Now show me regular toast.
So you're saying there's an optimal amount of minor burn scars between the two? The touching feeling girl maybe?
grape jelly toast > buttered toast
This is Yuri
You don't put both butter and jelly on your toast?
no, gross
You're a fucking weirdo.
>daily reminder that if you're a focacciafag or a frenchcountryfag, you need to reevaluate your life
How many toasty waifus are there?
Not like whitebread is any better.
Is this supposed to be some edgy racist post because I dont get it
Are Burn victims a race?
No. one is sliced bread and the other is burnt toast.
Yes, if you like anime girls without burn scars, you're a white supremacist.
So it's very fluffy?
more for me
It's been filled with holes and left out over the weekend.
t. amerilard
you get more flavour out of just jam
Jelly is for literal children, Nigel.
>sliced bread
>burnt toast
So what does that make Monika?
>American white """bread"""
Even something as simple as bread is corrupted by American kapitalism
I want to butter up that burnt toast with my peepee if you know what i mean
I can't stand burn victims. They're disgusting.
>crying about capitalism
>because you don’t like a type of bread
Would you like some water with that?
But americans don't even like white bread. We just give it to kids so they don't complain.
t. works in a diner that sells grilled cheeses with 6 bread options
What's the similarity between Yuri and Hanako other than purple hair?
My fucking sides
So what was the right answer here?
She doesn't look like she was much of a looker before the burns.
Imagine being so obsessed you have to bring up America no matter what is being posted about.
Doki Doki Reddit Club
she IS cute
She WAS cute, then she got burnt
wasn't cute before and wasnt cute after.
Emi best girl
Kek, I honestly like the taste of burnt toast more.
fuck off
hanako is bset girl
Actually, Lilly is the best.
>plebs not choosing best girl Misha
What a bunch of fags.
Fuck, now I want pugiese or a baguette.
>Comfort Misha
>End up fucking her
I'm very bad with signals in real life as well
That option was really nuanced, i dont think youre an autist if you didnt get that right user.
Two-Face's wife?
Doesn't really bother me. The only thing I'd be concerned about is whether touching her scars would hurt her, which would be inconvenient.
It's not like the game didn't streamline you directly to girls based on one click before this.
>decide to try and catch up with Emi on the second run because you don't get better if you don't try
>realize that I'm on a path with no option to back out
Was it like this in the act 1 demo? I'm surprised they didn't change it.
>Putting anything on bread other than egg yolks after you finish your runny eggs.
Seriously? Nothing is better than that.
>people thought Yuri was best girl when it was actually Natsuki
I think europoors just hate automation and its effects. They must all be a bunch of whiney hippies.
Yuri is the superior waifu.
Yuri > Natsuki > Monika > Sayori
Lilly > Shizune > Rin > Hanako > Emi > Misha
Sometimes you don't have time to make a full breakfast and you just want some jelly or whatever kind of spread you like on toast.
When I heard people praising DDLC for its writing, I thought this might be Hanako's second chance, after what happened to her route.
Turns out it's just not that kind of game. Oh well, at least Yuri isn't the only one to get screwed over, unlike the way that even Shizune's story was better than Hanako's.
What was wrong with hanako's route? I liked it overall.
hanako rapes hisao
Eeh... in the end it works out though.