System Shock Reboot team just posted a video showcasing new art direction...

System Shock Reboot team just posted a video showcasing new art direction, sizable chunk of level design and prototype for gore system.
They traded stylized retro neon look of kickstarter tech demo for a crisp realistic look, which would inevitably piss off the SS1 purists, but I think it looks great (aside from motion blur used in the video)

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Mandatory keycode


Lean is confirmed and stealth systems are being implemented.

Please respond, i feel like i'm the only one alive at Sup Forumstadel station today


Faith restored

I like it.
As long as it keeps the design of the original game (instead of just copying System Shock 2) I'll be glad to play it.

Great stealth.

Forgot to add, it looks way too well illuminated.
Developers should make the levels dark (without turning it into Doom 3, of course) so you can feel like you're inside a hostile space station that went to shit, like Shock 1 and 2 did.


I the previous kickstarter update they covered this topic, the intent is first to make a believable station as it would look in working condition, and then degrade it to the "shits going down" state.

Damn this changed a lot since i last saw it

looks pretty nice

I like it, looks good.

What do you mean by original design? Because it 's already a very different game.

Made you a webm

SS1 was bright and neon as fuck user

I liked the look of the unity prototype even the chunky texture filter was neat
it's pretty obvious they just want it to be SS2 though
and this is just my opinion but the original feels more interactive compared to the typical fps controls where you just look at thing and press button, having that cursor seperate from movement and camera added to the immersion
>4 digit code

Not that guy, but it wasn't neon for sure. Textures were colorful, but some levels were pretty dark.

What do you mean ruined


>don't even play System Shock
>number looks oddly familiar
>try to pin it down
>my user password at college was given to me as 7451
Jesus Christ.

all the codes in the original are 3 digits besides the randomized reactor code which isn't randomized in the enhanced edition for whatever reason

I had no problem with System Shock 2 but 1 seems like controlling a flight simulator. Can I get into it?

try playing it for more than 20 minutes, there is nothing complicated about the controls or UI, in fact you can play the entire game with just a 2 button mouse there really is no excuse.

Well, the easter egg has been upgraded to 0451 since Deus Ex

Enhanced edition has mouselook enabled by default, it's relatively easy to get into, just press E to toggle between point'n'click mode and FPS mode (same as tab in SS2)

Still rather have the game based off the unity demo than this.

I personally think System Shock 2's inventory screen is the best one ever created for a videogame
>A single key brings the screen
>You can do everything on said screen
>Click, drag and drop at your leisure
>All of it in real time.

I know it's designed with the mouse on mind but still...

Nailgun. At this stage of development gore looks a lot like fallout 3s

What happened to the colors from the unity demo, I thought they were pretty nice

yes I know about the code I guess they'll be changing codes from the original game then
>Enhanced edition has mouselook enabled by default
Don't play it with mouselook and altered controls for rooty tooty point and shooty brainlets.

Tetris inventories are the best and they work equally good with both mouse and controller.

>looking at Doom and Wolfenstein
It's fucked

They scrapped it, along with Unity itself. The game was too much of an old piece of crap to remake so they're starting from scratch on UE4

Of course they're changing the codes, this isn't "really" System Shock. It's an original game that is coincidentally titled System Shock.

Indeed brother, struggling with shit controls is the only way to enjoy SS1, I take it you have crt monitor and a dedicated 486 system for this too.

A 30 posts late to the thread here come the bamboozled purists

What exactly is purist supposed to mean here, somebody who expects a System Shock remake to be a remake of System Shock?

play enhanced edition???

What do you expect a System Shock remake to be like?

being mad at the idea that someone uses a good control scheme for ss1
being mad at game using modern game design achievements for from the past 20 years
>somebody who expects a System Shock remake to be a remake of System Shock
it's a reboot, a faithful one. Nobody is taking away your SS1

The health bars look awful and out of place. Everything else looks so good too.

it's obviously placeholder

the remake is pretty much what I expected
I'm talking about how to play ss1 which you should play with the original control scheme to appreciate it. otherwise it would be like brutal doom with gzdoom sourceport and claiming you've played Doom.

Placeholder, inf fact the entire hud is placeholder

obviously placeholder assets


Like System Shock, with better graphics and more modern controls. What this project was originally pitched as.

