NOT THE SAME and move on

Did they say anything about cost? If I pay for one do I get both?

The reaction after six months would be enjoyment from people who actually played Vanilla and people who didn't play Vanilla but have good taste. Retail babbies who are used to playing World of Welfare Epic Slot Machine Simulator would autistically screech for dungeon finder, cross realm bullshit, faster leveling and (((balance changes))) that led to the game being the boring, homogenized piece of shit it is now.

>why do games grow

It was a good game for its time.

I'm a purist that's okay with changes after everyone has cleared Naxx a few times. Once I've gotten my good clean vanilla fix I'm fine with any additional changes they wanna tack on. I'm even fine if they want to release TBC on those servers. I just want a chance to experience all the vanilla content again because my guild was AIDS and I was too busy with high school shit to really do anything hardcore back in the day. The furthest I ever got in vanilla was up to the drakes in BWL.

In fact, I think it's funny that a lot of these people claim, you won't like the grind, you're not 16 with all the time in world anymore. When I was 16 and playing vanilla I was doing advanced courses, sports, and playing in band. I had no time at all outside of an hour when I woke up and an hour before I went to bed. Now that I'm a self employed adult I have all the time in the world, but no hardcore MMO to sate me.

this is why i'm skeptical of its success
>complaints about class balance
>waahhh you need to buff *insert useless spec here*
>I want to be a horde paladin/alliance shaman
>i want increased # of drops in raids
>rogues are op

Eventually Blizz will have to bend the rules so "classic" wow is more like current wow

>watching youtuber reactions to classic servers
>all the women are universally against it
>all the men are pretty much all for it
What the heck is this about? Why is this a thing? Why do women hate vanilla?

Timesink, had to manage mana as healers and downrank aka TOO HARD

And now you have two+ kids and a job. Good luck farming for two hours before 5 hours raid.

That's where you lose me. I don't see people ponying up for a subscription (don't delude yourself that they wont make you pay for it) for a game that will never get more content, or ANY support for that matter beside server maintenance, for a prolonged period of time

Nobodies gonna play vanilla. It was too time consuming.


I'm pretty confident that classic will be baked in to expansion purchases and your normal subscription. There's no way they're going to demand a separate subscription. They might have a separate purchase, but I think most people would be fine with that so long as it wasn't full price.

let's have this same thread about old thing people enjoy and continue to bitch and moan about old thing that runs alongside new thing and literally won't affect new thing in the slightest. then we can make up vast conspiracies and about old thing "taking away" from new thing because people have these delusions of grandeur that new thing is going to get these miraculous new snowflake changes and alternate reality expansions packs which have no chance of happening.

then we can also turn off our computers and run down to the store and screech at people who still buy newspapers when the internet exists, still use old cell phones instead of the new iphone, and restore old cars when new cars exist. then, we can finally go home and think about more things to bitch about that don't affect us! what a time it will be lads!

Hopefully Classic is an admission by Blizz that they shouldn't have caved to the whiners on their forums for years and they tell anyone who complains to fuck off and play retail if they don't like Classic. Personally I'm holding out hope that the biggest whiners get tired of it and quit before they hit 60. I'm going to gank a lot to try to filter out those types.

I would happily pay $15/month to play on an official server with Vanilla progression without all the slavs and hue monkeys and chinks and other third world trash on free private servers. After they do Naxx, which will take years if they follow the same timeframe they used originally, maybe they will add new raids and finish up unfinished zones.

Now post the rest of it.

This may very well be true, but the sentiment I see on the board is that some are coming back for Classic WoW, and Classic WoW only. That's the reaction I want to see 6 months from now

From what I know they didnt release the numbers for the rest.

My ultimate unlikely hope is that they use the classic servers as kind of a jumping off point for a divergent story in WoW. Imagine horizontal progression content being added onto the classic servers after everyone has got their fix. The chances of this happening are so fucking slim, but this announcement has got me in a hopeful mood.

Enjoy your imbalanced pvp with shamans raping everybody

if they're gonna charge full price (15/month or whatever it is now) then they better damn well put up a boatload of servers then.

WoW was the most casual game on the market.

