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PVP back then was an embarrassing minigame.
I can't wait for nostalgiafags to whine about how awful the class balance is in WoW Classic.
pvp now is an embarassing minigame
i can't wait for you to false flag as Nostalgiafags who already know and don't care about Class balance in WoW Classic because they have already played at least 20 different vanilla private servers
you're both right. there will be whining and crying, but it will be from twitch kiddos that are angry over rolling the wrong class.
part of me believes that blizzard will try to balance the classes a bit before release. they'll keep everything else 1:1, but they'll probably try to make every class/spec somewhat viable.
No one cared about tryharding in pvp because it unbalanced kusoge, everyone knows doing 10-mans then doing raids were better. AV was more popular because of the pve/pvp
class balance is awful in retail. what's your argument now
>class balance is awful in retail. what's your argument now
literally any class, any spec can perform well with the right gear and player controlling it. you cannot say the same about vanilla.
Vanilla had the best class balance. I don't know what you're talking about.
>roll rogue
>gank the shit out of everyone all day everyday naked just because you can
>go shaman
>flip a coin each time you hit the enemy and wait for the RNG gods to delete your target
>go warrior with priest buddy
>become literally All Might as you become an unstoppable killing machine
>go shadow priest
>rape everything
>go mage
>spam /laugh as you kite everything and drop blizzard's into mobs of enemies in AV or world pvp
>go hunter
>just have fun
vanilla was fucking amazing if you knew how to abuse the unbalanced mess it was
Alright so I've read a ton of threads on the wow forums, mmo champ and now some Sup Forums threads and are the changes that need to be made according to the overall classic community.
Many revisions done and things retracted.
>LFG tool most likely through addon
>better mail system
>no regreants
>60 minute buffs
>mage tables
>no more soul shards
>no hunter ammo
>itemization overhaul (no more paladins in cloth warriors in leather etc)
>updated models toggle *universally wanted
>Cheaper level 40 mount
>more quests, quest chains with no backtracking.
>AV timer
>more than 2 drops per boss
>reverse timewalking (modern day raids in vanilla)
>new raids later
>newer classes added in somehow *universally wanted
>hunter pets immune to aoe from pve sources
>pvp system revamp (honor points some way to buy pvp gear)
>guild banks
>dual spec
>more graveyards
>improved AH
>aoe looting
>improved interface (autoloot options)
>more flight masters
>progressive patches from the start
Anything else I'm missing before we send this to blizz?
can the mobs ban these low effort trolls already?
Do you, or anyone else, have the chart of different races and genders and the kind of people who play them?
>Those weapons
>Playing combat build over hemorrhage
>frost mages in greens would destroy warriors in full epics
>naked rogues could kill you if they were good players
>geared rogues were fucking death incarnate
>enhance could 1 shot you
>pom pyro could 1 shot you
vanilla pvp was a fucking shitshow
Cant fucking wait
Go to the mythic raids. Only the best dps classes, and if you don't have a guardian druid for a tank, you're shit out of luck.
>Play on PvP realm
>Try leveling alts
>Get ganked by rogue
>Level a Warrior to 60
>Get full warlord gear
>Rotate constantly between being ganked by rogues and counter ganking rogues on my warrior
It just wasn't a fun experience for anyone involved. Not me. Not the manlets and literal children playing rogue.
druid is hands down the best wpvp class.
warriors have always been shit for wpvp without a pocket paladin or priest, especially if they aren't a gnome.
can the mods ban crying faggots already?