The reward for beating the strongest superboss is the strongest weapon

>the reward for beating the strongest superboss is the strongest weapon

>no postgame to use it in

Light Arrows in WW. Fucking NOTHING fun to use 'em on.

>The strongest skill almost always deals max damage and is accessible way before the superboss
>The skill is so strong most people don't even bother to raise their attack stat

>get a special weapon for the final fight
>can't not it

>superboss is after the postgame

>beat final boss
>get the most powerful item in the game and can't be obtain from other means from NPC during post final boss speech
>credits roll
>no chance to save, can only reload from last save point
yes there is seriously a game that did this, bonus points because they show off said item on the back of the fucking box too

>by the time you get to the superboss at the end of the game you're so overleveled from preparation for it that it's not even difficult

man Lucifer in Nocturne was so disappointing, I wish I had just played the game without knowing the fucker was there. but then I probably wouldn't have even understood how to get TDE in the first place so fuck it

>game has several "ultimate" weapons
>each one with different stats that compliment different play styles
>game has sizable postgame dungeon with several bosses to try out your endgame gear on

wanna try again there bud?

Based Final Fantasy 4

wtf which game

>game had a laser rifle that you can only obtain in the after game separate boss rush
>its mediocre at best compared to the best weapon in the game that you can get fairly early
what game

nah, proof-reading and second tries are for redditors. If I fuck up who cares, thread will gone in two hours and made again in 3?

What is Costly Punch

>Game gives you a powerful weapon during a tense boss fight expecting you do defeat them with it
>Never use it

Yu-Gi-Oh! Sacred Cards

>game gives you a powerful weapon during a tense boss fight
>if you die with it you can use it everywhere else in the game

Do barrier skip in WWHD


I always thought you could pick up the gravity hammer at the end of Halo 2 and get a sort of sneak peek at how it behaves in halo 3

Turns out i was wrong

Also what game?

what is fnv

>don't use most powerful weapon in boss fight
>sell it in NG+ for massive dosh

Castlevania AoS

>Final boss does not really have hp just a scripted about of hits
>stretched over a 3 stage encounter with cinematic transitions
>one of the encounters is the same as an encounter you had with them earlier but was scripted to lose after x-time or hits taken

You are wrong, this thread will be archived. You idiocy is going to be archived.

Megaman Battle Network 3?

>inb4 This thread has been pruned or deleted
I rarely see these kinda threads last long enough for that.

yes, fucking aria of sorrow

Here we fucking go:

>final boss levels up with you
>can be stronger than postgame superboss if overleveled

>saved all good items for final boss
>killed before getting to use them all

>afraid to use good items on boss in case of second form
>end the game with stacks of elixirs

>save up powerful rare items like Megaelixirs and refrain from using them "just in case"
>finish the game without touching them

>Defeating the Superboss gives you a powerful weapon
>It's for the summoner and has no effect on said summons

every fucking FF games have like 30+ ethers, panaceas, and whatever the all-restore items are

>Reward for beating super boss is realizing you have autism

>The final super weapons are actually shit, because their true ability is locked.
>To unlock it you must face the final boss with them equiped.
>He literally steals them from you and gets one new form, stronger, cheaper, insane all around.
>You gotta equip your other weapons in stock, better have brought some good ones you retard, to face him.
>If you defeat the boss you get the Super Weapons back and their true ability is finally unlocked.
>Said ability still gotta be grinded for it to work properly.

>strongest weapon is rewarded to you after you 100% everything before the final boss

>superbosses are infinitely stronger than final boss
>virtually no postgame content to help you level up naturally
>forced to grind endgame areas or break the system in order to stand a chance
>final boss forever ruined by being oneshottable

Tales of Symphonia? I don't remember you having to have the weapons equipped before you fought Abyssion though

dude, you gotta admit tho: breaking the system in FFX makes what was a 7/10 game an 8/10
that shit is so fucking fun

>accidentally go through bonus challenge dungeon without knowing what it actually was
>stay overleveled for the entire rest of the game
>kill the final boss in four or five hits

>Perseverance trophy pops
>still not platinum

Tales of Vesperia, I recall you had to have them equiped this time around, on all members for it work.

It was charming the first time, no doubt. But once you have 99 s. lvls on seven characters that you then have to individually and slowly progress through the grid... god, what a nightmare.

What's your dream postgame, Sup Forums?

dark cloud

>final boss is a god-like being with power over all creation
>extra boss is just some random cunt, but is still stronger than final boss

>the reward for beating the game is a retard chat room
absolute kek

>your reward for doing well is to become powerful, making the game easier, thus more boring

godhand did it right at least.

>Secret dungeon resets your level to 1 and has you level up throughout it
>Super boss is at the very end of it
>The entire dungeon is a gauntlet and has to be done in one run


Fucking mystery dungeon

>Play Witcher 3 Blood and Wine, become an abdolute beast by clearing out bandit forts with literally fifty guys in them compared to the rest of the game that features typically only fifteen at a time.
>Pop all the potions, use all the spells, hack and tear, have a blast.
>Continue to build my character up and complete the storyline, rewarded a few more level-ups and gear.
>Tweak my build, repair my gear, respec my build.


