What gives Sup Forums? I thought you told me Origins was going to fail and Assassin's Creed would finally be dead...

What gives Sup Forums? I thought you told me Origins was going to fail and Assassin's Creed would finally be dead? Why'd you lie to me?

>doubles syndicate's sales

but 2 x 0 is still 0

Game is good. Deal with it pepeposters

>I thought you told me Origins was going to fail and Assassin's Creed would finally be dead?
I don't remember saying this so you are going to have to provide proof of it

>yourope sales
man that country must be uber cucked when germany took control of all their nations

And thats only PS. Prolly 1M more from Pc and Xbox

Nobody said that. Sup Forums has literally never been wrong about anything game related

They probably bought the refugees some PS4s and the latest game release


What about mgs5?


So what is objectively good about this particular AC that Ubi SHOULD have it in future ACs? And face it, the 'real' world plot will never have resolution.

The article says Syndicate sold 5.5 million units lifetime, though

no it's more like this

Bigger and more interesting world, better sidequests, combat, loot system, freedom of approach, no multiplayer, well optimized for consoles etc.


American """education"""

>trusting the opinions of a Pakistani tribal embroiderie forum.

Good. Good. Easy GOTY.
I'll go back and finish some side quests right now on my bradn new One X guys.
How about you?
How you like the game?

Heavier marketing = more sales. Whodathunk?

It’s honestly my game of the year. I habe played for 60 hours and still got a lot of stuff to do.
Just killed Anubis and got a sweet sword

>Bigger and more interesting world
it's a bland, dead world with no soul. it's like being happy that your consumerist marketing overlord threw you in a big manbaby sandpit
and bigger ≠ better. that's really autistic. if that were the case, then you're telling me this garbage lowest-common-denominator game created for the soul purpose of vacuuming up as much money from braindead retard consumerists is better than symphony of the night or morrowind (it's not) created back in a time when people made video games for the sake of making good and enjoyable video games and not to shill you lootboxes and DLC

>well optimised for consoles
but it's atrociously unoptimised for PC. although I'll give you this one considering this is a manbaby game targetting manchildren who'd own consoles

>better sidequests
ooga booga me from siwa lee me kill crocodil for yoo (read in west African accent)

disgusting pleb tier taste

Shit I played for a bit today and forgot to do the Anubis battle.

So, did you play the game?

It’s up for a week I think

I fucking hate Bayek's nigger voice actor. Fucking changed the audio to spanish first, but it was taco bellish. French is pretty good, and I'm learning the accent too.

You realize making up news still doesn't make it real yes?

As long as we are clear.

not an argument to defend the fact that you like a shit game targeted at double digit IQ mouth breathers. i bet you're a nigger too

And you thought somebody gives a shit about your "review". Hating a video game this much surely isnt doing good to your health. You can exhale now.

>not an argument to defend the fact that you like a shit game targeted at double digit IQ mouth breathers. i bet you're a nigger too

So, did you play the game lol?

>Ubisoft buys positive press to calm worried investors

fixed it for you

oy vey my grandmother is spinning like a dreidel in her ashtray. remember the lampshades and the suffering of the 6 gorillas

is a normie game, just like cod... it can't sell bad
but still being a shit game tho

no, I don't play video games
I only come to Sup Forums to call people niggers. the same way you only come to Sup Forums to shill your shit games no one wants to play so EA can deposit a few cents in your paypal you dumb kike

Cringe at it’s finest.
Good thing you autistic creatures are contained here.

Damn 12 million is fucking great for origins.

GOTY by far and it’s hilarious that the fat weebs of Sup Forums are crying about it

Ass Creed KANGZ isn't even worth stealing lmao
it's like purposefully going out of your way to burgle someone's 10 pound shit from an unflushed toilet. you couldn't even make a good game you ubishill pleb

I guess I'm not surprised, if a protagonist isn't white you nazis automatically hate him/her

No, I told you it would be shit, and it is. Who fucking knows what the normalfags who buy asscreed games are doing.

user im genuinely sorry I lied to you, heck I dont even remember telling you that but still I apologize. I was wrong.

- sincerely all of Sup Forums

>it's a bland, dead world with no soul.
Comon. I mean one of the few good things about AC games, is that the world and the atmosphere is pretty fucking good. The shits you can interact with is scarce

How are you even gonna steal it?
You can’t even pirate it from your mom’s basement lmao

you're just mad all the good employees of ubishit jumped ship years ago and you can't make a good game like ACII that was universally liked so you end up making dead, bland cash grabs in the shadows of your former company's talent and you'll be around long enough to see your shit company go under or swallowed by Vivendi lmao


This thread is a bit fishy, but maybe it's just me being paranoid.

I said it would we good and made some hype threads before release.
I was fucking right and you embarrassed yourself.
Eat shit loser ahahaha!!!

