Audio > Gameplay > Graphics > Story

Audio > Gameplay > Graphics > Story

Fact. It's impossible to find a 10/10 game in any other order

Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't

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Gameplay > Audio > Story > Graphics

Prove me wrong

Name one game with good audio, you can't because Creative are jews.

You could simplify it a bit.

Gameplay > Presentation

A game being fun to play is the most important element of a video game, everything else is just set dressing to make it a more appealing product/experience.

That being said, good presentation CAN elevate medicore gameplay if it's firing on all cylinders and makes the overall experience more enjoyable.

The answer is obviou

The whole > The sum of its parts

I’d argue that presentation is different from story.

Not in the sense that it only exists to present context to the gameplay.

But Silent Hill has terrible graphics and gameplay, but amazing art direction and audio. Story is so simple and non-existant it’s inconsequential.

So where would text-based games fall in the presentation? No graphics and sounds, but rich in writing. Is that poor presentation?

Silent Hill's graphics were top of the line for the era there were produced in, what are you on about?

Why are you replying to obvious retards?

Obviously poor.

Soulsborne do not have good stories just because their above-average world building is behind a lot of work to uncover; similarly vivid writing having to imagine all the sounds and audio do not make the presentation better.

I think audio is vastly underrated. Pretty much the reason why undertale was successful.

Part of the game's presentation, the story, being good enough to elevate it's very simple (but possibly still fun) roleplaying gameplay.

Not true at all, MGSV's gameplay is great and so is the audio but the story is garbage and there's no variety ever in the missions so it's boring and repetitive.

>its great back then mean its great now
Thing is with graphics it needs to be updated heavily than any other part to get with the times. it's why we get remasters and remakes.

In the ideal game, gameplay is the story. You experience and do the story instead of it being presented to you

>for the era
You can’t always judge a game for what it was. That’d mean Pong should be the GOAT just because it was the only vidya at the time.
Playstation polygonal graphics do not hold up to today’s graphical standards. Graphics are objective. But that still doesn’t detract from the overall game and presentation because the art direction was done so well.

OP is a fag and his favorite game is Fallout 4

Wouldn’t a 10/10 be more like Audio = Gameplay = Graphics = Story? Why would a perfect or near perfect game have lesser elements that decline in quality?

you're telling me you value story as much as gameplay or audio?

the perfect game would be everything gameplay because gameplay is everything else combined.

I’m saying that a perfect game would have equally outstanding qualities in everything.


For all these points I think it becomes heavily debatable and subjective because some games go for delivering vastly different experiences than others.
A game like the Last of Us is visually great and has an amazing story, and while the game play is fun and competent, I wouldn't call it revolutionary or amazing.
Metal Gear as a series has great story elements, but has some of the most fun game play within the stealth genre, and the design of the games and the way the AI is written makes Metal Gear stand out above the last of us and so many other stealth action games in terms of game play. (bonus points for the codec system being so engaging, never a dull tutorial in Metal Gear, for all it's long cutscenes and conversations)

Now look at Devil May Cry 3 & 4 and Bayonetta. These have pretty much the best combat of any 3rd person action games ever, but their story is criticised for it's simplicity.
Then look at God of War. The early titles were praised for high production values and polished game play with greatly compelling narratives, but they don't hold a candle to DMC, Bayonetta, or other more intense and deep combat games. And the creators are very aware of that, so they added lots of puzzles to break the monotony that would be there if it was nonstop combat



I don't think it is as easy as saying the art is 10 and the audio is 10 and the game play is 10 therefore the game is a 10. That is a very compartmentalised way of looking at things which is why I think the games industry is declining.
The visuals, audio, and game play should be in agreement with each other in terms of the experience that they are trying to deliver, they should work together, but it feels alot of times that developers and publishers are going down a checklist of what they have without actually playing the games to make sure that what they have is appropriate.

Here's a great video that explains this point in terms of films and video games
And a couple more talking about how action games use this pragmatically to encourage gameplay

In the end it really comes down to what experience the creator of the game is trying to deliver, what their skills and budget are, and a lot of other factors


didn't read lol

Fine by me, have some ass

My question is: Why would one want 10/10 games? Niche(er) games have the most impact because while they have deep flaws they also give you the highest highs.

I don't much care for "perfect" games, as they must be overly polished, losing some of their soul.
Also here are two other charts to disprove yours.