Did Sup Forums ever like CoD?

Did Sup Forums ever like CoD?

I played Cod2, CoD4, MW2 mostly. I didn't mind them. I was just a kid though

>get outt of Sup Forums
Don't bother making CoD threads dude.

Only zombies. There are much, much better games for just regular pvp. for everything cod has, something else does it better.

Sup Forums has started liking CoD as a response to Overwatch.
Sometimes it takes something even shittier to get you to appreciate shit.

Better than making an Overwatch thread.

I feel like it might have been appreciated during it's time, r-right?

cod4 revolutionized fps games
cod6 is the polished version that made it big popular
if u disagree it's because you don't remember those days (probably because you were too young, newfag)

stopped reading after revolutionized

In the past, Sup Forums was perfectly fine with COD up until about World at War and MW2, which also coincided with the Newfag Summer that brought in a metric fuckton of genuine retards to Sup Forums.
At that point, COD became a yearly release title with different teams putting out a game each november, the "Boycott MW2" shitfit because PC version didn't have dedicated servers, Treyarch would just copy Infinity Ward and add Flamethrowers (3arc's copypaste bullshit starting the "same game every year" point) and the original Infinity Ward team would leave after MW2 because of Activision's bullshit.

2008-2009 was where it all went bad in regards to Sup Forums's ability to talk about COD in any capacity other than shitposting.

Zombies was a poor mans Left 4 Dead though, and never made sense in a COD game.

The old Infinity Ward games were genuinely great, MW2 included

it's literally true though. It was a revolution, that doesn't mean everyone liked it, but it changed the landscape

exactly exactly this. I cringe like a mad man when i see kids saying 'only Treyarch make good cod games'

I liked zombies

BO > WaW > BO2 from what I played

i lost interest of the series when mw3 came out

>calling others young

first one I played was MW2, second (and final) one I got was Black Ops 1

they're fine, they're just not for me

MW3 to me lacked the MW2 magic. It just seemed drab and felt like IW were still picking up the pieces after the mass exodus of staff post-MW2

Man, I've tried hard to get into them. MW2 was the only one that really stuck a chord with me, but even then, I didn't see what CoD did that other games didn't already do better.
Nowadays I play the CoD WW2 beta and... Man, I don't know. I could load up Battlefield, Overwatch, or R6:S and get a more fufilling experience based on hitting whatever sweetspot I'm feeling at the moment. CoD just feels sort of bland.
I don't mean that in a derogatory way, just like, it's a shooter. Yep. You shoot things in it, but in different ways or anything, it's all very familar.

It's like Resident Evil without Mikami
CoD without West/Zampella really is just another okay shooter

nah, 4 was already considered a dudebro/normie game shortly after release, the game wasnt hated as much as MW2 and blops but still.
The 50 THOUSAND PEOPLE threads were bad but kinda ok compared to nu Sup Forums

Man i'm glad I got to enjoy cod before discovering Sup Forums. So many good times just shootan with my bros

CoD1 was mindblowing when it came out. 4 had a pretty big wow factor as well, and Sup Forums was a fan of it. I think MW2 is when opinions started to shift and Sup Forums hated everything after.

if MW2 had dedicated servers, it would have been better received.
If there had been no COD"3" and W@W, there would have been less resentment for the franchise. Annualising has never turned out well for a franchise beyond maybe FIFA. Treyarch should have just been making map packs for COD4

>CoD1 was mindblowing when it came out

I wouldn't go that far. It came out opposite Medal of Honor and was considered to be more or less the same thing. CoD never really gained much acclaim until Modern Warfare was released.

this faggot is unironically right, that shit was amazing when it came out. if your memories of cod are all shit it's simply because you don't have memories of anything mw2 or earlier

CoD1&2 got great reviews, 2 was possibly the best xbox 360 launch game. They were essentially made by the devs who made MOH Allied Assault. 4 got the mainstream appeal for sure though

I wasn't saying they were shit games or something, just that nobody had their minds blown by some ex-Medal of Honor devs going off to make a Medal of Honor clone on their own. But when Modern Warfare was released people genuinely did have their minds blown. No one had really done it yet, it had been years of only sci-fi or WWII shooters and the few modern warfare shooters around were tactical based shooters and so not very accessible to mainstream.

MW2 still has the best gunplay in the entire series. Literally every gun felt satisfying AF to shoot.
Too bad noobtubes ruin the MP.

Can anyone comment on the MW remaster? I've heard the sound is worse for some people, but perhaps it's subjective?

PC or console?
Literally no reason to get remaster on PC since it runs like shit and has no mod support.

Oh boy CoD2, Korean MMO edition, truly the greatest invention

I'm interested in getting the PC version for better graphics, but not if the claims of butchered sound are true

The PC version is capped at 90. Has shit FoV. No dedicated servers. Loot Crate cancer. etc.