Are we reaching the point where a game is 99% marketing budget and 1% game like the mobage market?

hmm but origins is better than 2 explain that hmmmm

I can practically see the rodent running on a hamster wheel in your head right now. must've given your pea sized brain such a dopamine rush to experience pure shit like Ass Creed KANGZ
>"oy vey why doesn't this goyim want to spend shekels on my game! it's like annuda shoah! better keep shilling"

Give it another year

>keeps posting reaction images in a thread about a game it hasn’t played

it's full of actual shills getting paid to shill their shit game. I'm getting non-stop (you)s here consistently. you can tell they're very buttmad it's hilarious

Nintodddler is in their diaper again

>your shit company go under or swallowed by Vivendi lmao

Let's imply I give a shit about it. Bigger jew its the smaller. I bought this game for 3 euros from a russian uplay account stealer site. 3 euros for nearly 20 hours of pleasant disappointment so far. You can hate Ubisoft, you can fight against your cognitive dissonance, but you can certainly not ruin my fun.
Meanwhile I can see it makes you angry, which makes me even more happier

first time on 4Ching, buddy? I'll post whatever I want and you nigger kikes have no power here to stop me but you're forced to interact with me to get paid lmao. get it through your primitive negroid skull, no one wants to play your fag games lmao. you tried to make Witcher ubi edition but ended up making pure shit

>everyone who has played it are liking it a lot
>those who haven’t played it are shitting on it
What gives? Because there’s no crack?

Europe is a continent, you bloody fool.

he's not african american dumbass.

That, but also it's part of the Assassin's Creed series.

I stopped playing ubishit games at Black Flag around 2013
there's nothing to be sad or angry about a shit company going under lmao stop projecting
also, it will ruin your fun considering being swallowed by Vivendi will make them produce even more pure corporate manufactured souless cash grab consumerist shit that you'll keep forcing yourself to play and keep telling yourself you're having fun

It's almost like people are trying to justify their spending by constantly telling themselves they are having fun while playing the game

But what if the game is actually good? Woah..mind.. blown.. woah

But what if you are a shill? Woah..mind.. blown.. woah

literally no one said he was African American you dense, cosmically dumb low IQ kike
people call him a nigger. niggers live outside of America you ginormous faggot

shill """education""" everyone

This is an average American Trump voter ladies and gents.


You don't know.

Yikes what a horrible comeback, I give you a second chance. Use it well my brainlet fa m!

how mad are you?

Yikes what a horrible comeback, I give you a second chance. Use it well my brainlet fa m!

Good, piratecucks absolutely BTFO.

How new are you?

Can we talk about ELEX instead? It's better than asscreed and doesn't have a thread up because they don't pay shills to make threads

The neckbeards of Sup Forums got btfo’d hard, again.

No thanks, no one likes that gutter trash.

been here long enough to spot a butthurt shill who failed navigating Sup Forums and is now forced into an infuriating interaction with me. your game's shit bud and you're mum's a nigger kike

Spot the Trump voter's only weapons:
>laugh reaction gifs/images
>autistic so called "shill" screeching

Wow the shitposters will be absolutely devastated. What a worthwhile internet argument win with an equally worthwhile thread.

But I bought the game, am not a shill, and am genuinely enjoying the game. Are you going to tell me that I am simply imagining myself having fun?

I'm just going to call you out on your lie, mr. shill


things to remember on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is always right
Sup Forums is always wrong

lmao got to back up your other paid shill. do you sit next to each other in the EA office when you shill on Sup Forums for shit games so you can jerk each other off at the same time? also I'm not American and Trump's a jewish shill who's sucked more Israeli circumcised cock than even you have

Dont mind him. This is Sup Forums remember. Where the minority will always bark cuz they are kissless virgins living in mama hotel

We gonna get you nazi shit!

So all of those thousands of people who bought Assassin’s Creed Origins are paid shills, and there’s no way that any of them could possibly be enjoying the game?

Selling less than a million in north america is horrible. It only sold in europe cause of sand niggers

in your shilling contracts do you HAVE to reply to someone you're interacting with? I'm genuinely curious because your low effort post here seems like an effort to disengage but you forced yourself to post it anyway. either way your mum's not white and is probably a fat spic lol. how white is your mum, like 49%?

No, you can only enjoy obscure weeb games that flop hard.

>an entire continent buys more games than a country

But I thought you said sandniggers didn't buy games.

>implying there are no sand niggers here

no u lol

Europe bought the games for them

We already sold millions of copies. You literally cannot stop us. Stay mad white boi


What a burning dumpster fire of a thread. Must the drumpftards ruin every thread they post in?

I like to imagine that in your shilling contract you are FORCED to reply to me because without doing so the benevolent jews you suck the cocks of wont pay you for your efforts to come to this shithole website. so technically I operate as your paycheck. I'd like to imagine you have to sit there, not closing the tab, but forced to remain in a thread which has derailed completely from your target objective of shilling about a shit game and now just have to sit there listening to me call your mum a nigger spic. I'm actually laughing at your life holy shit

don't forget 'posting on Sup Forums about how much you hate the game'

You sound like a kid with no friends, doing it all for the attention :(