I'm not the one who was talking about controls but I do reject this idea that System Shock had poor controls, furthermore I feel that the homogenization of control schemes is a problem.
>being mad at game using modern game design achievements for from the past 20 years
Like what, intrusive HUD indicators for NPC awareness in stealth ()? About 20 years ago Thief conveyed the same information using dialogue, sound cues (i.e. the pace of the opponent's footsteps, and various sounds in place of dialogue in the case of non-human opponents) and character animations. What a wondrous achievement it is to ignore such intuitive signaling in favor of simple non-diegetic meters.
>it's a reboot
Hence, a game that is coincidentally called System Shock. It's not like the devs are going out of their way to restore some original vision for System Shock that was cut during its development, or anything like that, this is the original vision of a company which previously existed only to resell old games.
>a faithful one
Not particularly. It has the essentials like audio logs and an omnipresent antagonist and things like that, but the things that made SS fresh 23 years ago have become commonplace, so what we have is an unremarkable-looking who's most notable feature is is its name.
>Nobody is taking away your SS1
Not an argument.

Not wasting any more of my time on you, but a bump is a bump, so thanks

I like how it looks. I can see a lot of Doom and, hopefully, some Alien Isolation inspiration in the station's appearance. I like remakes which don't try to invalidate the originals and live in their own space, this looks justifiably distinct from the original. Quite hopeful!

You could at least try to post something substantial.
For what it's worth, I don't think I'm much of a "purist". I'm interested in SS3 (not hyped, that would be foolish given how little we know about it) because the things that Spector's said about it makes me think he's going to try something genuinely different, from System Shock and from whatever else is on the market. Whether that will turn out well is anyone's guess (I'm betting poorly, given Spector's post-Deus Ex track record) but that trying something new is what I'd consider truly faithful to the spirit of LGS. I hope SS3 is little like 1 or 2, as long as it's its own thing. Even if it's a disaster it might be an interesting one, which is more than I can say for this nondescript gruel rendered from every scifi action/horror game from the last 20 years.

I used to think that it was daunting looking too, but I got brave enough to just jump in and it's actually very familiar to other first-person games from that era. Mouselook may be the big needed change, but UI-wise and objective-wise it was totally normal. I loved it.

shhhh, stop posting man.

Spector already confirmed he'll be using modern game design advancements (but Sup Forums takes is as a bad thing). Also two dev teams communicate so reboot can give you a vague taste of what SS3 might be like

Wait is this for system shock 3, or the remake of the first game?

At first I wasn't too hot at this. But it might be alright of a remake.

>some Alien Isolation inspiration
I kind of hope this isn't the case, every floor in SS had it's own identity and visual style which wasn't just limited to the wall textures

It literally says in the op what it is

I don't think you really understood what I said.

>modern game design advancements (but Sup Forums takes is as a bad thing)
that is a bad thing, modern games are designed for retards

It's really growing on me
I never got into SS1 but this shit looks great.

sigh i was worried about this... the original had a really cool color palette, especially how each area in the game had its own look in terms of colorization.

but i bet they had some meetings and thought it was "too video gamey". so another grimdark gray bullshit game. great thanks.

I didn't know SS3 was in development until this reply

>motion blur
>chromatic aberratioin


Not all of them user, stop being so bitter.

"reboot" is unclear, as it can refer to either a sequel or a remake

>medbay isn't nauseating green

>hey guys we looked at old levels and want recreate them HOWEVER....
one god damn job

re-imagining, reboot never means sequel

remake with nightdive team collaborating with otherside
announced over a year ago, it will be made by otherside and it worries me a bit since their only game so far is the underworld ascendant kickstarter which hasn't released and looks a bit shit tbqh, they even outsourced a spinoff mobile/VR game that released before the actual game.
as far as modern big budget """AAA""" productions go, yeah all of them
kind of expected the original was basically just a grid dungeon (it did have rooms over rooms though)

yeah I don't know when reboot ever means sequel.

Does the rivet gun and freezing mutants annoy you? It's a new thing, it wasn't in SS1

congrats to the devs for making a boring ass looking game

>MFW such idiots actually exist
>I now understand why youtubers keep making comments about the game they are testing being in beta stage

such idiots do exist and you are one of them.

you do fit with Sup Forums, stop trying so hard

Ehhh, the 2016 demo looked far better and faithful to the original, this just looks pretty meh and is just reaffirming my assumption that they just want to make SS2.