>Crippling sadness when I realise there is no more adventures to be had.
>My perfectly optimised Geralt has nothing to do.


>Respec into joke archery build, struggle to kill the first spider thing I find with it.
>Turn off the game forever.

It kills me that the epilogue after the crescendo drags out and made me think there was more to do. Means you turn the game off on your terms. Sorta like if after a movie they just turned on re-run TV for a while and everyone waits around a bit and gets bored before filtering out of the cinema slowly.

What is Cave Story?
Leveling up is super easy, tho

>Strongest weapon comes before the strongest boss
>Beat the strongest boss
>Get nothing
That's why.

basically majora's mask. And yeah, you can beat the bosses again but what fun is that?

> Game has many collectables throughout its story.
>Collecting a certain number of them grants you certain items.
>But the final collectable is in the final level, that which gives you the final item
>That item is a weapon, the best weapon in the game.
>You can only use it in the (short) final level
>That same damn weapon is the one the final boss uses it.
>You literally cannot not use it against him, because in-story he stole it from you.
>The game has no New Game+ so that weapon will never be allowed to you outside the final level

basically Dragon's Dogma's post game plus BBI. It was enough. Even strung ng+ and ng++ into it in a weirdly organic way.

Another campaign or a second quest where you can go further than your initial post-game skills (basically an incentive to get all of a character's skills/their strongest equipment.
Throw in a stronger version of the final boss and maybe an alternate (or joke, depending on the game) ending for good measure.

Command mission right? Yeah that was dumb.


fuck that sounds cool, what game?

>reward for beating superboss is story content or lore
That's really the only way to do it.

Kind of sounds like FFVI where you could steal the second strongest sword in the game from the final boss, though you can still get a single other one through legit means as well.

There are several examples, I was thinking Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter though

Lufia 2

its gramticaly correct you mong. you cant not be a fucking retard can you?

>Obtain an ancient, forbidden magic spell in your quest to beat the final boss.
>Turns out it's exceedingly weak because the programmer thought old stuff should be weaker than new things.

>most final fantasies

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates basically did this. It has the Diablo 2 style of multiple difficulties after you finish the game where you start over at your current level and equipment, and enemies have higher stats and drop materials for even better equipment.

>You idiocy
heh, looks like you're too

Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja?

Pretty neat. Thanks for sharing user.

>game is mostly postgame and superbosses
>final story boss mostly just there to fill a checklist

>Saved all my bullets for the final boss
>Final boss is pretty much a QTE


>Ultimate item is found as a rare drop before the final boss, in the final mission.
>Online guides recommend finding the item before challenging him if you want to stand a chance.
>Get your shit pushed in and die.
>Game only saves progress if you win a mission, your level ups and items are not saved if you die.
>Each attempt at the boss is pre-luded by grinding to boredom mooks before finding the item.
>Each attempt ends with me getting fucked up regardless.

I can't remember if I got good or gave up, but fuck Ninety Nine-Nights for being an incomplete shitfest of a game; but fuck it more for almost being good enough to string me along for a conclusion.

Maybe I grinded to max level in the earlier levels and then did it. Only ten level ups or something in the game I think but you never hit the cap without grinding levels you already beat.

how do people get off to these retarded faces?

ya'll ain't gotta shill for me, I fucked up, it don't matter. Don't get in bitch fight with someone who can't think of anything better to post about than grammar/spelling/syntax. These things always end in some 30 post long reddit-tier bitching fest. Just be walk away from it.

name one (1) game that does this

He only made Ultima weak because it was a bug and he didn't want to fix it.

>the reward for beating the game 100% is infinite lives

>defeating optional boss is only for trophy hunters and completion lists
>its the last comoletion list entry
>beating him unlocks 8 trophies that were locked behind the completion list
>nothing left to do afterwards
>feel empty and incomplete

>have to beat the extremely annoying superboss to get the true ending

How about playing through story content to get your ultimate weapons on the way to the superboss?

I thought he did it because he thought it was old and less advanced magic and as such shouldn't be as strong as modern spells? And that Saguchi got mad at him for this, tried to change it to fit the story, but the code was obfuscated and he couldn't find where the damage stat was before the deadline to go gold?

Gwyns greatsword is a load of ass

>can card mod laguna card pretty early on
>100 invincibility items
>endgame becomes complete joke
>just spam limit breaks at low hp while invincible

I dunno man that one doesn't even have hearts instead of pupils wtf


>postgame and superboss double as optional story content
This also works.

>Reach ultra-endgame where you're making 100B gold every time you wink at an enemy
>Shops are literally useless and no amount of money you can spend will amount to anything other than trying to reduce the amount of gold you have

>game does weapon upgrading PERFECTLY

here take this one can't post it without getting a

pvp that's not shit

Heart-shaped pupils turn me on like nobody's business. Why is it so fucking sexy?

>Just be walk

Disgaea-styled "You can just keep leveling/minmaxing essentially forever" with a wide pool of potential random superpowered godlike enemies to keep testing abilities and stuff on, especially if you can get ever more powerful gear and keep upgrading it ad nauseum as well.

>Finding all the collectibles is a pain in the ass and the game is mediocre anyway
>All you get is a "Thank you" postcard for finding everything