Stop being undead.
World of Warcraft
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*will of the forsaken*
Nothing personel, locks
Stop it, you will make him even more fur-ious with you Sylvanas.
Stop being a furry
Don’t be so harsh.
Sylvanus made Genn’s life pretty ruff.
He'd only be worsening the situation
Worgen exist to be purged
Reminder that Sylvanas made knotting wrong.
Loktar Ogar
Victory OR death
Does this mean that you do not need to win if you've already died once or more?
genn gets cuter every xpac wtf
I wanna fuck him
Grampa is not for fug, only hug.
>battle for azeroth ends with a decisive victory for one of the factions
>losing faction has to unsubscribe from WoW and can never play the game again
Does anyone still have fun in this game?
I want to fuck grandpa!
I want to hug the fuzzy puppy
I'd rather be undead than some degenerate furry
In all honestly, can you see them kill off Sylvanas? I feel like she's a major selling point.
It's a shame the new trailer stopped smug Illidan posting, can anyone post theirs?
It's foolproof, everybody wins
only the degenerates in goldshire
which is why classic is happening, so that more than just degenerates can have fun
>wanting to be a rotting putrid corpse instead of a nice fluffy dog boi
YOUR'RE a degenerate
they can't kill off any more horde leaders because they don't have any left
saurfang doesn't even want his job
whom the fuck is leading the trolls right now even
lor'themar is forever ignored
ally wise i could see magni, genn, and/or malfurion all dying soon
are worgen supposed to look like 100% adorable overgrown puppies?
I want to impregnate Jaina.
She's only Mercy's age so its okay.
All you degenerate furries should be permabanned
so tsundere
40kfags are literally just as bad as furfags.
Technically already happened, remember Aprils Furs day? Im just waiting for the mass /trash/ purge.
Of course that also kills the Sup Forums generals, but those deserve it even more so it is A-OK.
Also Alliance have always had a weakness for furries, just remember the obsession about Hogger.
user, /trash/ turned two years old yesterday. I don't think it's going anywhere.
/trash/ and /mlp/ should have never existed, bronies are just furries
No Worgen Paladin, no Undead Paladin, sub remains cancelled.
>But they are le cursed by le shadow
Neutral Pandaren wins, we can only make Pandas now.
>motivational poster
What year do you think it is?
>implying they won't pull another corruption into common enemy
>ugh furrfags ughhhhhhh
Taurens are actually the cancer.
this expansion is definitely going to get hijacked by the Old Gods
Been playing Undead and Blood Elf since my start during TBC. Best races. I just wished there was Undead Paladin.
But thats not 40k dumbass
So Void Elves are exiled Blood Elves who tried dabbling into pure void magic; we also know that Teldrassil has been tainted by the Nightmare, and we don't know why it gets burned.
What if the reason it gets burned is because the horde adopts a zero tolerance policy for void bullshit, and catches wind of Teldrassil's shit acting up again, and the Night Elves refusing to do what's necessary to eliminate it because it's their home?
Thats not 40k
That is an Atlas mech from Mechwarrior.
People get angry over undead and
>using holy
But honestly I've always liked the idea. What isn't awesome about holding on to it so tightly you're willing to burn the fuck out of yourself to keep using it?
>spoonfeeding dumbasses from neogaf
Dude please
Jesus Christ you are cancer. BE and UD are the two worst races in the horde. BE should have been Aliance and chaotic evil asshole Undead should have been neutral.
Horde started out as more of a ragtag band of misfits in it for necessity, repayment of debts, or convenience. Undead fit in perfectly until they made Sylvanas retarded.
Honestly even plenty of Alliance fags seem to think Teldrassil should been burned down a LONG time ago.
Shit has been fucking heavily Felcorrupted since Vanilla and basically never should been made since it was a fucking VANITY PROJECT and IIRC was the suggestion from one of the Old Gods agents (Fandral).
Teldrassil was a mistake and no Nelf should pretend otherwise even with MUH HOME.
I'm sorry, isn't the purpose of this board to share video game info?
>not playing troll and undead only
why even play the game?
Friendly reminder that if you want a question answered, you can avoid the whining about spoonfeeding by just giving the wrong answer yourself and having some autist correct you for free.
>slaying Arthas is the end
>WotLK was almost 9 years ago
WoW was a mistake.
