It’s up

It’s up

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YES finally sonic was never good

>actually watching modern game grumps
fucking gross


>"B-But muh jontron! He's /myguy/!!"

Shove your dicks into the receiving end of an industrial grinder, good fucking grief.

gamegrumps's sonic06 playthrough is unironically the best LP ever made

Game Grumps are fucking terrible, even when Jontron was part of it. There are so many better let's play channels out there, and normies eat this corporate pandering shit up. Also Dream Daddy is fucking trash and a freeware VN is better than it. (DDLC)

Eat shit Arin, you were never funny and Jontron never actually liked you.

I never even said Jontron era was best gamegrumo era. Game grumps was best when Danny first showed up. Way to put words in my mouth.

>liking manchild humor full of "epic poopy butt farts xD"
>or "epic penis joke xD"

God I wish arin would fucking choke on a cock and die already

Dan has grown on me.

It's a shame we'll never see the ending.

>corporate pandering

>watching other people play video games



Reminder that Ross was fired. RIP

I enjoy Danny too. I just think Arin fucking ruins the show. He is absolutely terrible at games yet pretends to think he is good and his humor consists of yelling and unfunny poop jokes. I would love a channel where Danny just sat down all by himself and just chilled and played some vidya while sharing stories.

Lets plays can still be fun to listen to in the background as a podcast. If you are actually actively watching the video I agree though.

>Ross was fired
No really, what is up with them cutting out Steam Train, Grumpcade, etc 3rd slots? I don't keep up with the shit outside of what they say during episodes and I only remember Arin saying something like "Everyone is free to do what they want" and shortly after we got Miitopia.

Would you?

>game grumps
Sup Forums is full of faggots. What are you guys, 12?

post the current suzy

>Dan has a handful of memorable games he loves form his chlidhood
>shows distinct pleasure in playing them, even apologizes when he's shit
>Arin plays a game horrible, instantly jumps on the "Youtube comments" train
>doesn't own up to being bad
>never really shows enjoyment with games he plays

Patrician taste. Early Dan era was the best era.

But Danny is way more enjoyable than Jon and Arin together. Jon and Arin don't bounce off each other well, it's just so much of the same and it gets annoying. Danny and Arin have way more different personalities, and makes for better talk.

Did Ego kill the current one AGAIN?

>hey arin
>one time I smoked weed

>watching other people play sports
>watching other people cook
>watching other people do anything

Early Dan still had fun stories to tell but he can't repeat the same shit again or its redundant.

In a perfect world it'd be Jon and Danny

>Watching other people play sports

You're watching top tier athletes play against each other at a national/international level

>Watching other people cook

You're learning new recipes and cooking techniques

>Watching faggots goof around in a lets play

Enough said.


>Arin doesn’t even hold down the boost button. He just taps it.
Why am I not surprised?

I'm guessing fans of Game Grumps have been around here longer than you have.

Fuck off shill

Are you? I've been watching since Goof Troop aired

Yeah, Arin is such a coddled faggot that he doesn't have any interesting stories to tell other than him sitting at home at his computer after his mom pulled him out of high school.

I'll take "I made some mistakes" stories over "I fapped to my own cartoons on newgrounds" any day.

He was fired.

I have a massive anxiety problem so whenever I play online games I have GG, Oney Plays, or Super Mega on in the background to relax me.

Danny is also funnier than Jon.

[citation needed]

Not calling bullshit, just curious.

Gee, I can't wait for Arin make exacerbated screams because watching a grown man screaming at a game for children is hilarious!

>liking game grumps at all


fuck off, arin, sonic was never bad.


The problem with Dan is that he obviously doesn't care about video games and only plays them on Grumps, because he's 40. He's so clueless about games that he genuinely mistakes Arin's ineptitude for flaws of the game.

Seconding this

Not on my board.

Nah sorry but your perfect lolbertarian society of "EVRY1 CAN DO WAT THEY WANT IF IT DUSNT HURT PPL" does not exist in real life, your faggot garbage will be scrutinized and shamed as long as you live. There's as reason you can't admit your scat fetish in public.