Plus you can make vanilla Cod4 look better with mods nowadays.

point taken, but i'm still interested to hear a verdict on whether the sound is worse or better.

60fps is enough for me
How wide is the fov? better than the 7th gen console versions?
I wonder if there is a workaround for servers, like with MW2
I agree about loot crates

what are the best cod4 graphics mods?

It also has like 50 people on it so its basically dead at this point on PC.
If you want to play MWR get it on the PS4/XboX One.

>cod revolutionaized fps
>not counterstrike
All you underage fucking redditors

i'll get it on sale for the single player campaign

Revisionists will tell you it's always been a beloved series, when in reality their threads were containment threads for the week of each release. Any other thread made was to laugh at the incompetence of devs or joke about dudebros. The only funny thing to come out of that was Black Cop threads.

You are unironically a contrarian mongoloid if you genuinely believe streamlining the FPS genre was revolutionary.

>living in the Sup Forums bubble

>a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system
>new system
sounds like that's what cod4 achieved

>I was just a kid though.
I've been here for far too long.

stop being an attention whore. no one cares

It's true though newfag. You obviously weren't on Sup Forums otherwise you would agree.

CoD4 was one of the greatest things to have entered my life and I miss it dearly

Sup Forums never liked CoD.

That's not how that word works, newfriend.

>You obviously weren't on Sup Forums
correct, I was busy enjoying cod4 like everyone else no on Sup Forums

no but seriously, no one cares how long you have been here for. not anymore anyways.

It's still alive on PC if you still care about it. Console versions are hacked beyond belief though.

this just proves Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck and underage as fuck. COD era was fuck awful. nothing will ever compare when there was a new call of duty every year running on the same engine since 2007.

that was activision's fault for wanting annual releases, not infinity wards

>it will never be 2007 again

CoD 1, 2 and MW1 were some of my favorite games of all time. A friend who works for Activision gave me WWII for free so I decided to try it.

The game is literally indistinguishable from a parody of itself
>every gun has insane dmg and rate of fire
>ttk is instant, whoever sees the other person first wins almost every time
>everyone moves at the speed of light
>maps are so small that smgs are always viable
>but beyond 20ft everyone has instakill sniper rifles with generous hitscan hitboxes
>maps are designed so that you're always vulnerable from at least one angle. I think this is intentional, so that baddies can get occasional guaranteed kills
>every kill yields 3+ seconds of "GOOD JOB" "HEADSHOT" "HAWKEYE" "LONGSHOT" etc animations and noises
>sprint -> kill -> die -> instant respawn -> repeat -- feels like being on crack and meth at the same time
>seriously, CoD1/2/4 would feel like slow motion after this

Basically, it is the Platonic form of a soulless modern CoD game. Honestly in short bursts it is kind of fun, just turning your brain off and destroy 13 year olds... They've definitely mastered the science of trying to get your brain to dump dopamine.

But, it is also really depressing at the same time. AAA shooters are so emotionally dead, and indie games like PUBG are a barely-tolerable technical trainwreck of low FPS and poor netcode.

I've gotten to lvl 53 and I'll probably quit soon, maybe pop online occasionally to topfrag a Dom game with the iron-sights K98, but I'll end up getting rid of the game for HD space soon.

I loved playing call of duty 4 through MW2 when I was younger. I even bought cod4 on sale to play every once and a while, its a total nostalgia trip.

UO and finest hour are some of my favorite games. The series has been mediocre ever since CoD 3.

forgot to mention

>massive effort for political correctness (LGBT flairs, black wimmin soldiers)
>the game for 12 year olds to call each other nigger


BLOPS1 campaign was fantastic IMO. It was much more impactful to me than Spec Ops The Line

I played cod2/3/4

i liked them for the dumb action movie plots
kevin spacey was the best villain dammit

If you want balance play a good afps

That post isn't wrong though. CoD require way more map knowledge and individual skill to succeed. Hell even the bullshit OP killstreaks are harder to get then ultimates.

Sup Forums liked call of duty until a few months after MW2 when it's glaring flaws became apparent. After declaring MW2 terrible everyone pretended to hate 4 and WaW as well. CoD 1/UO then considered the only acceptable one. Ramirez and Burger Town macros were everywhere.

i still need to try it. Every prior treyarch game had left a bad taste, not to mention their ps3 versions were always dogshit

Is the campaign at least good?

Was it blops 1 or 2 that had the avenged sevenfold concert? I played it just for the memes about how bad it was. There was also a skrillex nightclub level.

and will never play all the American AAA trash

I pirate the campaigns because they're trashy but kinda fun

Blops 2. The game had actually a good campaign. Well, good for CoD standards, at the very least. Same goes for Blops 1

Idk I don't have the patience for singleplayer anymore

I think the campaigns are okay.

