>Void Elves
Fucking why? Why waste a slot for this shit?
>Void Elves
Fucking why? Why waste a slot for this shit?
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Retards like to play elves
Ion already confirmed we'll get more races over time. This is just the beginning. Stop being such a retard.
So I can play a Blood Elf without having to be a Hordecuck.
alliancecucks hate the elves too
letting these void puppets join the alliance makes no sense
People have been begging for High Elves on Alliance side for eons but Blizzard never felt they were "different" enough from Blood Elves to justify letting them do so, even going so far as to cite their limited racial population as an excuse not to do it. This was the obvious compromise.
Is this the smash 5 thread?
>Ion confirmed that they are High Elves
>beta confirms that they are just horde bloodelf outcasts
Which one is it?
>"new" races are just REALLY lazy reskins
>instead of factions with unique looks like Taunka or Broken/Lost Ones
Same for fucking Dark Iron dorfs and Light Draenei. Alliance gets nothing new while the Horde, as always, gets the best goodies. And they will still cry about it like the bunch of entitled babies they are.
Highmountain Tauren aren't so great but I agree otherwise.
Elves in general have the most mainstream appeal of any fantasy race and high elves look too much like blood elves.
There are cooler elves but Void doesn't seem that bad, though I don't really know anything about them. More races are coming post-launch so it's not like the subraces that are there are taking up slots or anything.
I'm the most excited for Dark Irons though
Dark Iron dwarves are the best of the whole set, fuck you (I say this as a Horde player). Zandalari close 2nd.
I wish they'd kept the races to their side, but if they were going to have crossovers Dark Iron going to Horde would have been very cool.
Void elves are ultra-retarded though so I'm glad Alliance is stuck with them. Light Draenei are only marginally better.
>Love MoP for being different exciting and comfy all in one
>They double down on retards wanting generic tolkein conflicts with BfA
>They further support retards by adding MORE elves
Shallow normies killed WoW. Not QoL changes.
>waste a slot
so will zandalari trolls be the tallest race in wow now?
>this fucking projecting
Do any of you allianceautists have a mirror at home desu?
Playable* I meant
Regular Darkspear Troll hunchbacks will be toggleable now, and those guys are at least a foot or two taller than Tauren.
They will probably be roughly equal.
Someone's really going to have to explain the fascination with trolls to me. I've been a player since vanilla and they've always been the guild niggers. Blizzard doesn't understand their appeal either, and they have to keep adding concept for the garbage race due to popularity. We don't even have forest trolls, the canonical staples of Warcraft.
>Alliance gets evil high elves
>Horde gets addict night elves
>Regular Darkspear Trolls
Don't you mean Orcs?
Its applying to both of them as far as I remember
But void elves are corrupted blood elves from what everyone playing at blizzcon said.
Didn't realized Blood Elves were such elflets
Serious question, are reputation account wide now? I don't want to play my mage (vanilla, maxed all vanilla ranks, still has his full T3) anymore, but I don't want to grind reps again.
I know what you're saying, "why do you care about reps, that's fucking autistic", and I have this to say in rebuttal: you're correct.
Why the fuck would a bunch of blood elves follow Alleria. High elves and blood elves have a mutual disdain for each other
The problem is acct wide rep would mean grinding alts gets a lot easier, hence less game time spent between them, hence less money for Blizzard.
Do male orcs stand upright in the next expansion?
I can't tell what's stupider, fucking up on explaining blood elves, or that female satyr being a night elf with horns and unshaved legs
But that's what the beta is showing.
People worldwide are bitching that they aren't just High Elves with an edgy name and a Worgen-like gimmick during combat.
Getting duergar is an objective victory. Dark Iron Dwarves and Zandalari are the standout winners.
Does anyone else find the whole subraces thing to be pathetic? What happened to actually getting a legitimate new playable race that looks nothing like what's already there?
Hey, don't look farther up that chain, your head will explode when you find out that trolls became night elves.
I don't fucking know man. Its dumb as hell but from what everyone has been saying, they're blood elves not high elves. It might be changed by final.
Also Mag'har (Brown Orcs) are confirmed to be the next subrace and aren't allowed to have straightened backs. But they get better racials than normal Orcs.
I think MoP handled rep with alts fine (After they patched it in of course) by letting alts receive more rep if one (Most likely your main) hits exalted first and the additional reputation tokens by killing the wandering Zandalari rares
Have a normal tree
Because these races are easy to shit out and only use reskinned skeletons.
That's why they are called Allied Races.
It's more the choices/quantity that is off-putting. I'd love to see Ogres or Naga, but I could get behind sub-races for an expansion if they offered more and they were actually cool and different (e.g. Broken draenei).
>Waste a slot
Holy shit if I knew your real name I would come and kill your entire family for dragging this fucking cancer out of its containment genre
>palette swaps in WoW
You seem surprised
>alliance gets shitty recolors
>horde gets a completely new faction
Bias is kinda showing
But when was the Great Banana Split
I already know that shit. I'm just annoyed at how lazy that Satyr is and calling Blood Elves 'corrupted'. They weren't corrupted, just edgy mourners who learned to steal magic. fucking hell not everything is corruption fuck. The worst part is, I'm not sure if it's the image maker's fuck up or Blizzard fucking up later down the line.
When can i see a void elf in a slutmog already.
Not really. Horde didn't get the Mag'har at launch while the Alliance got the Dark Iron, who people have been clamoring for for something like a decade
>palette swaps
>Different customization
>Heritage armor
>Different racials
>Different classes
>palette swaps
Yes, and? That's how Capcom fleshed out Ken.
They probably thought that High Elves would be too similar to Blood Elves because the only difference is eye colour. It doesn't make Void Elves any less buttfuck retarded though.
