>smoke break
Other urls found in this thread:
*kicks him from the group*
I remember helping this girl photoshop her brothers eyes open.
>kick him
>healer says brb as soon as tank pulls
>gotta let my dog out
>brb 3 min
>gotta masturbate
>4 minutes later
>Leaves the game
>brb need to shitpost in Sup Forums
Speaking of.... anyone have the link to her nudes?
>Brb dad aggro
>brb, gotta wipe myself
>*cough cough*
>raspy voice
>"uhh heh heh 2 min need a smoke break"
>15 minutes later
>*cough cough*
>"heh heh sorry about that"
>Going to church in Sutherland Springs.
>brb water break
>tank : brb baby woke up
What is it? Why the nut sack?
>brb wank the dog
I remember when I was about 15 on xbox live, my friend from online kept bothering me to voice chat and play some video games. So when I finally joined the chatroom I kept hearing snorting like a pig while he was talking, it was in a group full of people so I asked what was up with the pig noises. Alas, later I realized it was my friend because he had many conditions, I believe tourettes was one of them. Feels bad man
ah, kos
>brb the macaco is ready
w-what is that?
a sink
>dad creams the diplomacy check at the end
post the album
>doesn't come back the rest of the night
I do this too much.
>bothering to tell anyone instead of just taking a smoke break and walking away from the game
Fucking get over it you faggots
>boo fucking hoo dude you always take smoke breaks
bunch of whiny fucking losers
Go smoke a cock.
Old guild leader had a wife who played and smoked an absolute shitload. She sounded like she was going to die everytime she spoke. My brother and I would always try to get her worked up so we could hear her attempt to get loud.
Now I think back and realize how depressing her life must be
>brb wife aggro
Really makes you think
>playing competitive online game with friend
>his kid comes up to him
>100% drops everything he's doing to play with her
Why do these people even play? Literally can't do shit with him ever because of this. It's not like he doesn't have the other 8 hours of the day not working he sleeping to interact with his kid every single day.
>leveling dudes with with friends in wow
>we are tank, 2 dps, and heal (not like you needed them when leveling)
>rando dps, "brb gotta smoke"
>kick him on the spot
Pic stomach. Guy was making Ponce.
>thinking you're tough beating up a child
Pretty pathetic desu
>calls other's losers
>Dude, I'm so high tonight!
>I'm wasted!
This gets repeated all night.
>wastes his life away on Sup Forums
>thinks he has superiority over anyone else on this earth
Still better than being more degenerated than the average Sup Forums user.
you are literally the same as people who call furries degenerate but call themselves scalies
why don't you brag to all your friends about how you totally roasted some smoker on Sup Forums with your sharp wits
raising your child right is more important than winning in a game, user.