It was a major plot point but there's no way that could be the end when the legion still has azeroth on a map and the fucking dark portal still exists.
Varg go home you're drunk.
Meanwhile Sylvanas gets uglier with every expansion.
Well, there's Baine. But apparently Tauren aren't allowed to do anything relevant.
Yeah that was way back in Vanilla, TBC and early WotLK. Since than they have been unappologetically evil with the only good forsaken being neutral npcs and player characters.
>There's no way it could be the end when there's an army of people willing to shell out for subs till the end of time
>wow team currently happy with how male worgen models look
yeah but nobody else is
They probably should've just let the alliance burn UC in WOTLK. Silvermoon becomes relevant, Lordaeron reclaimed, chaotic stupid flushed out, everyone wins.
Ehh, you sure 'bout that?
Honestly i just want a model upgrade so they can be added to races that can be monks for unarmed RIP AND TEAR goodness more then anything.
the tears would be insane if they killed off cairne AND baine
who the fuck would even replace them
I mostly just hate their shitty run animation. It's way too fucking goofy.
Fucking this how anyone thought that run animation was okay?
Magatha for more STRONG WOMEN.
Search your heart, you know it be true.
Didn't the solve the corruption shit there years ago?
jesus fucking christ don't even jokes about that man
Malfurion supposedly solved it in a book, but in Cataclysm it resurfaced
>Malfurion supposedly solved it in a book
They really need to stop putting shit like that in side material.
Don't give them ideas
funny you say that because i hear the teldrassil business goes down in the next one
>Alliance wins
>Horde disbands
>healslut leader takes in Horde refugees
>Stormwind becomes green within one expansion
it's beautiful
You guys are acting like the direction isn't already obvious, Magatha is like the 3rd most important Tauren, Blizz wanna push strong women, Blizz loves DINDUNUFFIN.
Frankly it wouldn't surprise me if the way Vol'jin is brought back (and he will, pals with the Troll Grim Reaper.) will be via possessing some Troll Shamaness for "trans" points and the Goblin secretary finally becoming the new leader for them, That way Horde gets to be primarily "Female" in leadership, depending on you stance on "male" blood elves possibly entirely since everyone knows Ji is fucking Aya and no longer gives a shit thus not exactly qualifying as a "Horde Leader" anymore.
Get ready for your new Feminist approved Horde.
i'm pretty sure it would go to runetotem before magatha desu
the true meme ending is gallywix taking over the horde anyway
Why Nathanos is a manlet?
>why are elves taller than humans?
High Elves are the same height as Humans
So his head is level with Sylvanas breasts, she likes to get em motorboated apparently so it influences her choice of boy toy.
>you will never be sylvanas' personal titty slave
Female belves are shorter than an average male human.
Corruption had nothing to do with it. $10 says the Horde preemptively sacked it to gain control of Kalimdor, since with Theramore gone that was the biggest Alliance presence there.
In response, the Alliance attacks Lordaeron. It's the only explanation that makes sense for Anduin to be to be at war.
all leaders are fuckheug. even his majesty, the healslut.
>What isn't awesome about holding on to it so tightly you're willing to burn the fuck out of yourself to keep using it?
The part where you're a dead cunt who follows Sylvanas
I'd say the only other viable reason for it is because the Sylvanas goes after Greymane for breaching their peace treaty, who is at the Worgen refuge in Darnassus, but they don't give him up.
And even that is full retard
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
Anduin is gay though.
I love this smug piece of shit.
Compared to other gnomes yeah
It still urks me that Sylvannas is the leader of the undead humans of Lordaeron AND they are allied with the filthy orcs that them and their ancestors fought when they were alive. There is no way she is not using some gay ass mind control thingy on them.
I'm sorry Sup Forums. I'm so sorry, but I want to kiss him.
Huh thought they were about the same as night elves
What was so bad about Cataclysm anons? I didn't get to play it, but I like the idea of human hunters and so on.
why does he have a smile on his face?
did he finally taste tyrande and all he could taste was malfurion's semen?
gods her for the horde yell was weak. why can't Saurfang be the warchief?
I want to cum on his fur.
>ruin the old world
>every quest is now a pop culture reference xD
>start of the talent tree rework
>raid finder