All in all, allied races seem like a really last-minute, low-effort idea quickly shoved in to pump up the list of features. Notice how 4 of the 6 launch subraces were either introduced in Legion or are new in BfA. They just picked the ones that would be the absolute easiest to implement, because all their assets already exist. Almost all the subraces that people have actually wanted for years like Mag'har, Forest Trolls, Taunka, High Elves, are nowhere to be found, because these would require more effort to bring them in line with the rest of the races.
Alliance also got the real shitty end of the stick here. Dark Iron Dwarves are literally just reskinned dwarves, Void Elves are literally just reskinned Blood Elves, Lightforged Draenei are literally just reskinned Draenei. No new features at all, just slapping a new texture on the existing model. Meanwhile Zandalari have different bodies, posture and animations to regular trolls, Nightborn have different bodies and faces compared to Night Elves, and Highmountain Tauren are basically reskins but at least they have the antlers.
>Expecting a single intelligent thought in these threads
Go look at the Classic threads. BlizzCon has awoken the vanillafags from their long slumber, and in their half-sleeping stupor they are unleashing thoughtless shitposting the likes of which Sup Forums hasn't seen in years.
>dark iron
So, the 3% of people that like to play dwarfs get a recolour no one else cares about. And somehow this is a win?
>and Highmountain Tauren are basically reskins but at least they have the antlers.
If you're going to give Highmountain a pass for the antlers then you should at least give Lightforged one for the new horns/beards and shit.
in warcraft everything is corruption, even light, see xe`ra for example
why not both?
Please give alliance the furry shortstacks from the trailer
>Ion already confirmed we'll get more races over time
Those options will most likely be added to regular draenei too.
They will be able to. Players can choose to switch between hunched or straight backs.
Source please.
They want to kill horde RP once and for all. Maybe once all the belf faggots go Alliance to join their sparkly friends in degeneracy, we can get a nice horde RP scene where people actually play orcs, trolls, tauren, and undead.
Wonder if some of the old races are getting updates to their racials
>4 of the 6 launch subraces were either introduced in Legion or are new in BfA
Dark irons are vanilla
Zandalari are vanilla with unique models added in MoP
Lightforged draenei are Legion
Void elves are (post?)Legion
Highmountain tauren are Legion
Nightborne are Legion
They literally destroyed the original Horde and are the sole reason the whole faction is retarded. Fuck of you autistic nuHorde fanboy
Void Elf would have been better as a class than a race going off the description they got. They sound like at most they would be large enough to be their own organization but not large enough to count as their own race.
That and what's the point of gaining and controlling the void powers if they are going to take a back seat to the "real" class (warrior hunter, mage, etc.) anyways?
will be using boost on chad zandalari
no stop it. next you'll try to tell me there's a light corrupted dreadlord and super double extra old gods called void lords.
Honestly, at this point, pretty much all of TBC's story changes and additions were a mistake.
bc alliancebabies have been crying for more elves ever since horde of BE
>Be a corrupted race stemming from a corrupted race
bravo blizzard
I don't even get what the appeal of Lightforged Draenei is supposed to be. They're just more zealous Draenei who look barely any different?
little mad there m8? Forsaken are a victim of circumstance, searching for their place in the world, just like the orcs. Blood elves are just jerking off in Silvermoon. If you can't see the parallels, you're lost.
>waste a slot
I thought Smash threads stopped being a thing like two years ago
Its mainly just an excuse for people who like Draenei to have more horn and hair options. Honestly, they should've just added more styles to the barbershop instead of making an entirely new subrace just to justify giving male Draenei a bigger beard.
Racial abilities.
Technically, blood elves are corrupted high elves are corrupted highborne are corrupted trolls
They have gold plates and glowing light tattoos all over their bodies, but you'll never see them since you'll be wearing armour at all times.
And highmountain tauren are just regular tauren with moose horns.
Everything is corrupted, elves billions of times over.
>searching for their place in the world
You mean six feet down from where they're standing
It confirms that we are getting Warlock Draeneis and regular Draeneis becoming jealous at the lightforged chadgoats.
Unless you see them dancing half naked on top of a mail box in Goldshire and Stormwind.
>Warlock Draenei
You mean eredar?
They confirmed they are going to rework(nerf) the belf arcane torrent and the goblin rocket jump.
>during Arthas's invasion, he killed 98% or something of the high elves
>Following that, some dude coaked up on magic said "lets leave and go to this shattered world and make it our new home!"
>many of those "blood elves" head off, lets say half
>so now, 1% of the remaining high elves split apart into those remaining to them former selves and those who have a strong desire for magic
>The split apart because the horde needs a pretty faction
>now within 10 years or something, the outcasts of the blood elves have become a sizable enough of a group they are their own race
>the 1% of the 1% are their own faction
High elves ether were as numinous as ants or they breed like rabbits when needed and mature rapidly.
It was for you autistic retards begging Blizzard to give you blood elves with blue eyes on the Alliance
miraculously they even fucked that up
The lore reason is they're Draenei who have been tempered by the Naaru and the light in them is extremely powerful.
Obviously the metal-plated horsecocks
Apparently they have a void form when they fight, which sounds kind of cool.
Christ those tits are huge
Alleria said that she had been trying to convince the blood elves to rejoin the alliance but that her efforts were “futile.” However, she found a faction of blood elves who had been exiled from Silvermoon for practicing void magic. Alleria said she believes that she can train them to harness the Void as she can in return for having them join the alliance.
Source: warcraft.blizzplanet.com
Why are people wasting time discussing retail when classic was just announced?
>metal-plated horsecocks
Because there is nothing to discuss about a 13yo game.
Because it's new content not 15 year old content.