Now that the dust has settled, is this Game Of The Year™?
Now that the dust has settled, is this Game Of The Year™?
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It's unironically my favorite game released so far this year, so for me it's definitely GOTY.
it should to be honest
Maybe for brainlets.
It is for me but I understand that some people might have different opinions and that's not ok, you have to agree with me
It probably is. Nier: Automata had more of an impact on me, but Odyssey will probably get more playtime.
>Mario fans pretending Sonic Forces didn't just steal Mario's thunder
Thats not nier
i bought a fucking switch for this game alone
I would say Nier but it's a bit overrated and too story heavy.
No its a decent game with no element that is especially spectacular.
>3 posts think 97 is GOTY material
>Must be a conspiracy
Nobody solves captchas to post "yep" unless they have an agenda
What the fuck nonsense is that? Maybe that user felt a short curt answer was more definitive and/or humorous.
Go fuck yourself you absolute deluded madman.
No, Zelda is.
>GOTY ends up being between Zelda, Mario and Xenoblade 2
What happened?
Would be if it wasn't for Nier Automata, BOTW, or Persona 5.
Not even close. Just felt like another 3D world game to me.
Am I insane or was Super Mario 64 a thousand times longer than Nu Mario?
It's good for a Mario game but it's hardly a game of the year. But than again when you get released in the same year as Horizon Zero Dawn, how do you honestly even try to compete?
Better luck next year Nintendo fans but hey you got a good Mario and Zelda game this year so you've got nothing to complain about right? Well except for the fact that you wont likely get another mainline entry in either franchise for another 5+ years.
It feels longer because you're sent back to the start after getting each star.
Post game, yeah. The initial playthrough to beat the game is fairly easy.
Yup, and it deserves the rewards. Unlike BotW.
The game is 10,000 times shorter when you can just free roam and find all the stars without being forced to exit.
Press will probably still go with Zelda. My own personal choice would be something else altogether.
BOTW is legitimately fucking boring. I don't understand the obsession over it, is it just because its the first 3D console Zelda in a long time?
I'd rather play a top-down Zelda than this shit, its just watered down survival crap with breakable weapons and low level Farcry tier outpost clearing with the occasional Zelda dungeon.
BotW is better by a large margin. Odyssey is honestly pretty average. Maybe it just didn't click with me
>HZD GOTY with only graphics
Even if playing Mario when you are above 14yrs old is gay as fuck, with all the shills it gets everywhere, it is GOTY 2017.
Oh no one cares what the media thinks. I've seen enough Nintendo shill clickbait articles this year to fill my quota of chuckles for another year.
>Even if playing Mario when you are above 14yrs old is gay as fuck
If you can't enjoy Mario why even play video games?
I play better games than you kiddo.
>I play better games than you kiddo
No, you don't.
Please tell me why should I listen to someone dedicated to a brand? Disgusting.
HAHA.. Hey you're welcome to think that friend even if it's a horribly tainted opinion. I'll be enjoying an actual GOTY but you enjoy that once in decade Mario game.
>and Xenoblade 2
Brands aren't inherently flawed. You can have a good brand, it's just that no brand should be defended purely because of its brand. If a brand is consistently solid, it can be defended on that basis.
I mean normies don't care about it, but it will be one of the best games this year.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. I loved Chronicles 1 but I'm still REALLY skeptical with 2.
What is causing you to be skeptical if you liked the first one which this is following directly in the footsteps of?
Wrong game, bud.
>dedicated to a brand?
But user, I have all the current consoles. Just so happens I bought a Switch a week ago.
This is basically the same Mario as always, this time with 999 moons added.
No? And I'm not your "bud" faggot.
This game gave me autism.
>This is basically the same Mario as always
So good?
Well when you only get 3-4 actual games a year ya I suppose one of those 3-4 would be your own personal game of the year.
>Nintendo Solid
>Wii meme (wii fit meme, controller, a lot of horrible games)
>Wii U meme (Controller, best game is BOTW, the most outdated hardware from 2012)
>Switch meme (Bad hardware, rehash everywhere, best game is Odyssey, 2018 no games)
>Money come from phone games (Pokémon go , Mario run) and also shills
>Online fee.
>Best console is 3ds
I am waiting for an easy way to hack the switch. Buying this piece of shit now is disgusting. Fuck you and Miyamoto.
>I am waiting for an easy way to hack the switch
Okay so you admit you want the games, you're just poor.
I keep forgetting the Switch launched earlier this year so BotW is also a strong contender.
Yet another gigantic faggot that underestimated the Wii's great library.
As I said earlier Mario is gay faggot.
I want to play SMTV and NMH3, on a used switch.
This board is pathetic.
I'd say so. And I genuinely believe that most people who would argue against it being a contender haven't played it. Also, don't post Jim Sterling shit, ever. Guy is a pathetic piece of garbage and a black mark on the industry.
>this board
>reddit spacing
>Nintendo is awful so I want to pirate the games
Jim Sterling said this game was great because everybody expected him to say it was bad. He has to do the opposite of what is expected.
Nice try, I bet you like the new super smash bros gigantic faggot.
I don't care what he did or why he did it. Guy's a waste of space (and he takes up a lot of it). If everyone stopped talking about him, maybe the attention whore would eventually fuck off/kill himself and make the world a slightly better place
It is for me. Phenomenal game.
lmao at your brain
>tips fedora
what do those three ideas have to do with one another? I'm not double-spacing you absolute faggot, I'm paragraphing because I'm not an ape
>for extremely short, single sentences
no, but it's still a masterpiece
yeah, my agenda is pissing autists like you on Sup Forums off
I'm having fun with it though Splatoon and DOOM are pretty goat, too
If Splatoon 2 had an update schedule like the original, with more frequent new maps and weapons, it would be GOTY. And that's a rock fact!
Is this the Odyssey general?