Wolfenstein 2 a Confirmed Flop


>Prey: 469,115


>Wolfenstein 2: 182,472

So by Bethesda's standards, if PREY was a flop... then Wolfenstein 2 is a MAJOR flop

Wolfenstein shillls... come out to plaa~aay...





Especially considering the amount of marketing this game got

but its the best movie Bethesda has ever made

Your game flopped, cuck.

>tfw Bethesda still has to print more copies for the Nintendo Switch

Honestly I think it's just everyone getting sick of politics being forced into everything. Even the vast majority of leftists are getting sick of this shit.

What happened Sup Forums? I thought you only cared about gameplay.

nah. only thing I see flopping is the drumpfkin in that webm

I'm sure it would have been better if the majority of people who bought it could actually play it without it crashing

>Linear cinematic first person shooter vs Immersive Sim

Prey probably had double to triple the budget desu.


I hate Nazis and I hate Jews. They both literally suck dick.

flopping as hard as your game.

hmm i just realized while watching this that i have never seen a black people fight that didn't involve at least one sucker punch

Gameplay isn't that great desu. The biggest offender though is the lack of new weapons. Maximum lazy.

Considering all the emphasis on cutscenes in W2, it's highly more likely to be the more expensive game.

The game is about killing Nazis. Can we all at least agree that Nazis (honest to God Nazis, not normal conservatives) are something to be despised?

>comparing game that was out longer and on sale multiple times to newly released game

Flop or not I'm just glad this game triggered the alt-cucks

what gameplay? no one was to pay 60 dollars for a 2 hour movie.



>when your comeback is just repeating what you just said

>am fairly right leaning
>think this game is inferior to New Order but still decent
>all "sides" disagree so can't discuss it


There will be a software drought on Nintendo Switch in 2018. bethesda then will be able to sell a million copies of their late port.


That's wrongthink goy. Jews might have to shut you down.

It has no release date, it'll follow the path of Bioshock Vita once Doom doesn't sell on the Switch and they confirm Wolf 2 is a flop.

They had some pretty top shelf fashion sense though, Hugo Boss knew what he was doing

The soldiers had no choice

>White people are so desperate to regain their ill-gotten supremacy, that they say a videogame's lackluster sales are a point of victory


>once Doom doesn't sell on the Switch


Or outnumbering whoever you are punching.

What does it mean for you to despise? To say that anything that resembles Nazism is despicable? Do you see moral evil as it is in itself, or do you rely on the great image of Nazism as your representation of moral evil? What if god was a nazi, and nazism was his great plan? What if in the vain ambition to distance yourself from Nazism, you become one yourself?

>Nazis (honest to God Nazis, not normal conservatives)
There's no difference.

Politics aside, the game is worse than TNO but still an ok game

Duh. However, with all those raving lunatic Commies around, I as the player should've been allowed to kill them ALL, not JUST the Nazi's. Commies are just as bad as Nazi's. Just ask Stalin.

>game out for a week sells less than one out for 6 months

Why is this a flop?

This is terrible, Bethesda spent at least three times the amount they did for Prey's marketing campaign with marketing for Wolfenstein 2.

Your game sucked. Get over it.

>jew dresses as a nazi to create a false flag
>gets punched


I actually think doom is going to sell boatloads on switch. Just think; they're they only fps on the system. They have 100% of that little market. Too bad wolfenstein is kike shit. Ruins the fun.


I guess you missed the fight of the year when white bois got blown the fuck out

t. Liberal

>PC cuckies in charge of being relevant
It's a fact CHADsoles are the ones who control this market, cuckolds.
PC will never, EVER be relevant.

So, normal Conservatives are Nazi's, just not THOSE Nazi's?
Do you have rainbow-dyed hair, too?

Commies were objectively worse

>tfw Wolf2 shills are still at it.

I mean that's true but most of the sales for most 3rd party games happen in the opening time frame.
Probably over 90% of games work that way, if not more. Nintendo has some evergreen titles going on but most don't. This game sure as fuck won't.

Between Communists and Nazis. Nazis are the lesser of two evils.

>n-no, this makes us look like pussies...f-false flag!


This, they further proved why they are just as sensitive as the SJW's.

Isn't Mayweather pro-Trump?

>armband on wrong arm
>wears pants sagging below his ass cheeks
>wasnt doxxed by leftists for wearing a nazi armband

did anyone actually fall for this?

Honestly, I'm waiting for Farcry 5 to revel in maximum butthurt

Did it do poorly on consoles too or is that info not out yet

That's the proper way of fixing the world.
All idealists need to be kept in a tight leash, and the moment they get uppity, they deserve to be beaten like a rabid dog.
I don't understand why the police aren't just shooting protestors already.

