In a conference call with investors today...

>In a conference call with investors today, Take-Two Interactive chairman and CEO Strauss Zelnick made it clear that the game industry is now all about "recurrent consumer spending (micro transactions)" rather than game sales.
>"The business, once upon a time, was a big chunky opportunity to engage for tens of hours, or perhaps a hundred hours," he said. That has turned into ongoing engagement. Day after day, week after week. You fall in love with these titles, and they become part of your daily life."
>This perspective is not terribly surprising, given that Take-Two continues to generate tons of revenue from sales of in-game items and virtual currency in games like Grand Theft Auto Online and NBA2K 17.
>"We aim to have recurrent consumer spending opportunities for every title that we put out at this company. It may not always be an online model, it probably won't always be a virtual currency model, but there will be some ability to engage in an ongoing basis with our titles after release across the board," Zelnick continued.
>"That's a sea change in our business. Recurrent consumer spending is 50 percent of our net bookings in the quarter. It's been transformative for us."
>And Take-Two isn't alone -- just earlier today Ubisoft reported its latest quarterly earnings, and "player recurring investment" revenue was a big chunk of its revenue.

Is there any hope for the industry anymore?

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>Is there any hope for the industry anymore?

You fucking faggots told me to vote with your wallet. What the fuck happened?

If there's loot boxes in Borderlands 3, we riot

there are more retards in this world with money than you imagine

I feel the same way about the luxury whisky industry
>find cheap lesser known scotch? Guess what so did everyone else and now prices have doubled?
>find this unknown cheap Japanese single malt? So has everyone else now and the price goes up 5x
>now even fucking whisky from TASMANIA is coming over and getting overpriced and Canadian is next on the list
The gene pool needs to be culled

dude lol its optional, if you dont like it, dont buy it


>everyone rees that microtransactions are becoming number 1

its for a reason. Lootboxes are god tier. The sooner you see this the faster the industry can move on to the next big thing.

>Western developers

who cares

It is optional you retard. No one is forcing you to buy Overwatch loot boxes or GTA shark cards. You should be grateful to the people that do buy them because they fund continued support for the game

>red dead redemption 2 will have singleplayer microtransactions
fuck this gay earth

>people actually doubted RDR2 would have microtransactions after the huge success of GTAO


>(((recurrent consumer spending)))

>tfw in the future GTA will be GTAO only
its okay though because its optional!

>Ubisoft reported its latest quarterly earnings, and "player recurring investment" revenue was a big chunk of its revenue
So a lot of people are retards.

You're right, I'll continue to enjoy grinding weeks for a single item because of artificial price gouging to encourage microtransactions

You mong

It amazes me that people still mix up Take-Two and 2K

>mobile games were supposed to kill nintendo
>turns out theyre killing everyone else off even more

>hurr durr I can't enjoy the game because I haven't gotten the legendary skin I want

Fuck off

EA earns $1.68 billion in microtransactions in FY2017
>TRENDING NOW: RADEON BOSS LEAVES AMD, 24 HOURS AFTER AMD IS INSIDE INTEL Home News Gaming EA earns $1.68 billion in microtransactions in FY2017EA rakes in an exorbitant sum of digital net revenues from microtransactions, subscriptions, DLC and other content By: Derek Strickland | Gaming News | Posted: May 10, 2017 2:25 pm Comment | Email to a Friend | Font Size: AA EA is one of the biggest players in the games industry, and the company's current yearly financials highlight all the ways the publisher has conquered the gaming world. Microtransactions, DLC, and live services are a massive revenue stream for EA, and this year alone the company pulled in $1.68 billion via digital content outside of full game downloads. EA just reported positive Fiscal Year 2017 earnings from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, and something in particular caught my eye: EA is making money hand-over-fist with "recurrent consumer spending," aka microtransactions, and live services, ie season pass additions like extra maps and other priced DLC. Just how much is EA earning in this digital sector? Over $1 billion.

People with bigger wallets voted, and their vote is worth more than yours.

