How did we go from this...
How did we go from this
to this?
Eastern culture has lowered in quality due to over-saturation, just like Western culture. It's not rocket science.
Surely zeke will fill that gap
It's what happen when you go full anime. You never go full anime.
Its going to flop isn't it.
Businessmen in Japan said bright cartoony graphics has higher mass market appeal.
I'm probably not going to buy it, but because they changed the combat system so much.
Things tend to improve over time
All three have pretty different combat systems though.
I didn't like X either.
Oh, gotcha. Personally I like how each game feels completely different in spite of some similarities on paper, but I guess that's bound to turn some people off too.
Loli is always an upgrade over anything
It's an absolute upgrade compared to Xenoblade 1. XB was extremely fugly compared to Saga 3. The animation and graphics are a travesty.
Now, X is a game that looked good. At least compare XB2 to that, because I'd agree the art is a downgrade in XB2.
I also want to state it's retarded for people to make the assumption Blade 2 has no mecha. If it's anything like X, you unlock them way later on in the game. It's a great hidden feature and there's plenty of reason they'd hide it while upping the comparisons to Blade 1.
How is the combat system in this one? I hated the combat in the 1st one. It felt like it didn't know whether it wanted to be turn based or third person action
In terms of whether you'd enjoy it based on your post: hard to say. There seems to be a lot more strategy/layers going on and you're discouraged from mindlessly running around to get all the orientation-based attacks off because auto-attacks pause while you're moving. On a related note, Art cooldowns are charged by auto-attacks rather than time and these autoattacks vary in rate depending on your weapon type and other stats. So in a sense it leans a bit more towards the turn-based side of things than XC1 but it's still very much a real-time turn-based strategy.
A lot of people really liked the XC2 Direct that Nintendo put out today so maybe check that out and see what you think. They give an overview of combat at one point.
It'll probably be the best selling game in the franchise by a wide margin and become the new standard for the series like Fire Emblem Awakening because it's coming out on the Switch and this seems like the type of game people want on the Switch. They might have never played a Xeno before in their life and they're really only getting it because it's another grand adventure and that's really all they're looking for.
The old-xenofags will bitch and moan and the new-xenofags will see nothing wrong with Xeno- essentially just becoming that generic Nintendo JRPG series because really that's all they want it to be. Colorful characters and grand adventure, fuck all that high concept Sci-Fi and Gnostic mythology stuff.
At first I was on board with your post and then I realized you're just a faggot.
Where'd I lose you user?
Second paragraph. I can see being turned off by the art-style relative XC1 or XCX in particular, but to insinuate that XC2 will mark a permanent style shift comparable to Fire Emblem: Awakening and that old fans will jump ship is ludicrous. I also don't see what any of that has to do with the combat like one of the posts you quoted were mentioning. The combat is most certainly deeper than XC1's combat.
Oh so you're just a faggot. Got you.
Great rebuttal.
I know I had it all planned out to mirror yours and everything.
Yeah I forgot to respond with "Where'd I lose you, user".
I might have had to formulate an actual reply if you did, the horror.
to this?
>working arm
>fucked up eye
Which Dunban has it worse?
It was so hard to stay with XC art style? I mean, it was part of the charm.
If I wanted to play generic jrpg XV I would get a PS4
changing the art up every game is kind of the point. every blade game is meant to be something different
losing an arm (specifically your dominant one) >losing an eye
Takahashi said they wanted to focus on expression and emotion in this game (which were pretty lackluster in XC1 and XCX) so they ended up with this artstyle. This particular game is also him wanting to make a game that he will remember like games he played as a kid so this artstyle fits that intent in some ways.
I guess this time it's just too colorful for my tastes
Pick one
you know the answer
>wearing shoes in bed
>not using your shoes 24/7
I want barefoot fags to leave
This one
>Alpha shota with diving/combat suit
>Whiny beta faggot who does nothing useful
It is not obvious?
Same here
I couldn't make a team as fun as Melia, Dunban, and Riki.
you mean
>ugly midget that only has scuba gear for clothes
I think all the blade games have had shitty combat. I'm not really a fan of the offline MMO action JRPG or whatever blade is going for.
Gears had some interesting ideas but like the rest of the game it was incomplete, not very polished, and the execution was meh. Saga III had great combat though and it's a shame we'll never see anything like it again.