What does Sup Forums think of Yakuza 6?

What does Sup Forums think of Yakuza 6?

Ai > Anri

I love Anri's underboob

what is her best movie?

Is Anri in that game or somethhing? Think in going to take a trip to pornhub now.

Wrong, Ayy is a flat chested ayylmao face

>Tits bigger than hips or thighs
The things Sup Forums drones will idolize

Did she really say that???

>Underboob window
>Magical disappearing red bra
Jesus, Japs just don't give a fuck how they advertise their game, do they? I love them

look at those flabby arms

my dick > both

>not fuko-p
>not hitomi tanaka

What does Sup Forums think of Yakuza 6 collectors edition?


wtf i love anri now


god damn Anri is such an asian goddess. if she hadn't of done porn she would be the most coveted trophy wife for rich white dudes abroad in japan.



this bitch retarded?


She's not valued for her brain

Ai is a literal succubus. She's a demon in human form.

post devil trigger anri.

She must actually enjoy it right? Why else would a woman with her looks do it? She could have just stuck to doing gravure if she wanted to make easy money positioning herself in front of a camera

Women with natural huge tits are usually biologically massive sluts with huge sex drives and orgasm easily and loudly. Probably something to do with hormones.

Do you have a single fact to back that up that isn't doujins?

Kaho Shibuya tbqh

She's half-brit.


i wanna fuck that nip

Ai a best

I want to make love to that Celestial.


Theres like a video phone chat thing minigame. Anri is one of the girls.

>video phone chat thing minigame
wrong. it's a live chat in 6

Oh fucking hell I'll just throw my fucking PS4 in the trash then clearly I'm not worthy to play games anymore

Anri looks like an Asian version of my mom so I masturbate to her a lot. I squint my eyes when I do.

Ai is definitely cuter. Like the type of girl you'd take home to meet your parents.

Anri is a vapid gold digging turboslut. Will probably give you the best night of your life, but not wife material.

Bought it. The glass would make a good gift for the old man and myself. Art book is a nice touch as well.

It should have spent a year or two longer in development since the engine they made for it was unfinished. It doesn't seem like a bad game, but it's looking like the weakest game in the main series. Hopefully, the combat and engine will be smoothed out before Shin Yakuza comes out.

Are you jealous that your dad gets to fuck your mom instead of you?

"Oh hey I should give this yakuza game a shot it seems really cool-"

>it's filled with literal whores
>game forces you to interact with these whores

And.... dropped.

how do you pronounce "ai" correctly?

you're even more retarded than her user. congrats!

>i'm 100% japanese
>but I my ancestors includes western ppl

rly makes u omou

Yeah bro, being cucked by my dad is the worst.



I've always pronounced it as "aye"

I've never played one of this series. What's the best entry point to it?

Picked up

I think it's just 'eye'.

It's the name Aoi that I have no idea how to fucking pronounce at all. Put a fucking consonant in your name, Christ.

ah oh ee

I'd let her join my party, if you know what I mean.

The first one on the PS2 if you want to experience the whole series. If you don't care about that, then I guess 0.

whats the code of this?

I'm gonna need the sauce

man they fucked up her face in this, she looks like a gremlin

>game filled with sexy pornstars
>the two hottest girls are Makoto and Yuki, the only ones who aren't real

it sucks

nevermind im retarded
wanz-245 my even retardier friend

Like oi cunt, just with an ah sound before it

Oh fuck I have got to get me one of these so I can sip some whiskey while I play the game.

What do you think Yakuza do if not manage whores?

Was expecting a dick.

give me some fucking jav codes please

managing whores is fine, jerking off to them is boring

>Rio Hamasaki
>Azumi Mizushima

Why must all the good JAV girls quit so early? Also, is Anri a character of some sort in Yakuza or just a pair of marketing tits?

I sometimes don't understand why certain JAV pornstars got meme'd up and become so popular in the West while other way hotter JAV actress, or just equally pretty ones stays in mediocrity.

Ai Uehara is really nothing special, in the ocean of JAV goddess like pic related. So is Anri, but being able to speak decent english helped I guess. Hitomi is legitimately ugly. There's also nothing really special with Maria Ozawa (the early meme JAV actress) other than being half Canadian.

Anyway, I think AIKA's a best (she's the gyaru in the pic)

>I can guess from in my ancestors
you don't say

Pronounce it using phonetics. Basically how you pronounce each kana. A O I put into phonetics would be "ah oh ee". Then say that faster and that's how you do it. Ryu is a bit weirder but same principal. "Ree oo". Then say it faster.
For bit of extra help here's how the vowels sound. A - ah I - ee U - oo E - eh O - oh

Nah man Julia >

So it sounds kinda like "owie"?

Julia is overrated if anything

dont mind me, just posting best girl

iono bruh her tits are perfect

it's not just JAV, pornstar popularity in general is baffling to me

yes, but the sounds are more separated

It's exactly like maori.

truly best girl

Nobody can deny that Julia has goddess like tits to waist to hips ratio, soft natural tiddies and godly large aerolas.

However her facial feature is kind of not for everyone. She's still pretty young but already looks super milfy.

time to fap


ice rocks are the most useless shit ever
they barely cool down cup, and they can scratch the glass, getting shards floating in your drink, or even bang into your teeth
don't fall for the meme

Not really. You say it faster but you still need to say each individual kana/phonetic. Its actually one of the things that makes Japan easier to learn since all you need to do is say the phonetic of the kana.
So start saying each slowly so ah then oh then ee.
Then while still saying each phonetic speed up but never stop saying the full phonetic.

Rion is the patrician's choice

>Ai Uehara is really nothing special
I think her looks are good and most of all cute, but what I really like about her videos is how she seems to be having geniune fun doing her stuff, even though I don't believe that's possible for a whore, but she acts the part well.

What are some other fun sluts JA/v/?

How's Yakuza Dead Souls? Never played any game of the series, and this is the only physical game available for me.

Her titties sag naturally though, unlike many American pornstars with rock solid dense titties. Maybe Japanese surgery are just better, IDK

That's something I didn't know. Thanks user.


>Ai Uehara is really nothing special

you take that back user


It's a fun game if you like the series, so don't bother. The gameplay is sort of shit until you get the hang of it and still kind of shit and there's some pretty bad frame drops at times. However, it's still a Yakuza game at heart with great characters and side quests, but I can't recommend it otherwise.

What PS3 game I should look for, then?

Generally that's due to the pornstar in question having fairly large tits before enhancement. Implants are a ratio game:the bigger the girl is to begin with, the bigger they can go before it starts looking weird.


I like Ryu Enami.
I think she was in a scene were she was molesting men on a train then she would bully them into a bathroom before doing them.

Jomon > Yayoi
But of course combining them together produced good results too.

She literally is nothing special. On the cute side maybe, but again compared to the ocean of pretty faces, and Julia tier bodies around, or Hitomi cowtits, Ai has no defining feature and I don't understand how she's really meme'd up in the West.

Kinda the same deal with Asa Akira here in the West, she's bottom tier in term of asian pretty face, but apparently she's an A list pornstar.

How certain pornstar become a meme and sparks wildfires just doesn't make a lot of sense for me.

I gonna miss her so bad.