What games does Take Two even fucking release?

>hurr durr my time is literally worthless so I can play a shitty game for 800+ hours

Quit it user you're making us all very sad

It's the fucking retards in the 3rd world pissing away cash on pay 2 win shit because they want instant gratification for their shitty insect lives.

they own rockstar

>industry proceeds to nickle and dime consumers
>consumers gladly take it up the ass
Let it all burn. I just don't give a flying fuck anymore.


I don't buy GTA since Vice City
last GTA I played was GTA IV pirated on 360

If you guys weren't so retarded and addicted to giving money to these jews we would have a better world

Nothing. There are plenty of games for poor people still.

Nintendo is always a few years behind. Make no mistake, they'll eventually see that micro transactions are free money and will start adding them to their games


Humble Bundle is IGN owned
You are still giving money to the kosher capitalists

EA is as trustworthy as Enron. I don't understand why a single investor would associate with that company.

>It's the fucking retards in the 3rd world pissing away cash on pay 2 win shit because they want instant gratification for their shitty insect lives.
Not at all dude.

Any online game makes over 60% of their revenue from people in first world countries. In general people from third world countries play as f2p as possible and end up being content for the people who pay, be it matchmaking or just a no money fucko you can stomp.

Not only do micro transactions make a lot of money but they have huge profit margins. Thousands of people dropping $5 for a skin some intern made in an afternoon is almost all pure profit

Just like alcohol, tobacco and gambling, they find their profits in consumers who can't control their spending.

I shudder to think just how much worse it can possibly get. What's next lads? What's the next great cancer?

So just GtA and RDR then? Pfft. I'd like to see them fuck with those two.


You fucking cosmetic obsessed faggots who want to have a fabulous runway show with your characters instead of PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME are the reason we are stuck with microtransactions out the ass.

>Is there any hope for the industry anymore?
We can hope for opportunists to come in and make good, new IPs to take advantage of consumer mistrust. It's happening now with games that I'm not interested in like Stardew Valley, but my hope is that we see a surge in not quite triple A devs who can afford to support their development without sucking too much investor dick along the way.
Hearing about this shit all the fucking time is making me feel like pic though

For a simple reason: they sell 1 million FIFA, MADDEN and NBA copies in 7 days, not to mention even shovelware tier like MAss Effect Andromeda sold 7 million units

>There will never be an actual GTA 6
Fuck this gay industry

Just like in our democracy, some people have more votes than you, in this case people with more bigger wallets get to silence your vote and shit on it.

Not even. Most of the money is from FIFA and Madden. Just ask people to trade their cash for funny money to open packs for cards you made in under 10 minutes.

EA actually makes and sells games instead of trading energy futures.

>what happened

Hahahah blame that on vulva by mainstreaming it with tf2, where before that it was only shitty mmorpg does f2p and not much money to rake in other than ads.

Name ONE thing that did not get worse as it got more and more popular. Normies ruin everything.

>10 months after release Nioh is complete without DRM for 50 bucks with all DLC
>people will ignore it and buy the 39.99 COD WW2 season pass or Far Cry 5 99.99 digital deluxe edition

user, you do know Nintendo's been doing microtransactions since the Wii U right? They're called amiibos.

Just ignore any company that focuses on what "the industry is all about." It's basically code for "we have no innovation and just want to exploit the market."

>vidya is going to be max pozzed for the forseeable future

Well at least I have classic games.

Holy shit you people are delusional. Acting like people spending their money how they want buying cosmetics should be ashamed or something. Actually disgusting how that mindset has taken root here. Thankfully the vast majority of gamers don't share that sentiment.

You're part of the problem, normalfaggot.

Name a single microtransaction that spans multiple games.

>why are private companies catering to people that give them money instead of me????

