Play these games

Play these games.

I'm not gay.

Pure style over substance where the style actually makes up for the shittiness of the game. Especially the first one.

How does Hero's paradise compare too NMH1?
I refuse to buy a Wii mote to replay NMH1

I played Paradise and don't have a Wii anymore for Desperate Struggle

Agreed, yet the series has been improving like any ip with secualization should.

The improvement on NMH has been like GG series

I will wait for the PC port, thank you

Nah, they're genuinely awful. They have lots of style and personality, but the gameplay and story are both really bad. The gameplay is incredibly tedious hack and slash with tons and tons of mindless enemies thrown at you. It doesn't even have the move variety other similar action games have, so most of the time you're just going through enemies with the same shit. Bosses are always unique and interesting, but then many are tedious slogs with annoying gimmicks or cheap moves. The story is a mess of ideas and concepts ripped from other forms of media, to which most of the time it can't make up its own mind about where it wants to take the plot. On top of that, Travis goes between fun and goofy, to incredibly edgy at times, which creates a personality whiplash when you have him exercising his cat or being honorable to Shinobu, to then outright calling Sylvia a bitch or brutalizing certain bosses. The story does the same shit, with plenty of goofy, carefree scenes then paired with really messed up stuff like Jeane's story slowed down.

The game desperately tries to make up for it's glaring flaws with bombastic, crazy scenes that often make little sense and are tone deaf. But it all just comes together in a messy product where the gameplay isn't all that great (in both games), the story is messy, and the characters could be fun or endearing but show some really messed up sides that throw off their characterization.

>looking around Sup Forums for some cool Wii games to play
>see thread saying "Play these games", thumbnail looks interesting
>open it
>it's anime weebshit
>close thread

What do you have to say about killer7?

I played the first one but stopped using my Wii when the second one came out. I should go back and play it before I put my Wii U in storage.

I have the 1st one for PS3 but i stopped playing it because it took me an hour straight to beat the 2nd boss and I felt so much shame in how bad i played that i never played it again

I haven't played it. What I've seen of it, the game looks a bit awkward to play with how the aiming/moving works. The themes seem interesting though. Don't have much of an opinion outside of that.

>cool Wii games

>They don't know shit gets interesting after No 6.

>they don't know about darkside step

I finished the first game completely. Even did the Henry fight. What a bitch that was.

I've played both. I never really minded Suda51's style over substance with these games as they both were positive and overall fun experiences for me.

The gameplay is incredibly fun wha-
>acting like a story being shit is a big negative
Okay, sonygro.

Not pure, since the gameplay can be fun.

>no Heavenly Star
Despite a few extras like cutscene and boss replays, also a few extra costumes for the ladies. I honestly don't find it to be much of a replacement to the Wii version. It also has some awful screen tearing. I also don't find the improved visuals to work well with the original artstyle the Wii version had. Oh and there's fucking DLC for a model viewer.

I'm currently playing the PS3 port, the sequel looks shit. I may skip it and just play the next one.

You have shit taste if you're playing the PS3 port.

You can emulate NMH2 on dolphin and it runs great. Can use gamepad too.

Already did, several times
Get back to finishing Travis Strikes Again, Suda

hd switch ports of the first two games when

I just prefer gamepad for these kind of games
May do that

The second game supports gamepad and trust me when I say the waggle is better regardless.

If you're unfamiliar with dolphin this is where you set it to use a gamepad. Just change it to classic instead of the waggle and configure it.

For emulator or wii?

What's the difference?