He wanted to focus on bis anination full time and Arin wouldnt let him, he eventually cancelled both his series'.

I cant remember what ep but it was obvious there was a lot of tension between the two, Arin made a very passive aggressive comment like "Oh, well if you dont want my help with Game Over, Im a very busy man as it is"


>There's as reason you can't admit your scat fetish in public.
I'm not a fan of Game Grumps either but you gotta work on those equivalences.

>being this autistic

It is exactly the same thing, sorry.

Nothing wrong with criticising a shit lp channel, not like Im chaining you in my basement and "not letting you enjoy it"

Advertising is against the rules.

i miss them so fucking much

Im not the game grumps watcher bud.

Sup Forums is here, abandon thread.

jesus christ

Jon left, Arin became utterly unbearable. Kinda sad looking at this image, before it all went wrong

It's no surprise Arin's an asshole. He has a huge ego from his e-celeb status and surrounds himself with yes men.

jontron is so bad now. Anything he has made since his controversy has been trash compared to anything before.

Watching this video is somehow actually making me want to buy sonic forces and make a dumb shit character

So you're making assumptions then?
His 'office' is still in the grump space, they were recently on that Ross Draws channel together and now theyre doing DnD stuff.

Hold up, Neogaf is here too, burn it down

>you will never live in 2012 again as their goof troop videos came out

That's not happening. Welcome to Sup Forums

Underrated as fuck.

Thank God I only watch ancient good stuff like AVGN.

>2012 was so long ago
Not a day over 16 confirmed.

Ross would fade into irrelevancy if he unaffiliated himself with Arin and the Game Grumps crew. Most fans probably only know him mostly for his steam train shit.

The only correct way to watch Game Grumps is through videos showcasing just how shit they are.

Wait till you find out that you can't show your genitals to kids, lol

Simpleton. Real men watch super gaming brothers

Oh, great, more LP shit. Love me some JewTube E-celeb threads, good shit. Hey, while this thread is up, why not post our favorite things about the show?

>Funny voices haha
>References (also good)
>loud noises haha LOUD haha
>Classic sex talk and toilet humor (MY DICK, haha)
>Story time (very interesting!)!

I know it is hard to pick a favorite, but please do your best to do so and then tell us which moment of the Let's Player's you thought was most funny.

you say this but im not entirely convinced. I have heard a lot of people in the youtube community say many good things about arin and never have heard anything bad. The only things i have ever heard about jontron are that he is funny. Nothing about his character or how he really is ever gets brought up.


In the end it's mainly assumptions but no youtuber is going to talk shit about another youtuber publicly.

>dan literally doxxed a person who wrote a sonic adventure DX walkthrough in 2004 because he and arin were too stupid to figure out that the emerald spawns in the knuckles stages are random
But Dan talked about his battle with depression! That's so relatable!

Daily reminder.

I gotcha.


whats wrong with joe? I know what games he likes and what games he doesnt. When he plays a game and says something is hard i just know he isnt great at video games. When he reviews games i can take parts of his review to heart and others wihta grain of salt because i know his biases and i know mine.

that... has to be a joke, right?
is she actually a fucking landwhale now?

Nothing says underage faggot like making a lets player thread

>kindly go fuck yourself


oink oink

to me arin is becomung just the boss of game grumps and has become boring and just not fun, dan ks a good boy but not a lot there for me. Oney replaced them entirely, only subbed to gg for the doodle doods and im pretty sure thats over

hes made like 3 videos


>putting based CHAD DADDY in the same category as these fags

I just want Jon back


Danny playing solo for those like 2 episodes were easily the best ones.

This poop joke parade has been successful for 3 or 4 years now, all I can do is wonder who tf watches it.

I rememeber not being fazed by shit jokes when I was 13 or so rewatching code monkeys as an adult was very painful, so that's probably the primary demo.

and i think they are probably the 3 worst videos he has made on his channel, but each seemingly has sooo much more production than his usual videos.

he is literally taking more time, spending more money, and still making bad videos. He should realize fans wouldnt care if he just made a bunch of the same videos without all the elaborate props and gags.

That is grim

Don't expect the guy who never leaves his parent's house to understand.