An original Doom port would sell better than new Doom running at 20 fps with drops at sub HD levels.

of course mayweather is pro trump, he has a job


I was a wolfenstein defender for a bit, but after a while I can see what the Sup Forumstards were talking about.
The Jewish professor that was too jewish stopped being funny really quickly
The black girl "white-boi" attitude was never funny
The characterization for the Nazis was lazy, "Oh my god no! Hans was getting married next week! noooooooo"
The AI is retarded and every fight is just a butterbar hunt
The commie guy had no substance, didn't drop any real commie ideology (coming from a commie)
BJs self monologuing was cringe inducing, and there were way too many cut scenes that could be done in game play
And then your standard Bethesda mesh/collision incompetency was outright infuriating.
The lasers did remind me of shoopdawoop so that's a plus.

I can't dislike those uniforms.

PC does because the vast majority of people buy the game on sales.
Until the game isn't at $15, PC games don't start selling unless they are behemoths like GTA V or Fallout.
Wolfenstein is not nearly as big.

No one was triggered though. This went under the radar. No one is even talking about this game.

No a few cucks on Twitter isn’t an entire group triggered.

It runs at 30 with no drops. They've confirmed this. The textures are what got nuked.

user you can't post those boobies here

I thought The New Order was a decent 7/10 game but got bored midway through and didn't finish until 6 months after I stopped.

How good is this game based on my experience with TNO?

Like there was ever any doubt

Only retards thought that McGregor would last more than 1 round, considering he'd never boxed before in his entire life and he was going up against the reigning champ of the sport. If he was allowed to fight using the rules of his sport, then sure, he'd win. But bound to Boxing rules? Phhhht. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

>Mayweather comes out of retirement for "one last fight"
>McGregor blatantly pulls punches and throws fight because boxing suits are shady as fuck and have been fixing fights for decades and Mayweather is their golden boy

Lol, Weak. When you guys say this it's reminiscent of when cucksevatives say democrats are the real racists. The fact you're a Jew/collaborator faggot is established. Wear your crown of shit.

>black afro stronk supporting woman mimicing film/tv
>games starting to add balding eccentric jewish detective supporting cast who chalks everything up to aliens
And they say there isn't a writing cartel controlling all entertainment

Thats not how you get nu-Sup Forums to hate them. Just call them by their full name, National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Has that triggered word just ready for them to fly into a hot blubbering rage

>being a Commie in the first place

The shilling for this game on Sup Forums was unreal.

The big gamer news sites are still spamming shill articles and tweets about this game, just how much did they spend in marketing?

>He explicitly made a difference to prevent this confusion
>Being objectively wrong

>retarded leftie MMA fighter thinking he can box with an undefeated champion
regardless of race he was retarded

Commies are the antithesis to idealists.

>game was worth it because triggered alt-right Nazis!
>Haha the game flopped but horseshoe theory means you're triggered!
I've never seen people get this triggered because nobody bought their propaganda. Get over it.

>So by Bethesda's standards, if PREY was a flop... then Wolfenstein 2 is a MAJOR flop
Depends. Based on the quick turnaround from the first game and all of the recycled assets, it's possible that it had a much lower budget and needed less sold to hit a profit.

I fucking hope this garbage flopped, though.

>vast majority of people buy the game on sales
This is not good for the games bottom line though. If people are buying it at 50% off their sale essentially counts as .5.

They STILL show the biggest sales in the opening period even factoring in sales boosts and either way the most earnings happen there even if sales boost it later.

Kids don't give a shit about frame rates you fucking dork. Remember what it was like to be a child or did you never grow up user?

that nigga went sleepy time in an instant. if you can't fucking take a punch, don't start shit with people.

>when all the alt-righters threatening me are too poor to buy helicopters

>No one was triggered though.
I hope it was at least a comfortable rock you've been living under these last few months. The alt-right butthurt literally made the fucking news

>people actually bet against mike tyson come again in a fucking boxing match
I'll never understand what McGregorfags were expecting. I made over a thousand bucks that night.

this "game" is 40% marketing, 40% cutscenes, and 20% actual game

massive piece of shit

We only know that Wolfenstein II was last place in terms of AAA releases in Oct 27 in all territories, considering Mario Odyssey broke records and Assassin's Creed Origins sold better than its predecessor in the last 10 days. Considering AC numbers and the UK (2nd biggest market worldwide) chart, W2 was disappointing sales-wise.

>This is not good for the games bottom line though.
That's why consoles are the important market.
Reminder that the most sold game of 2016, Infinite Warfare, was a flop on PC.

>here's me trying to debunk horseshoe theory for the 91398423405th time

This isn't good.

Not because they are good games but this will just scare publishers from ever making single player only games

>White Boy was a cuck who dislikes Trump
>Black man was a Trump friend
The better man won.

the biggest threat to corporations is communism, thats why you hate it
its their narrative
because in reality, there was no difference between dictatorships and 'communism'

>whiteboi has never boxed
>lasts more than three rounds against undefeated kneegro

lol black power amirite

Unless you're a jew.
That said, who gives a fuck about jews?