>"i never played vanilla, but i did watch unbreakable" the post

Imagine playing Warcraft since launch and logging into Legion having to be all like "damn, Chris, this story is fuckin' fine, all deep and edgy with its awful cutscenes and ruined economy. I'd totally roll a furbait race with overblown running and casting animations" when all you really want to do is play a good MMO. Like seriously imagine having to be this cuck and not only sitting in some overdesigned husk of a city tabbed out to police content on NeoGAF as raid finder ticks away and another guild flaunts its awful sales pitch in front of you again, favorable new models barely concealing clipping issues that have existed for a decade, and just sit there run after run hour after hour through the same mindless shit. Not only having to tolerate Metzen's tedious narrative oversight but also his haughty attitude while your teeming leveling guild chat fawns over cataclysm-era NPCs saying the pop-culture references are SO CLEVER and DAMN, BLIZZARD WRITES CHARACTERS LIKE THAT?? because theyre not the ones who can remember a time before the same world quest was constantly pinging your map begging you to collect the same marginal upgrade youve had for months. You'd been on nothing but a healthy diet of hopeless scrubs in weeklong AVs for AGES in vanilla never dreaming WoW could be fucked this far beyond recognition but now you can almost taste the sweat gathering on J Allen Brack's fat face as he stumbles over his words on stage smiling smarmily down at you, smugly assured that youre enjoying the opportunity to pay to revel in the "streamlined" gameplay, without the "bloated abilities" you worked so hard to master. And now these fat fucking fucks are talking about yet another expac, even though not a single fucking person in this room has ever so much as looked at their crowd control button but you sit there quietly because you're a fucking retailcuck. Youre not going to lose an entire blog's worth of erotic panda fiction over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I don't see Blizzard dedicating any resources towards making new content for an old experience. If you want Classic WoW, you're probably going to get just that.

Literally just that, ONLY that. Nothing else after Naxx.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea. But I don't see much in the way of retention. They're basically sending this thing out to die.

It was a good movie.

I mean, people still play Diablo 2.

Enjoy your imbalanced pve with your rank 3 healspam

I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass because I don't know how many subs to expect but I'd rather have 10 high pop Classic servers than 5 high pop/10 medium/5 low pop. High pop servers are much better for WoW than low pop servers. Not so high that you consistently have queues to log in, but high enough for the world to feel full and vibrant and alive.

Diablo 2 doesn't have a subscription fee. This (most likely) will

People fear what they don't know man
The Internet back then was mostly man territory and pc gaming very niche
2007 ruined everything

but why would they, you think people didn't whine about balance and op shit in vanilla?


I wonder why

>because WoW was "kind" of the first of its kind, opening the MMORPG genre to a wide audience

This pretty much.

I always keep coming back to WoW due to how much time and dedication I've put into it.

I think it all depends on how successful and popular Classic is. If they are beating their projected numbers by the time Naxx rolls in I don't think they are just going to say "That's all, folks" and let it dwindle down as players start to unsub after clearing all Vanilla content. Maybe they will move on to BC or maybe they will keep it Vanilla but add new raid tiers but either way if it is successful I think they will do more with the servers. Obviously we're a long way off from that so it's just a thought exercise for now.

No one says it's bad
It's just extremely outdated and rough with all the balance issues, bugs and bad QoL
I say this as someone who's hyped about classic servers. I just know it's mostly nostalgia.

Why did you post this? This has zero to do with what we're talking about here.

that's fine too. my main concern is classic wow will launch with one pve realm and one pvp realm and its going to be a cluster fuck of a zillion people doing all the newbie quests for months. just as long as they have a boatload of servers for the initial rush and then they consolidate them later like they did in the past. the question is if blizzard will dedicate that many resources to it.

It's probably going to be a dual subscription thing. Blizzard makes tons of money off people selling/buying WoWtokens. I bet their plan is to put out classic to bring people back and then subtly try to nudge them into playing modern.

World of Warcraft was never about the end-game, it was about the journey. 99% of the players never even touched raiding.

The game died when Blizzard ruined the leveling experience and made it unfriendly for new players to give it a try. I tried introducing my brother to the game a few years ago but he thought the game was terrible due to how easy and boring it was.

1. You outlevel the zones you're questing in
2. Blizzard nerfed all the mobs and made all your abilities way stronger (level 15 in retail hits harder than a level 40 in vanilla with the same gear).
3. The only viable way to level is to sit afk in town while you're waiting for the dungeon queue to pop
4. Phased in players from other servers, ruining all form of server community
5. No need to ever group up with someone for quests anymore
6. Super health / mana regen. You never have to eat/drink
7. Flying mounts

The list goes on and on. New players won't give the game a try, and old players naturally quits. Hence why the game is dying because they abandoned the core part of the game.


If MoP was so good how come it didn't have many players? Check and m8 atheists.


