Can Blizzard be saved?
Can Blizzard be saved?
>Can overwatch be saved?
and not at all given the development team
How about making his deflect reflect projectiles only?
This game punishes people with good aim way too much.
I can see there being "a little bit" of buffer. But the current buffer is fucking massive and is totally unacceptable.
I also wish you could melee during it so that it wasn't just an end-all-be-all ability for preventing damage.
Just don't fucking shoot him when he's deflecting you shitter
How about balance the shitty game instead?
How about start punishing faggots that can't aim instead of those who can?
suck a dick sub 50% weapon accuracy scrub.
There was another thread shortly full of asspained scrubs crying "muh toxicity" because jeff told them to get good in the most polite way possible.
I play Pharah and I direct hit at least 50% of my shots. I second Soldier. Not particularly great, just over 3k in ranked, but I'm doing my best. Genji is not the problem.
Get fucking good.
kek. link
You're gold or silver right?
Deflect isn't an issue if you aren't trash. He doesn't need a nerf.
i have 63% overal weapon accuracy as phara and shes not my main.
51% as soldier
59% as mcree
61% scoped acc as widow
40% as tracer
Genji is aids and needs to get shafted.
Only shitters main genji.
>all these shitters who cant deal with genji
genji is one of the most balanced heroes in the game right now. now something fucking unbalanced is junkrat or mercy. fuckin plats shouldn't be allowed to complain
>I also wish you could melee during it so that it wasn't just an end-all-be-all ability for preventing damage.
no its totally acceptable for the most mobile character in a game with a capped fov of like 103, to also have arguably the best defensive move in the game
I'm t500 and i can't stand genji.
Every time you get killed by one it feels like pure bullshit.
>the absolute state of overcucks
> i am gay
Pro aim skills.
>Can Blizzard be saved?
>Can Overwatch be saved?
Nope it's fucked.
>the reasonable posts agreeing with Jeff are downvoted to hell
This is the same as the bullshit excuse that fighting game devs use for not having hitboxes that match the models.
>An extremely succesful company
>They make a game so shit it should have died faster than battleborn and Lawbreakers combined by Sup Forums's standards.
>They need help somehow
Blizzard is fine you retard.
i dont think OP meant saved from insolvency
>Use built-in feature
>Somebody considers it "abusive"
>Get banned
Fucking children, Jeff is a plat shitter and he still knows not to shoot a genji.
You gave yourself away silver shitter.
You mean only shitters get killed by Genji. Hell, you have to be a shitter just to be damaged by him. He's fucking garbage, and his entire kit is easily predicted and dodged.
>mained junkrat since the start
>learn how to airshot with him
>75% accuracy
>can't play him now because some shitter wants to play meta and steals him from me
>he fucking sucks
>every time i can play him everyone calls me metaslave/meta cuck
you're assuming that they aren't just Robots that do all of their expected tasks on a cycle.
the very fact they have to predict and adapt to something is what makes them pissed off and kills them.
If you can't handle genji's reflect you need to memorize how long it lasts for, or communicate to your team that he's a problem. Better yet, learn both. Genji is easy to handle with projectiles and far easier to deal with using hitscan.
Please stop complaining.
>Can Blizzard be saved?
No, the company you knew and loved as 'Blizzard' doesn't really exist anymore and I'm not saying they were MURDERED or DIED or anything dramatic like that, their modern iteration is just completely different from what they once were.
Whether you want to blame their subs, their customers, or even just the culture today, it doesn't really matter since Blizzard is nigh unrecognizable from what or who they once were and there really isn't anything left to save.
You're pining for a completely different identity that's been subsumed ages ago.
The same thing with Valve, they've been doing steam longer now than they've been making video games; your personal demands or definitions of them are based off of a very brief period that makes up the minority of their lifespan.
Things change, attracting forces come and go, and we'll most likely never get Warcraft 4.
maybe before the buff dumbass, but in masters and above junkrat is in almost every game
>punishing the casul playerbase for being casuls
go play UT99 or some shit
t. bronze shitter
You must have the reaction time of a sloth to keep shooting when you hear deflect.
My man, i played ut my whole life, the game is dead, sadly.
I really can't stand the people who construct any kind of criticism to something they like as "complaining" or "whining"
>use built-in chat
>somebody considers it "abusive"
>get banned
I'm not saying your notion is wrong, but that argument is dumb.
meant for
what does genji have to do with junkrat? I consistently kill genjis as junkrat fuck junkrat is in my counter list after some shitter won't give up McCree
>just don't shoot is sound advice
>shows video where you're still shooting at him
>no talk of changing noskill aids characters like torb, junkrat or sym that only exist for their movesets and not for the individual skill of the person playing the character
>mercy will forever be the most boring character in the game regardless of her power because blizzard are dumb fucks, meaning she will always either have a pickrate of 100% (because she is OP) or 0% (because she is balanced but not fun)
>doomfist will probably always be shit
>only fun character I enjoy playing anymore is lucio
>meta so fucked "pro" players are using shit like bastion pirate ship memes that were considered unviable in fucking season 2 and being semi-successful
this game is trash and I pray the next update is trash so I can convince myself to uninstall for good
Blizzard forums, and really any forum in general, is fucking hilarious. These mouth breathing retards understand 0% of game design or business and have all these suggestions or "bugs" they want fixed. oh honey, no. You don't want those things. You're retarded
yeah tell it to the board.
