Rise kujikawa is so cool

Rise kujikawa is so cool.

>Inb4 slut

Not a slut.

Other urls found in this thread:


Kissable tummy


Cute butt

And sexy


How would she react to having her butt squeezed in public while you're both on a date?



My baby
Also gif doesn't work

Rabbit is cooler.


It's not really meant to be one.

Imagine the sheer amount of greasy, fat producer cock that has been inside/on her.

If you ended up dating Rise she'd probably come home, try to go straight in the shower and then cry herself to sleep when you try to give her a kiss and end up with a fat guy's pube on your tongue.

She would braaaaap


>Not a slut

Erotic =! slut

>working idol
>not a slut
CEOs need love too, user.

slut != erotic

Rise lusts only for senpai which is totally normal for a healthy teenage girl who falls in love with a single (one, 1) man.

You retards are just jealous because video game characters can have normal relationships and you will never do.

Rise would be the kind of girl you catch giving an older guy a thighjob because "it's part of her job" and she doesn't really see that kind of idol obligation as sexual.

This is unironically what got me to buy P4

You are a scholar.

>someone else besides me likes it

>dresses like a whore on national tv
>does adverts wearing nothing but a bikini despite being an underage teen
Fuck off.



is yukiko the least bullyable girl in P4?

Rise being a slut is a meme. Chie is the real town bike.

She's the least bad of all the girls in P4. Her competition wasn't exactly fierce though.

Why do people push this meme so hard then?

Look, at the end of the day I just want to cum in Meltyface and start a family with her



Chie deflectors.



>one acts slutty but is still a virgin
>the other acts all tomboyish and unfeminine but lost her virginity in her early teens
It's a bit shocking when you find out desu

Nvm found it

>the entire point of shadow rise is that she is a slut that wants to be seen and cockstease
>s-she is not a slut!


All shadows are exaggerations of a characters insecurity and their fear of how other perceive them. Did you even fucking play the game?

wow it's almost like the shadows were very greatly exaggerated

by your logic Kanji is gay and Naoto is a tranny

the shadows were just parts of them they were most insecure about x1000

Kanji isn't actually gay, he just enjoys traditionally girly things, similarly Naoto doesn't want to be a boy.
Yukiko doesn't want to leave the inn but rather saw it as a choice being made for her rather than something she wanted herself. Rise doesn't want to be a stripper, she just enjoys the performer life while still wanting people to care about her overall rather than just her appearance

>mental gymnastics

I want to marry Rise and start a family with her

share with the class?

>Kanji isn't gay meme
>when he felt attracted to a dude outside his fucking dungeon
He's bi.

I want to marry you and start a family with you

>when he felt attracted to a dude outside his fucking dungeon
Umm, no honeybunches? Did you even finish the game sweetie?

bi =/= gay

>Explaining things in the exact same way the game does
>Mental gymnastics
slutfags need to be gassed

Imagine not being able to understand a P4 character.

rabbit has autism

Kanji is worried about not being manly. In reality he would suck all the cocks if only it wasn't gay.

Likewise Rise is a huge slut that wants to be ravaged but not in a gross, exploitative way. If you were friends with her she'd be super down for casual sex.

>wants to suck a dick
>not gay
Did you?

And it's a bad thing because?

if you think fucking dudes and chicks are ok, you're gay.

traps aren't gay

I miss her so much bros
why did the paki have to ruin her

>All the autistic answers don't actually benefit you in Fate events. Just makes you look like an ass.
>Still pick them anyways.
Autism bunny is the only way to play DeSu2.

>t. Didn't play the game

You sure?

Maybe at the start she is, but she grows a spine and tosses the banter back.

>there is a small part of me inside that would want to rape beautiful women
>this supposedly makes me a rapist
The whole point is that they didn't want to integrate their shadow into themselves, so they are controlled by it instead of owning their own life.

>I'm going to prove this guy wrong!
>spastics these absolutely autistic examples

user normal people don't think of rape. They think of wooing hot girls.

Are you a woman? You sound like a woman.


You're lying to your self inside if you something deep inside doesn't desire that primal pleasure. Of course normal people suppress that because otherwise we can't live in a society if we don't sacrifice selfish pleasures for the future, but that's why we aren't animals. I chose an extreme example to make my point, but another one maybe more relatable to a lot of people here is something like that self hatred that they deny so they can live with themselves. They ignore it and continue in some downward spiral, lying to themselves they are happy being a worthless neet.

She reacts negativity if you say this.

have you forgiven them yet?

All priestess are for bullying,ALL of them

You are projecting really hard, user. First with the rape, now with the self hatred.

I really hate this Lovers being sluts meme. I didn't realize how annoying it was until P5 because Ann is my waifu.

Second best after marie

>he keeps going after idols and models
>in a world where idols and models are pictured as finding their work through sexual favors

You'd think you would have learned after the first time.

Does she have a boyfriend?

>tfw Ann and Rise are my persona waifus
>Have to put with this slut shit almost daily on Sup Forums
You're all a bunch of jaded assholes

>he keeps going after idols and models

Rise is actually the only girl in P4 that I didn't romance. This was 5 years ago and I can't think of a reason why I would have passed on her and romanced the other 3. I'm sure if I ever replay the game I'll romance her.

>likes sluts
>complains that people calls them sluts
You are worse than those faggots who complain they can't play as a genderfluid pansexual.

Cause she is a slut. Duh.

There is literally no in game evidence that suggests they are sluts

Why does Sup Forums care so much about girls being sluts
If she isn't cheating does it really matter?


I'm starting to believe you are confusing slut with whore.
Kawakami is a whore.
Rise is a slut.

There isn't any evidence that suggests either

>persona fags THIS DEEP in denial

Oh, never mind. You're just a troll.
Here's your (you).

>Not providing any evidence to back up your claims

That's how you know they're just shitposting and don't actually believe it. There's no way somebody plays through the beginning of P5 and unironically thinks Ann is a slut. You'd have to be a psychopath to not feel sympathy for the situation she's in.

I was mostly talking Rise though. There's no denying that she's lewd and thirsty as fuck. That indeed makes her a slut.

The problem with Ann is that she is sooooo fucking stupid she could be tricked into anything.

>ann in risettes clothing

How many times you masturbated to Rise?

>really hate this Lovers being sluts meme. I didn't realize how annoying it was until P5 because Ann is my waifu.

Only insecure people care about what some faggots are desperately trying to force.

Better question is how many times have you masturbated to just pic related

Maybe I am projecting with the self hatred, because I've had to deal with it and overcome it before. The point is that these are examples, and if you can't reflect on aspects of your own self in this way then you missed the whole point of the game.

People seem to always miss the point of the lovers , they have a naughty nature but dont show it unless they trust someone.
They pay a lot of atention of what others think of them, too , so any slutty behavior and when people start looking at them bad they will be affected