>they just want to make SS2

What the fuck happened, nothing about any of this shift in art direction is even remotely distinct it just looks like the same generic shiny reflective overly sleek scifi station we've all already seen a hundred times over. Why does everything "futuristic" these days have to be super sleek and shiny/reflective, what the fuck ever happened to having some god damn dirtyness/grit. I mean shit I don't even wanna think about what they're gonna do to the soundtrack now after seeing this

>real portraits

I hate this shit.

>limb damage technology

wow, it's like it's 2002 again.

It's stylized kickstarter update video, those are photos of the devs, chill out


Yeah sure that's nice and dandy hearing what they're pipeline is going to be but that's not addressing the problem of the awful switch in art direction which now looks painfully generic.

I'm sorry they've let you down user.

It looks good, if generic. I knew full well they were going to scrap the 1:1 recreation of the original's art style so I'm glad I never backed it, though I still have every hope this will be a worthy success in the end.

It would have been REALLY special if they kept the original art style intact though--It was like getting to actually play one of those CG videos from back in the 90s and I've never seen it done successfully to that degree for any remake until that old Unity demo.

Nah its fine I'm used to being let down and I wish them the best, I'm just glad I didn't back the kickstarter now.

And i'm glad i did

Maybe they'll find a way to further work bits and pieces of the original into the design; Some ideas floating around of having the station's appearance warp back to the original the closer you get to the bridge. If they decide to keep cyberspace instead of cutting it, maybe they could flesh it out with some retro art there.
maybe include it as an implant for finding secrets and shit

That's just one concern of many though; there's still the issue of how they're gonna handle AI, encounters, static vs dynamic events/sequences/locales, dynamic systems, linear vs open design, random probability, player mechanics, replay value, and story telling, etc..

This can still go both ways.

I'll back them on a higher tier if they confirm getting PC modding support is in reach with ~a bit~ of additional funding.

As long as someone makes a mod to replace all the shitty colors with the proper colors the game will probably be okay.

What's up with everyone remaking shit and taking away the colors? Everyone had to bitch at ID to not make all of Doom 4 brown shit and actually add a bit of color, but these guys started out with the right colors and then threw it in the dumpster? It's lacking the proper aesthetic of SS1 now.

it bothers me but only because they seem like they might get too focused on it. it seems pretty much solid and done, so move onto different mechanics or make a different game.

Welp, Sup Forums hates it so I'm sure it will be a resounding success. Can't wait to play it.


lmao this. I still wouldn't be optimistic about it, just in case

You do realize 99% of that image is placeholder assets and shit, right? That's probably a DevMode marker for an alert meter, so that they can test and fiddle with how quickly the enemies become alert to the player.

This is just opinion but I think part of the obsession of moving towards realistic "believable" environments is that the original's design being both a product of limitation and abstraction with vague logic made it too difficult for them to realize THEIR personal goal of updating the game to modern standards and design trends.

Basically, I think they've got their priorities screwed up a little, but what do I know?

Fact is the real world will always be boring by comparison.

SS1's art design was a product of it's time both technically but also in motif, and THAT'S where I disagree with the reboot's art director here. You can retain the classic sci-fi aesthetic with added logic and principles to sense of place in a fictional world that might hold different values from our own. Maybe they're trying to do exactly that but they haven't hit the correct balance yet. Maybe they are in fact trying to take the easy way out by comparison, by falling back on real world logic for something plausible with typical results. Who knows.

After 20+ years though, with so many AAA titles cribbing from the real world, striving for "realism" nowadays, I'd like to see those overblown budgets go into something considered "abstract" or even unique by modern standards, if a bit weird or even cheap. It's a fucking video game--science fiction at that--it's not supposed to make perfect sense.

I get they consider this a full re-imagining now but that is NOT what many people backed them for. I think they could steer things just a little bit further in the direction of the original.
Based on what's been shown, people comparing it to System Shock 2 aren't wrong.

Fuck typos.

You should really read the entire fucking thread, because posted that this is their first fucking pass of the entire station to slowly degrade it so that way they can view it over-time or something equally fucking bizarre.

They keep joking about avoiding the "cinematic corridor shooter" trope, but how do you do that when you're running with all the elements of one you know?

they should compromise between the two and have the more realistic environments match the original color palette

So medsci gets that nice teal/blue, sec gets the red and black, etc.