Has he been good for Nintendo thus far?
Has he been good for Nintendo thus far?
He didn't come up with the Switch design and all Nintendos games that have currently been released started development way before he arrived.
he's a business man who lets other people do the creative work. he probably just says "eh, we need a lot of marketing to sell this dumb tablet" or shit like that
Please understand...
You will understand!
I know for sure that he has been better than Iwata in the wii u era. Also, he is supossed to be very kind outside of his yakuza leader aspect.
the concept of love
Even though Switch wasn't his idea, the way he has handled it along with Koizumi, Takahashi and Miyamoto has been outstanding to say the least.
>kept to his word on region-free gaming
>getting a majority of games simultaneous world-wide releases (including Xenoblade 2 which is going to be out in 3 weeks)
>hiring Doug Bowser to do the marketing for the Switch, leading to easy understanding of the product
>Opening big with the January event
Here's hoping we get another great January presentation.
Let's face it, Iwata was too soft. Kimishima is saving Nintendo.
What are the origins of this meme?
The marketing campaigns have been top tier. Splatoon 2, Zelda and holy shit Mario have all had great marketing of both sides of the ocean.
I prefer him over iwata. Don't get me wrong, iwata was a great guy, but he was NOT CEO material. He was an amazing programer, hearing legends of him making earthbound in six months and compressing pokemon silver so much they had space for kanto makes me wonder why he didn't stay as a programer instead.
Now Kimishima, this guy isn't trying to be hip with the kids or anything, he's job is making sure everyone else is doing their jobs and damn is he good at it
This man is a god.
Yes I hope he stays longer
He has Nintendo back on track from a culture standpoint.
Iwata let development and production teams get too loose with their processes and slack off. This bitch has brought back a sense of urgency in creating solid games within realistic timeframes.
- Nintendo has delivered an upper tier developed game each month for the Switch so far.
- properly timed directs with a good mix of reveals and hype builders evenly spaced apart.
- honest release date timeframes, and they’ve stuck to them.
- slowly getting better at listening to the customers, small steps are better than nothing.
- opened up the eShop to the indie community. Indie games thrive on the device.
- Roped in third party support. Doom and Skyrim are the token children to prove they have a device that is capable. FROM Software and Namco have games yet to be revealed.
Nintendo is finally back to moving in a forward direction. I would say he is doing wonders for the company right now. I’ll wait until later in the Switch’s lifespan to judge his performance.
The marketing really has made a huge difference. I have no clue what happened to Nintendo marketing after the original Wii commercials but it was pretty bad from then until now
He knows how to pilot this ship. Ever since he's taken the reigns it's been net positives and gains company wide.
Iwata is awesome. Fucking awesome.
But he is someone that is so awesome that he should NOT be a boss. He should be making the magic at it's core as a programmer. The magic of Mother 2, of Pokemon Gold/Silver and more.
Stuff he could not have down as a CEO or President.
and here I thought it only me who had to be consistently pressured to do well or I end up slacking
>Steady releases that come out on time
>Getting third parties on board
>Takes down fan projects
>Is making the Youtube relationship worse
People think he looks like a Yakuza boss
He MADE us understand
>takes down fan projects
They always did that
>worse youtube relations
True, but youtube in general is just getting unbearable for everyone who uses it as a source of income
why put a lead programmer as a CEO?
I am a programmer, I know many programmers, they think we're good at handling ALL data because we do databases for them, but in reality we don't, because that's what analisysts are for, they know what to do with data and follow trends. Iwata probably HAD to take the job because the previous CEO told him and thought he had no other choice.
Nintendo already took shit down before kimishima arrived. and I'm actually happy that youtube parasites are dying off
How much of switch, odyssey and botw was his doing?
is this mess still a thing?
Considering a huge part of the Wii U's failure was shitty advertising, I'd say Kimishima has been doing one hell of a job
Didn't Iwata say something about leaving fan projects alone since that'd be a waste of time?
> Takes down fan projects
> Is making the Youtube relationship worse
2 things that don't matter. When video games were amazing, those 2 things didn't matter and they still should not matter. If that is the ONLY Cons, then we are doing damn good right now.
Iwata's catch phrase, i dont really know the context they were sed but if i had to guess it was probably due to delays or something.
He's mostly reaping what Iwata left , AKA the switch. But he sure looks like the kind of guy that will crack the whip to make sure his company will capitalize on whatever success they achieve.
Nintendo Direct in the past would usually have some japanese guy, or reggie, saying "PUREES UNDASTANDO" when they refer to a game delay or some kinda bullshit problem.
I swear if DLC bullshit gets worse
We're still feeling Iwata's influence. You can attribute the strong marketing for Switch to Kimishima but even then there's so little we know and he's a much less public figure.
We're seeing a greater push for season passes, paid online, and a service that was going to reward us with demos of 20 year old games rather than the games themselves. Kimishima is not going to be a consumer-friendly president, but you are going to get more games in a more timely manner.
I remember seeing the October release date for Odyssey, and understanding that it sent a clear message of, "This game is coming out this year, there will be no delay." A November or December release date would immediately have everyone rolling their eyes and anticipating a push back.
Although even with all that, Mario Odyssey had literally 0 of those things. Which makes me glad.
Even though I'd totally pay a $30 pass for more Kingdoms.
Season Pass is only bad if they don't deliver the moneys worth, also I think some games work better with it then others, it would be nice if there was some kind of standard as to how much a $20 season pass worth of content is supposed to be.
something like Iwata was explaining why games weren't rolling out on the WiiU, said something like "we're trying to learn HD please understand"
was Yamauchi yakuza?
Iwata asks, Kiwishima tells.
>Nintendo DLC on Wii U
>"Give us $15 after you've played the base game and we'll add 1.5x more content to the game"
>Nintendo DLC on Switch
>"Give us $30 upfront before you buy the game and you'll get some extra story DLC a year after release"
>"Give us $30 before you buys the game
Now that is a proper Japanese honcho. Iwata was a chump and meme fodder
Why does you look like a pale black baby though?
Newflash, you don't HAVE to buy it on launch.
You can wait until the story content comes out to see if it's worth your hard earned cash.
Considering that he managed to salvage the stinky turd of hardware that Iwata left behind, I'd say he is doing just fine
Yo this shit is kino as hell.
his lips are nowhere near big enough to be black
he looks like he's about 0.3 seconds away from bashing my kneecaps in
i really hope nintendo keeps it's identity. if he can do that then i have no problems with him.
>>takes down fan projects
Maybe fan projects should just release the shit into the internet instead of e-whoring in Patreon.