>what if we made this one character have multiple roles?
>what if we made the game feel worse to be more accurate?
>why don't you just change the numbers every week? Isn't everyone playing non-stop like I am?
>give me free loot boxes!
Overwatch is a perfect example of how the "geek-chic" hipster movement evolved into full blown cancer.
>there are people who play overwatch that think that it's a skill based shooter
No one is shooting at the Genji dumbass, but now you literally can't shoot at people behind him because deflect has an invisible hitbox the size of Africa. Like pre-nerf DM but it can kill you.
>shooting icicles at genji
literally stop shooting at him and stop using characters that he counters if you're getting countered.
>this fucking piece of shit was game of the year
you can't make this shit up
dude that looks so broken what a fucking joke of a game
The deflect ability works the way it should.
What is with Overwatch babbies whining about hitboxes?
"Waaah Hanzo's arrows hit people that are a few inches lateral to it. This is not a scenario that will ever appear in the game, but the hitbox must be reduced ot the size of the model! There are absolutely no gameplay reasons to have the hitbox be bigger."
>Patch comes out reducing hitbox size, has to be reverted because it plays awfully.
Genji deflect is the exact same. Yes, it is bigger than it looks like it should be, who cares.
Or 5 feet around his general direction
Could someone frame-by-frame this and explain to me how it isn't a headshot?
Are you actually autistic enough to think this is a problem? You are insane.
>No strafe acceleration
>Characters that can deflect hitscan weapons
>Characters that can give you input lag
>Characters that can instantly stun you
>Characters that can 1shot you with zero effort
Yeah mayne, this is what people consider "E-sports" nowdays.
And if a Genji is in the front lines like that in most situations he doesn't last very long anyway.
All this fucking crying is the same reason why Roadhog got nerfed. People don't know how to engage.
They nerfed roadhog because of shitters. May as well nerf genji too.
Or you use weapons that can't be deflected like Zarya, Mei and Symmetra to shoot the Genji cosplaying as Reinhardt?
No, not at all. Genji and Tracer were the first signs that they shouldn't be trusted to make an fps.
And also explain why these headshots just magically decided to do no damage?
What happened to favoring the shooter?
>silenced for two years
Female characters have HORRIBLE hitboxes that feel way smaller than they should.
Voice lines are a limited set that Blizzard have specifically put in themselves. Chat is limitless in what it can do. They aren't the same
>Genji says right click left shift
>Die instantly
>got muted for 2 fucking years
What the fuck did you do? Did you just reveal your power level one day and posted the entire Mein Kampf book in chat?
This is why i stopped playing widowmaker.
Even tf2 sniping with the god-awful source hit detection feels more rewarding and better than that inconsistent piece of shit game.
Don't feel, are. It's so Support waifu cucks can feel good about themselves.
What do you think will happen to this flashbang?
Will it hit the floor it was thrown at, or will it be sucked into the mile wide deflection hitbox?
blizzdrone detected keep eating shit blizz shits out
he probably told the hanzo main to switch off
People still playing this shit?
Not him, but judging by his rank i'd say he got angry at shitties dragging shit down.
Anything can get you fucked in this game.
They create the most frustrating and anoying game out there and expect people to not loser their minds.
Fuck them.
deflect every time
>He doesn't play Winston and dip the Shimada brothers in peanut butter
Also he's an attention whore. This thread will now be derailed.
>know his hitbox is big
>throw it anyway
Mostly telling off my team or opponents
feels bad man
>playing one of the most braindead and noskill heroes in the game
No, i won't lower myself to that level.
you were the guy who was saying that overwatch aiming required the most skill out of any FPS
Any currently populated FPS, that's correct
Okay, but when is that actually going to have an effect on the game?
said no one ever.
Hey Daniel, no one is going to watch a 10min video of your bitching. Stop posting.
>dont fight
>just let him kill you
nu-male logic
>show me evidence that the hitbox is fucked and you're not just bitching cause you're bad
>ok here you go
>healslut talking back to their best player
>so good he can throw all he wants and climb back up
What a bunch of 12 year olds
Genji players need to be keelhauled
keep defending your broken game its funny
Not him but i "kinda" agree with it.
Hitting shots in OW is horrible all for the wrong reasons.
The fact that the game has fucked up hitboxes and literally ZERO strafe acceleration makes aiming in this game absolutely ridiculous.
It's not fun tracking targets in this game like it is in quake for example.
oh were gonna get warcraft 4 and its gonna be 4 campaigns at 65$ a pop and the writing is going to be even worse than sc2. you bet your ass on that my friend
You shot the bun on the back of her head, not her head itself.
>literally cant hurt you if you dont shoot him
>shoot him anyway
stay silver.
>shoot at a wall with nobody in sight
>you shot him ;)
Fix your game, Jeff.