I don't care, I'm happy with my purchases

I don't care, I'm happy with my purchases


>Halfway across the country
>Scorpio just sitting at home
>No 4k60fps PoE on controller
>No GoW4 60fps Horde
>No Halo 5 60fps
>No ESO 4k and HDR patch
>No Recore short load times
>No 60fps BF1
>No 1080p Quantum Break
>No 4k SMITE
>No 4k HDR WoT
>No Luckys Tale
>No 4k HDR Halo Wars 2
>No 4k Fallout 4

At least by the time I get back I'll have Battlefront 2 to play. Did the new NFS end up being any good? Not a fan of Motorsport games.

Cool story bro.

Are they both being flipped on Ebay, or just one? I don't know if they'll be in that much high demand after Christmas. You don't have much time.

>Battlefront 2
Jesus man

>short loadtimes
Not on a 1tb 150MB/S 5400rpm drive my friend.

So, do you have a actual 4k screen to hookup to?
What games you have for it atm?
How do things look for far?

>Using the internal HD

You'd have to be a complete idiot to install games on the same partition as your OS.

Happened to interesting Console design. It's literally just a black box.

nice man

has better looks than any other xbox or the ps4
shame it's a paper weight though

Apparently it's heavy as fuck. Everyone has told me that fucker is like a dumbbell. It's also flipping peoples breakers left and right, that thing is a power horde.

Who are you trying to convince here OP us or yourself?

Same. I don’t even have a 4K TV and the enhancements even to 360 games and unpatched older XB1 games is very noticeable. Patched games look like a generation leap over the PS4 Pro on a 1080p TV. I’m sure this holds even more true on a 4K TV. Super sampling and 16xAF is great. Even fucking 360 Oblivion looks great




>generation leap to the same fucking old last gen games

I'll pass.

These faggots need to stop being lazy and make a clean break into the next gen. No self confidence. Literally virgin vs chad moves.

The last time they tried it looked like a fucking 1980s video recorder so now they're just ripping off the designs of old consoles.

And I'm happy with my base model

The very words of someone with buyers remorse.

When I get one and a Switch, I'll be happy as well.

Good goy

I'm going to try and flip one. Giving my old xbone to a friend and keeping a scorpio for me.

I do, I recently got one of the Samsung QLEDs (yeah, QLED is meme worthy) that has HDR. Things look great.

Try playing some RDR if you have it. I'm curious to how it looks now.

OP here, switch was definitely the best purchase I've made in the past year. I know fun is frowned upon around here but that's exactly what it is.

>im happy with thing
>but i need validation from the internet to enjoy thing
get the fuck off the internet and go play those video games

a fool and his...

I actually just wanted to piss off the majority of Sup Forums sonybros


Why? Are you such a poorfag that you need to flip prebuilt computers to make an extra buck? Also, as much as I hate Sup Forums using reddit as a scapegoat for just about everything (just shut the fuck up about the site and stop obsessing) you should really go post this somewhere where people care, like reddit

Kill yourself you fucking console warring faggot

S-s-so am I, OP. I only cried myself to sleep two times this week.

Using expendable income to make more money makes someone poor? Cool.

fucking meme consoles should have at least waiting for black friday

You could've bought a PC with that money.
Why would you do this?


It is 60fps right?

Exactly I love fun, that's why I'm making the Switch and Xbox One X my ideal combo.

I unironically 80% agree with this image

Backwards compatibility works with any game right?

Is there a Sup Forums hell?

If they dont announce a PC version of red dead 2 by the time it comes out, i'll probably get an xbox one x too sos i can play it

Every game that you can play on your Bone, you can play on the new Xbox. Including OG and 360 games and all those BC games look a lot better than before.


Yeah, it implies you are either being greedy or desperate for money/not able to sustain yourself with your current means of living

>first stage in the five stage of grief

take your time, user. just know you can always sell them off to eBay or Craigslist for the same price or more to some Brazilian/asian/etc. who's forced to pay more than what the console cost in US.


>flipping breakers
Fuck off

but its okay when the ps2 did it right?

What is wrong with you? Like seriously did you buy this stuff for just a photo and to show off? Are you so shallow?