>Sup Forums has started liking CoD as a response to Overwatch.
Sup Forums started liking CoD because most of current Sup Forums posters grew up with CoD, so they look at it favorably and hate the currently popular FPS subgenre - hero shooters.

Overwatch is the only popular hero shooter. Paladins is alright. It's still alive and hasn't been HiRez'd yet but all the others bombed. I forgot Quake Champions even came out. Blunderborn and Lawbreakers were obviously DOA. Are there any others? It's not as big of a genre as marketing suggested. Take away Overwatch and it barely even exists.

i really enjoyed the original ww2 games, mw1/2, and black ops 1 for the missions, i dont care about multi

I normally hate fps, never can bother with singleplayer fps. But with gamesharing on ps4 I got bf1 and now wwII, am enjoying them a lot from time to time.

> this one friend on bf1 just blatently hated everyone that even touched a cod and went full assblasted.
How can you be so childish and a corperate dick sucker?

Sup Forums has always been shitters who hate anything remotely competitive with a passion, even baby shit like cod. That guy you goes 2-18? That guy with 100PP in street fighter? It's not a child, it's some profoundly incompetent Sup Forumseddit poster

A lot of CoD clones failed miserably too.

Dirty Bomb comes to mind, but it isn't terribly popular. Siege? I guess that depends on how loose your definition of hero shooter is.

i had alot of fun getting all the stars in that special ops co op mode in mw2 with my friend. that was the last cod game i bought.

All the major staff left by the time MW3 came out

even then dont bother i got it on xbox and pretty much only team death match has players

CoD had hits and misses up until ghosts
CoD 1 great
CoD 2 even better
CoD 3 very ok
CoD 4 changed FPS games and was fun
CoD WaW good but a step back
CoD MW2 really fun
CoD Blops changed the series up a bit and was fun
CoD MW3 overall decent
CoD Blops 2 the high point for the series
CoD Ghosts a step back
CoD AW tried something new and it was bad
CoD Blops 3 WTF is this?
CoD IW a step back again
CoD WW2 I havent played so I can't say

I always played it to wreck faggots in pub. Average KD was around 2.5 I believe

>CoD Blops 2 the high point for the series

MW2 was as bad for video games as Halo

>CoD campaigns
>ever good

MW2'S campaign was really good. Had cool innovative missions and one that pisses off a lot of people. Just what you need for a good campaign

sorry you hate fun

some of them were great

most underage user of the year

I was underage when I last played it (5 years ago)

>some of them were great

None of them were good
It was always a really dull shooter that tried to hide how fucking boring it is by having these WOW EXPLOSIONS moments at every fucking step, but if you pause for even a moment the scripting would break and you'd notice the game was playing itself.

I enjoyed it more when Infinity Ward was the only one producing them
campaign is the only redeeming thing from any of the games now, it's getting harder and harder to find rail shooters that don't try to shove any RPG elements or shit like that into the game



The game doesn't fucking play itself. If you put the controller down on the table your character will not move and you will die. Some of CoD's best levels have barely any explosions in them at all. Take for example the blizzard one in Mw2 or the stealth ghilly suit sniper one in 4. Or no russian in mw2. You're objectively wrong

IW had a great campaign only because I really love the world of The Expanse, and it's the closest thing I'll get to a game set in that world (aside from EVE, which The Expanse started as a mod of)

>The game doesn't fucking play itself. If you put the controller down on the table your character will not move and you will die.
>Or no russian in mw2
>good level

oh god you really are retarded

Seriously, why does everyone love BLOPS 2? I thought it was pretty shitty.

Hell, any CoD (especially the multiplayer) MW3 and on was terrible.

MW2's multiplayer was so poorly balanced it was actually fun. All the bugs that accompanied it (shoutouts to the javelin martyrdom glitch) made it even better. It's still, in retrospect, a shitty game that I have no desire to replay.

Zombies were fun due to their exponential growth in difficulty. You would start off and more zombies that were stronger spawned. It took careful planing and coordination to survive and you constantly had to be loaded up with gear.

If you died you were basically fucked because how long it took to obtain decent weapons and perks.

Overall it was really fun with friends, left 4 dead is full of linear levels with no growth in difficulty.

And here he posts a cherry-picked railshooter section while not even playing on the hardest difficulty. If you were the player would've died already

Different user and I have no idea which CoD this is because they're borderline interchangeable, but I call bullshit. Veteran difficulty would have absolutely killed you for not shooting at all.

Black ops 2 was my last cod, in my opinion it helped kill the series.