I'd like to see a Mario rank thread

I'd like to see a Mario rank thread.

This is how I rank the Mario games.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/a-at least the books were good though/


Galaxy one too high, super mario bros 2 way too low

I'm so sick and tired of people stealing my memes. I invented the first mario tier list. If you want to take my content take this too.

Uh.. yeah I know the title is SMW2, but it's not a Mario game. It's Yoshi's.

I legitimately don't see anything overly wrong with your list. However, I almost do feel that comparing 3d to 2d is such a difficult task as the factors that make them better/worse are much different.

The original Mario for it's time would have been high tier as well, and the sequel lower than it, but today I'd say it looks pretty right. This is one of those subjects I just don't see any way to objectively compare them all, however.

I guess you could say that for the time they were all released, most of them were high/top tier comparatively to other games.

you are wrong

No I'm not, faggot. Also, putting Galaxies above Sunshine is just retarded. Enjoy your slow floaty waggle. "muh space aesthetic, muh space mommy"

tone it down man i cant handle insults

Where the FUCK is Lost Levels?

Here's mine. Why did you not include the handheld ones?

sunshine is better than both galaxy games faggot

i only included those i played man



Did you check the last place you put them?

I don't play a lot of mainline mario games but here's my consensus.


>never played super mario 64

It's crazy to me that people actually enjoy(ed) Yoshi's Island. That game is dogshit

how am I wrong?

It's true.
I'm the only person with an N64 who's never played Super Mario 64.


I think it would be something like this...not that even a bottom tier mario game is better than most other games (and I don't know what mario winking is)

nice bait faggot

It's not bait.




Galaxy 1/2

well you know what to do now right


worst taste ITT




galaxy 2


3D world


3D land

this is the official list, anything else is memeing

even though this is probably just a meme, it is true. Other marios are just boring platformers that benefit off people's nostalgia. Sunshine has awesome level design with the same platforming and a fludd unit that lets you play the game entirely different.

odyssey isn't better than 64 lad

it's literally better in every-way; controls, music, level design, content, bosses

Swap 3D Land and Sunshine and we got a deal


They just don't like innovation.

Man, I sure do love all of those hundreds of moons that take literally no effort to get.

shit bait list. Sunshine should be in top and 3d land in mid-high

odyssey is literally SM64: the better version, the actual successor to 64

Why is SMB3 consistently on top in this thread?
I thought that game was just overhyped...

Is it really that good? I know it was hyped a lot.

>everything else not on shit teir
This is more of an insult to Sunshine then anything else honestly.

I want to like Sunshine a lot more. I prefer the explorative, sandbox style of Odyssey and 64 but there's just a lot bogging it down.
Here's what I like:
>Mario's movement. This is by far the best thing about Sunshine. Controls are easy to get a hang of but difficult to master. Tight and fluid. Odyssey has its own kind of movement which is probably even more fluid but it isn't as deep as Sunshine's.
>Atmosphere. The game explores its tropical theme as much as it could. It just is so great to feel, I can't entirely describe it. It's an incredibly comfy game. Isle Delfino's theme has remained in my head ever since I've played it.
>Risktaking. I like how this game pushed Mario in new directions; story, voice acting, the like. It's delightfully cheesy. I just wish you could skip the opening cinematics though, but they're still kinda enjoyable to watch.
>FLUDD. I like the design of him and his gimmick. Best part about him is that the more skilled you are at the game the less you use him, which I feel like is a good system of things - rewarding the player for raw platforming ability.

Here's what I don't like:
>Level design. Levels, aside from the secret levels, don't compliment Mario's movement. Gelato Beach for example is very flat, and limits platforming possibilities. The best of Sunshine is probably Ricco Harbor, but there isn't much to it.
>Filler. Shines are repeated, or only mildly altered. Gooper Blooper boss fight being repeated 3 times for example, Red Coins, Shadow Mario. On the topic of Shadow Mario, your Shine count doesn't even matter, just beating him in each level is all you need to beat the game. Makes it more linear.
>Blue coins. Part of the filler problem; there's just a shit ton of these and they don't really feel satisfying to collect, more of a chore if anything.

I prefer the Galaxy ones more because they're more polished experiences. Even if they're mechanically dumbed down a bit, I find them generally more enjoyable over Sunshine.

ill give you though this track might be the best track in any mario game youtu.be/s4lNzjw0L3s

>level design

weak content

bosses are way too easy on odyssey

here is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.

>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.

>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.

>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.

>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion
You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.

i'm sorry you couldnt experience the game at the time it came out

no it's not, it's more like a love letter to 64

Eh, if 64 is nostalgia goggles then Odyssey is nostalgia pandering. Odyssey is great, but its best segments like the New Donk City festival and the Mushroom Kingdom play off of the player's nostalgia.

