is the most underrated game in the last 10 years?
Is the most underrated game in the last 10 years?
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Kingdoms of Amalur and Binary Domain are more underrated and underappreciated in my opinion
kingdoms of amalur is objectively not underrated because it is complete shit, and very obviously a failed attempt at an MMO that didn't get enough funding
Not the last 10 years but definitely of this year
No but definitely the most underrated of 2017
Its definitely one of them and bethesda only have themselves to blame for puting no effort into marketing it.
Playing it right now and I'm enjoing the fuck out of it. Looks like the third Half Life we'll never get, coupled with some Dead Space/Alien Isolation. The space exploring is far better than the poor lame scripted sequences in Alien Isolation btw.
if they had named it literally anything else it would have launched to acclaim instantly. zenimax are idiots.
I think you mean "its just like bioshock"
>Half-Life, Dead Space, Alien Isolation
It's obviously System Shock you dumb fuck.
KoA is not a fucking MMO. Stop spreading this bullshit. KoA:R is the PREQUEL to a planned MMO.
No not really, Bioshock is bit more sarcastic in its postmodern tone, Prey feels much more like true space horror.
that's not no man's sky
As is Binary Domain.
>But muh friendship mechanics
Which are ruined when they decide to run in front of your gun for the five thousandth time.
>KoA:R is the PREQUEL to a planned MMO
..which they made when they started running out of money for the MMO and realized they needed to put out a product to stay open
Never played any system shock, but really want to, waiting for this fan remake to be finished.
I fucking love BD, it's got that AA feel
Nope. The plan was always to make KoA:R then KoA the mmo.
It was such a horrible marketing decision to call this game Prey.
If they had just called it Psychoshock it would have sold 10x the amount of copies
Yeah Prey marketing was pretty lame.
I remember Bethesda trying to sell it like some random space shooter with 4000 gameplay videos showing nothing.
Someone has to take the blame, is Pete Hines behing all that crap ?
Sure it was user. And George Lucas wrote all three star wars movies at once and always planned a trilogy! And when you were little, the tooth fairy came and gave you a dollar for your rotten fucking baby teeth! You credulous moron.
convince me to start it up again
I provided proof of my claim but you have yet to do the same. All you can do is spout bullshit you heard on Sup Forums about it being an offline mmo.
Bethesda wanted the IP and to fuck over 3D Realms orginal vision.
Fuck you where's the sequel?
I *played* it. It *was* an offline MMO. It had an interesting world which it immediately took a dump all over with simplistic gameplay and MMO tier fetch quests.
It wasn't a bad game, but it was boring.
Definitely of the year.
So all single player RPGs are offline mmos now?
Most underrated game around the 6months of its release. It's nothing too mindblowing, but its definitely good. Mainly in its gameplay design. Its sad that the story is so weak.
Serves them right for piggybacking on another IP. And also for giving Dishonored 2 to the b team.
>it's sad the story is so weak
btw is there any other game with good zero G sequences? except dead space
I thought Anachronox was a really good game. The world has a lot of things to see and do, and the side-quests have you make difficult moral decisions. And it's kind of weird because it's a western game but it is the most JRPG ass JRPG you'll ever play.
I really appreciate how you could overcome challenges so many ways, but at the same time it's incredibly lame how many of your superpowers are totally worthless. For example there are only 2 rooms in the entire game that require super strength to get into and throwing things and monsters isn't worth it because it's clunky and the camera is bad. Almost any time you see a door with a strength requirement that you can't crawl/mimic through there are explosive containers that let you in just as easily.
What prevents it from being really good is how much of the game just feels like filler fighting against the same enemies forever. Although I still had a lot of fun back when the game was bugged and you could make infinite ammo to run and gun with super speed/jumping.
AA is right. It's a third person shooter with tons of robots to blast apart but then you have super goofy enemies like that boss who just flips himself through the air like a flapjack while you shoot out all its legs and there are tons and tons of awful mini-game sections.
It certainly a better shock game than infinite
It's literally another shock game, Bethesda just made them name it after an obscure id software shooter from the 2000s after they fucked up the planned sequel.
Does anybody else think Prey should have been called Psychoshock or something? It's a shitty name but it would have made more sense than Prey