This is your healer for tonight, say something nice about her.
This is your healer for tonight, say something nice about her
stop making this thread
>studying to become a geneticist
It's nice that they put me in a video game but it's weird that they made me irish
an obnoxious female david bowie with acrylic fingernails
How do I get a healslut?
Why do so many trannies come to Sup Forums specifically?
You friend me!
>why do outcasts hated by society want to stay inside and play video games all day
are you also as ugly
Because videogames are binary.
You're a disgrace to the real Medic name, same with that Swedish slut.
Hate to burst your bubble but Moira is not trans, she is just a skinny woman with sharp features.
Dressing androgynously didn't make David Bowie transgender either.
Though honestly david bowie was a fucking faggot for a while there.
using the word trans is just enabling mental illness
Demonizing mental illness rarely works well either.
>playing no limits on PTR
>try her for a bit and then remember best girl ana got buffed
>tfw nade-shoot-melee combo is back
>tfw nanoing ulting moira
>tfw nadeing an entire team of Moiras and watching the kills roll in
He supposedly liked to dress like a woman and get butt rumped
>he was more trap though i suppose
I wish they had gone with the Doc Ock design instead.
I hate this and orisa so much.
worst shit tier ideas design characters
>future geneticist who created technology to rewrite and manipulate DNA and alter organisms
She is just a skinny woman with sharp features, yes. She was also born male and used science to make herself female.
Why the fuck are all the interesting looking characters support?
>skinny woman
>born male
>Lancer [Caster] after sex change operation