Added the missing Mario games.

Stop stealing Sup Forums memes nerd. Sunshine grows more powerful everytime you post the same pasta.

Sure loved searching separate missions looking for blue coins I may or may not have gotten already because the game doesn't keep track or tell you if you are missing mission specific coins or if you even got all the blue coins in a stage.


>Sunshine grows more powerful everytime you post the same pasta.

it couldn't get any weaker


makes me think a bit about 3d mario in ten years, look at how much odyssey pandered to 64, is odyssey really that influential or iconic to be pandered to in 10 years?

return to the middle after bounces, use cappy. not hard


If you don't have super mario bros in the top slot you aint know shit

my waifu aint fat you son of a bitch she is non exisant

>look up the harry potter copy-pasta on Sup Forums archive out of curiosity
>on page 30 and still going

this is some next level autism

This thread sure makes people angry.

I got you senpai


>best segment
>mushroom kingdom
more like the biggest disappointment. It was a whole kingdom of padding.

You're so autistic that you actually took the time to photoshop this? Tier lists don't mean shit. Just because it's an image doesn't give it validity. It's no different than just posting stuff in text.

Nice try. But we all know Sunshine is the best Mario game period. Nothing you contrarian nerds say will change this.
Is it actually Harry Potter? Iv'e seen multiple versions of it including one for the Iron Man movies and the Pirates of the Caribbean

Odyssey is pretty much a whole game of padding.

Sup Forums is full of children that need pictures or else they can't process it

woops, I forgot the first two NSMB games

>come to image board
>but why so many images?!?!?!?!

I didn't do a tier list and opted for a comparison of the 3D and 2D games' quality. I would have preferred to do text but it's what OP did, don't bully me

>galaxies anywhere but trash-tier
I sure hate being able to see more than two feet in front of me.

>merging open 3D and course clear 3D
Why even fucking bother

i used paint you fucking autist

Why isn't every Odyssey map luncheon kingdom?

Maybe because its image board you stupid fuck.

Well okay then, I'll separate them for you:
Odyssey > 64 > Sunshine
>Course Clear
Galaxy = Galaxy 2 > 3D World > 3D Land

You just hate when people do things don't you? It's none of your business, how about you leave the thread then? Are you so insecure you have to make fun of people on the internet on the video game board for discussing video games? Get out. No one in this thread is doing anything wrong except you two.

that world sucked

t. brainlet

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/a-at least the books were good though/

Switch Yoshi's Island and Galaxy 1.

if you want to catch anyone with your bait at least try a little harder, you're being way too obvious

Good lord. This guy has autism levels to rival barneyfag.

honestly I hate harry potter so I'm ok with it, same with MLP/barneyfag

I'm only trying to help you and show you that you're being tricked, much akin to Plato's allegory of the cave. Maybe one day you simpletons will see the light, but for now I accept the fact that you only desire ignorance.

listen man, I never played yoshis island as a kid so I don't have a nostalgia factor, I got a SNES classic and gave it a shot and it was so fucking good, probably the best 2d platformer i've ever played

odyssey isn't even a mario game, its a banjo game


Yoshis Island>SMW>Sunshine>64>SMB3>Odyssey>SMB2


tier list should be

odyssey > kazooie > tooie


>galaxy hype
I think its mostly Rosalinafags.

what do you think bros

Shit nigger, I didn't realize I was playing as a bear and bird in Odyssey.

>putting 2d Mario and 3d Mario on the same tier list
They're different games, nigga

Lol xD

this is how you really trigger me
put ttyd and luigi's mansion in top right now nigger

Mario Galaxy is my favorite, but mostly for external nostalgic reasons.

I remember early December 2006, my mom got me up super early that weekend to chase after a rumor that Circuit City was getting Wii shipments. I froze my ass off out there for several hours in the dark with a small line of people before they passed out vouchers to come back and redeem when they opened. Just shy of a year later, Mario Galaxy came out, and again my mom drove me out to the same Circuit City where we got the Wii, but this time there was no line because it was a school night.

I'm not a big Mario-fag, but that colorful intro with the amazing soundtrack at that time of the year where the weather started getting cold and the Christmas hype was slowly setting in. I remember the UR MR GAY shit from back then too. What a time to be on Sup Forums. Sakurai was still directly writing posts for Smash Bros Dojo leading up to launch.

Man, what I'd give to be 16 again.

Do you simply disregard Mario games or are you literally 18 years old? Serious question, by the way. My younger brother pretty much has a similar taste as yours, except his new favourite 3D Mario games is Odyssey and he has never played the original Super Mario Brothers past some arcade tries.

Man you are dumb.