MoP was good, it just followed a terrible expansion and too many players couldn't get over the pandas to give it a try. Best post-Wrath expansion by far.

they're not going to add anything except what they already have. when everyone hits 60 and kills rag a zillion times they're just going to say "okay cool well here's a TBC server for you" and that's if were lucky. they're not going to start these wacky alternate reality reboot things that people are dreaming of. like people have been saying we need to actually get there first. we're talking about step #2719 when we're still on step #1 let's just worry about actually getting a vanilla server that even comes close to 1.12 with an awesome api for addons, then maybe get a tbc server going, then maybe get a lich king server going and seeing how that goes first.

This. WoW is the best single player RPG ever basically.

Add hardcore mode option for the server after they beat kel'thuzad.

They stopped releasing shit. It was at the time where they decided to change their model to trying to convince us to buy expansions more frequently while they released less shit. The dungeons in MoP were inecusable.

Yes, but those are real sub numbers. We're talking about hypothetical player retention for a game that is being billed to:

a. never receive any additional content

b. never receive any additional support beyond server maintenance

So yeah, you're post still makes zero sense, you fucking sperg

HE maybe did nothing wrong

but thato ther fuckslut whore who randomly took 5 grand from paypal needs to be skinned alive and boiled in public

remember the german whore from Rebirth server? using several thousands in donations for new servers to buy shoes, lmao, never let women into classic pserver managment

>captcha FORDE COURT

No it wasn't.

EQ and ffxi existed. It was because WOW was a really fucking good game, go play vanilla on a private server, it's fantastic.

I want this game to throw balance out the window for classes being nore unique. How about a raid where you can skip trash if a rogue has high enough lockpicking. How about a boss that only a paladin can tank, horde never get paladin. Epic item quest for enhancement shamans wear they can wield a giant 2 handed mace that looks like a giant totem (why wasn't this a thing for enhancement shamans) Druids can tank a certain boss due to unique interactions with bear form. Maybe I'm just crazy but I like classes being needed for a unique thing only they bring to the table.



Then it's not vanilla.

I see so much of this sentiment that "WE WANT VANILLA, but also add this little thing over here" that I'm starting to think that people never really liked it as much as they think they did


Imagine writing all this.

WoW was easier than either of those at the time, that's why it go so popular.

Sorry I should have said down the line. Game is vanilla wow for a year or 2 and people say "it's stale, we need new content" that's when you could introduce new content that won't make old content worthless.

Oh, you're just baiting. Now I feel foolish

Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?

there's a difference between a new game with the promise of new content and an old game remade with no new content ever, especially an MMO
like people complained about new wow because of specific design decisions that differed from vanilla, not just because nothing was ever allowed to change

It’s a pasta that’s at least three years old and is frequently adapted to new subject matter you absolute fucking newfag

That's not vanilla though.

you did want vanilla right?

oh boy its this bait pasta again

what the fuck

I thought I did.

>at this time the only alternatives were stuff like runescape

Which was a shitty dimestore UO

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

can we please just a fucking server thats 1.12 before we start all this snowflake shit to fragment everyone even more?


WOTLK confirmed best expansion.

no, you private server brainlet
start at 1.0 or 1.4 at the latest

>Best post-Wrath expansion by far.
They're literally all terrible. Everything they've done post wrath has been pure unadulterated garbage

a permadeath option for a character would make it not vanilla? okay.

Wasn't in the main game? It's not vanilla

The minute you say "add BLANK", it immediately becomes not vanilla


No you chucklefuck, start at 1.12 classes, with 1.0 content.

I'd say that once they get the first set of Classic servers up and running, they should start working on a completely separate set with stuff like class balance and some other QoL improvements.

All of these suggested changes should be on separate, hypothetical "classic progressive" servers. If there's ever a point where Blizzard isn't providing Vanilla servers people are just going to fuck off back to private servers.

Then it's not vanilla.

You did want vanilla right?

go finish unlocking your crucible, retailcuck

What about improved mod support for vanilla? is that not vanilla enough for you?

Don't get me wrong: I'm excited for this stuff too.

But I want people to get exactly what they're asking for: vanilla and nothing else.

content progression doesn't have to be tied to version you silly goose. we can have all the fixes and still start the content from mara to dm to bwl etc. etc.

bare in mind that its going to take you 2+years of raids to get enough gear to pass the checks in naxx

No it isn't to be honest. I want everyone to see exactly what they played 13 years ago. Every breast, but also every pimple

It will never be true Vanilla because you won't be experiencing it all for the very first time on your shitty connection with your shitty computer while staying up past your bedtime.

I'll have you know that my computer ran WoW just fine back in 2004, thank you very much

>content progression doesn't have to be tied to version
it should be
people need to experience every part of vanilla and that includes the broken shit that was fixed later

But what if someone makes a new interface mod after the classic servers launch, specifically for classic WoW? Is it not allowed? I can only use the mods that came out during Vanilla times?