They already did. They also own all of 2K. Reminder they allowed shit like Evolve to come out. OP already showed that GTA online and NBA 2k makes stupid amounts of money in micro transactions

one owns the other

don't spend it all in one place

Because EA makes money. I hate their business practices but if you're an investor who watched their stock price increase from $10 per share to $112 a share today, you wouldn't be complaining

3rd world retards don't even have the money to buy games, they buy CSGO and proceed to trade shit and get things for free.
t. 3rd world slav mongrel

dude why the microtransactions, don't publishers make enough money from selling the game itself? I'd be happy to pay $100+ for a game to account for inflation.
>continues to pirate all games

This is the future you are choosing.

GTA5 was worth $60 without online, plus online has tons of content that has nothing to do with microtransactions and you can get all of the stuff you can buy simply by playing. Plus they're constantly adding new content for free.

>tfw you got to live through the golden age of vidya (1990-2010) and are now content to walk away from the hobby forever

>single-player action/adventure games are ruined because of Chad's spending too much money on sports games

I bought all of doa5's dlc twice

Say something nice about me

isnt that like a thousand bucks?

So, just play good indie titles and Japanese games from now on? No problem. I was kinda doing that already.

What other industry treats its customers with such contempt and shakes them down for every nickle like the vidya industry?

closer to $1500

I bought most at full price

>literally have over 1,000 games in backlog
Nah I'm good

Because lying, cheating and stealing make you filthy fucking rich. Playing dirty is always the optimal strategy until you get regulated or caught ect...

we were outvoted

the food industry
the pharmaceutical industry
the movie industry
the music industry
all of them, basically

>you can get all of the stuff you can buy simply by playing
People say this shit about warframe but that is simply not true.

The number of Sup Forumsanlets buying Persona 5 does not even come close to the number of Chads buying up CoD fifa madden and gta

To call Sup Forums a dolphin would be overexaggerating things. To call them a minnow would be a complement.

Rich Normies will always be whales.

More wallets voted against you.

>You should be grateful to the people that do buy them because they fund continued support for the game
you mean they keep paying the ransom money so the game is playable, since private servers are a thing of the past

Business-wise, that's a smart move. I mean, I'm way less likely to buy any of their games from now on, but that doesn't impact them. They'll make way more from whales than they ever would off my one-time purchase.

kill yourself immediately if you're not trolling.

>be wall street
>hey I love this game industry shit ea does great look at these numbers
>ohhhh shit look at this pop cap shit.
>wtf why dont you guys do this pop cap shit
>uhhhh it's not really our market?
>well make it your market!

Crash and burn

>gtao is just one a time thing they wont put it in other games! rdr2 wont have it!

businesses are not yours or anyone's friend

far and away healthcare/big pharma. why cure something when you can hook everyone on pills for their rest of their lives.

>Be Gaming Industry
>Spend less and less on development
>Not even taking PR % into account of budget
>Make more and more money through ingame Quasigambling but not legally gambling
>Look not to develop anything good
>Only produce a product which can be whored as a shopping mall for ingame purchases regardless to the effect it has on the game

People still defend this abhorrant shit. Las Vegas has more ethics (No doubt through appropriate laws) Than this shareholder circlejerk.

I bought the game and all the dlc for my little sister

Why do you hate other people enjoying video games?

I don't know anything nice about you, user. You should've bought more so they had the money to release the full DoAX3 on PC so I could play it with my VR headset instead of this Venus Vacation browsershit game we're getting.

You are a disgusting whale.

I don't care what reason you come up with to rationalize this. You spent $1500 on a fapbait game.

Japan is all, Japan be all.

>GTA online
nigger you NEED money in that game to have fun

VR games don't do this bullshit yet

I can't really say anything good since I can't agree with your choices
but shine on, my man
here's a fluffy doggo and pupper son

the only stuff you can't buy easily are the super vehicles

koei has enough money. They should have just released it on steam.

What's there to rationalize? I like cute outfits. They sell cute outfits and I buy.



It's not just skins in a lot of games, it's actual content made before launch or in-game power. As such these games have been and will be developed to encourage or outright require additional investment to play at all.

The potential to charge for a game indefinitely will ALWAYS directly influence design.