So we all agree that these were the best girls in Katawa Shoujo, right?
So we all agree that these were the best girls in Katawa Shoujo, right?
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Christ Hanako really was shit. The real choice was Emi.
Wait, is there yuri in Katawa Shoujo?
half right, lily and emi are best girls
>not Misha and Shizune
>not even Lilly and Shizune
Literal shit
Lily was shit. She was going to fuck off without saying a word until the day before and you had to have a fucking heart attack in the airport to stop her. She's a turbocunt.
Guys, cant we agree all the girls were great?
Hanako is shit
Running girl is good
Don’t talk about Lily like that you autist.
Akira was best girl!
Lily = Emi > Rin > Shizune >>> bacon face
You mean girl (male)
*blocks your path*
>Akira > Kenji > shit tiers
Fixed that for you sempai!
Did anyone play KenjiVania? That flash game where you play as Kenji whipping cripple girls with your scarf to prevent the feminist conspiracy?
Shit was rad.
Hanako and Emi are best girls. Prove me wrong
Spoken like a typical sperg. You missed the point. Allow me to explain it to you as if you were a 5 year old child:
Hisao relies heavily on Lily if you somehow missed how much this happens during her route there truly is no hope for you to the point where she is the one who dictates what's happening in their relationship, Hisao moves to the beat of her drum.
Which is why when she tries to rely on him (The entire scene where she reveals that she's going to scotland in the teahouse) Hisao is not there; she wanted him to stop her, she wanted to see if Hisao saw her not just as her girlfriend from school, but as someone whom he could build a life around together. But Hisao is at this point too used to going her way, so instead he thinks she's ending things with him and does nothing. Until he realizes he's a dumbass and re-enacts the entire ending of Pretty Woman.
The entire point of that ending is that you cannot just be the bitch on the relationship all the time, you have to man the fuck up so they can rely on you too.
No, these are the best girls.
>two best friends hugging
>did Hanako's route first
>Lily's route ended up being my least favorite because it felt like NTR
I did the same, but for me Lily's route felt better since I got to see my bacon waifu become more outgoing and doing her own thing on her own. I legit think she's better off in Lily's route than her own. cucked yourself?
Are you retarded?
>Post about how it's nice to see the girl you like pull herself up from her shithole without your help.
>"Haha! you cucked yourself!"
you should unironically be permabanned for making this thread. go to your shitty general.
I wish I could find a game that gave me the same feels that I got from playing KS for the first time :'(
Hanako is my waifu, she alone has been in my thoughts every day for over 5 years.
A relationship where you rape and abuse her isn't worth having. Lilly's route is obviously better in every respect.
>Mfw cup cake in good end Hanako implying she pregnant
>being Shizunefag
I was bored, really bored, I don't want say more.
So what was his deal?
Well... you could always get a bull to make hanako happy, will that make you less of a cuck? You just said you went on lillys route and thought she was better WITHOUT you.
No, but even if they were, all the girls pale in comparison to Kenji.
Meant to you
What you're forgetting is Lily's route takes place over a longer timeframe. Hanako's ends while Lily is still on her trip. In Lily's they don't even start dating until after she gets back. Hanako improves in both, you just don't go far enough to see as much of it.
foil to Akira
And they fucked, right?
>qt Africa-hating trap
Has any dev pandered to Sup Forums's sexual tastes so accurately before?
my nigga
more like Akira bullied him mercilessly
That screenshot is from the alpha, apparently
He's not interesting at all in the final, just kinda deadpan
I hear jigoro is a lot more of a jackass in the alpha as well
Are people still posting in the general? What number are they on now?
Rin is best girl btw
Bullied sexually?
Is this yuri?
Katawas are not for yuri.
Lily and Misha were best girls. Rin was cute, too.
What a shame.
why didn't anyone ever bother making a sequel? 3372 threads in the KS General and nobody in any of them has ever tried to get anything started up?
People have tried to make spiritual successors. Like that one called "Full Hearts"
KS doesn't need a sequel, though. It's fine as it is.
A shame we didnt get to see a route with miki, the one handed brown cutie.
This is by the writer of Lilly's route
Wow shit, did not expect that, ty user.
Lily a fucking best
Mike inel's cutscenes were sublime.
my man
Please reply to this post with the best Lilly erotica. Not yuri please.
not a lot of good taste in this thread
lets fix that
Im waiting
rin is the best girl
you might not like it but this is what peak waifu looks like
>5 years since the feelsplosion
>Still in the Misha steam group
>still look through the general once in a year or so
Hows your waifu going to give a handjob? Not so much peak perfomance now right?
shes not
shes going to give me a footjob instead, the patrician sex-act
This has always bothered me. Hanako's route feels like it's too short compared to most of the other ones.
>not getting a clumsy but loving stubjob from emi
missing out nigga
My waifu can give bothshe cant actually because she isnt real, but you get it
gay shit
emis stubs get fungal infections constantly because shes a sweaty, dirty cunt, while rins feet are constantly clean and fresh because her sandals allow for maximum ventilation and no sweat.
best girl was miki and you know it.
Ew, she eats with her foot dude, youre fucking gross.
what happens after each good end?
I want to spend the rest of my life seeing this smile
>not wanting to lick leftover turkey stuffing/mashed potatoes/chocolate sauce off of your wife's feet
you might just be the gayest man on Sup Forums right now
Horrible everybody else are best in their own way these 2 are just best at being shit.
misha is cute but shizune a massive cunt
same but this smile
Im not gay, im just clean enough to not touch rin with a ten feet pole.
that's a very good smile user. I think Hanako's is more precious, but I understand if Lily's is more precious to you.
>he wouldnt touch rin with a 10ft pole because shes 'dirty'
>but he would touch emi, who literally gets a fungal infection in her leg stumps because she went running, got sweaty as fuck and then didnt shower
I hope we can be with our waifus someday
Vns are truly the best game genre.
fuck off with that rape shit, and stop pretending to like her
Someone give me a good side girl fanfic.
Particular Misha.
I was always bummed she didn't get a route and had to share hers with Shizune.
same user, same. I'm hoping I'll find that happiness someday, it's what keeps me going
Im not the emifag user, im a lillyfag, which is clean and smells nice with soft silky skin.
By your logic every single brohug ever would be gay automatically.
Was it rape?
Hes dick didnt say no.
I like how the only girl you go down on is the one that cant wipe
Thats some fuckin 10/10 shit
Going to read this as my next visual novel.
Any advice?
Get the fuck out of here and go play it you retard
>play lilly first because wow blonde hottie
>get feels at the end
>"m-my wife?"
>play hanako
>destroys me emotionally
>completely forgot about lilly
>my true waifu was always hanako
best girl
technically yes, but it was forgiveable. Not all rape is the same degree, there's a lot to consider. Here it was a loving experience that made the couple stronger
It was hot, that's for sure.
Honesty is the best policy.
Also, a tip on an unfair choice: feel free not to read: If you keep running you're locked into a route.
Just be a normal human being to get the good endings, it's not hard.
I like how he doesnt wear a condom for Rin, and he never mentions bustin through cherries.
All these girls are sluts
Know which girl you want to pursue from the get-go. If you dilly-dally too much you'll either just end up with Kenji or Rin, and while the latter is a good route by itself, it is literally the final safety net of the routes you can get. Also don't run unless you're strictly pursuing Emi. It's easy to accidentally lock yourself into her route without knowing it.
t. didn't play the game