Horribly dated and tedious turned based dungeon crawler gameplay

>horribly dated and tedious turned based dungeon crawler gameplay
>bland characters
>shit tier 90's snes graphics
>horrible and generic map/dungeon design
>pseudo-intellectual pretentious heavy handed symbolism and morals
>cancerous and elitist fanbase

So why do people like this game again? Go play Persona it's better.

Persona has all the same "problems" you just mentioned

Like what?

>horribly dated and tedious turned based dungeon crawler gameplay
Underage detected

Why were you describing Persona then?

Nostalgia clouds your judgement, old man.

>Someone doesn't like style of gameplay

Nice projection faggot.

I played and beat 1 and 2 for the first time like 3 years ago.

Chaos master race both times of course. I've even played the snes remake of the nes games.

I'm pretty sure there wasn't a persona game for SNES user.

Depends if you count SMT...if

Besides they're talking about the first Persona
He's talking about Persona 1 which was a straight up dungeon crawler with the same issues you're talking about

>He's talking about Persona 1

Literally how the fuck was I supposed to know that?

I would assume if you were a fan of the persona series you would at least be somewhat aware of each of the games.

Maybe that's asking too much from some people

Phantasy Star is the best.

Persona 5 can be emulated, you can stop pretending it's good now.

That game may be pretty dated, but it lead to games like Nocturne and Strange Journey

I would take first person dungeons without a map over the shitty ones from P3/4/5 any day.

Literally all the guy said in his post was "Persona" without any suceeding specification. When most people talk about Persona they mean 3-5 not 1. Atlus is literally the opposite of valve.

But user, Purse Owner started at 3.

if someone doesnt like it just because its dated he has to set his mindset down and remind himself that hes not playing fucking skyrim aka the first rpg he's ever played

Go play Persona then
And don't come back

Persona 5 has great dungeons tho.

Etrian Odyssey>SMT>Persona
Prove me wrong

I legit think SMT 1 and 2 (more so 2) are worth playing in 2017
Like I said, I would have assume that someone who called themselves a fan of the series would at the very least be aware of how each game played. If you were it would have been obvious
Sometimes I feel like the only guy who loves all of the SMT and Persona games, both classic and new ones

SMT's automap was barbaric even by the standards of 1992

You're right.

The only bad thing was that you had to go through a menu in the first game, but there's modded versions of it that fix that issue.

I don't know, maybe i'm a weird fuck because I've played through SMT 1 and 2 multiple times and yet I get fucking bored of Grimrock 1

I remember liking Persona 4 in 2008, now I cringe every time I read the word "Persona", it's the fucking Skyrim of J-RPGs.

don't forget the shitty auto-battle-to-win combat
>equip multi shot guns
>equip status bullets
>hit autobattle
>never lose
demons not even necessary

SMT and SMT II are pretty archaic and clunky. They really need a full fledged 3D remake

Just the novelty of playing a JRPG were firearms were OP kept me invested
>random encounters were set at a % chance per step instead of a consistent ratio


I agree that SMT 1 and 2 should be played, but they're definitely outdated in terms of gameplay.

This game aged fucking terrible

>the first SMT game legit let you join the satanic church

when megaten wasn't faggy as fuck

SMT was just as archaic at release as it is now, actually aged a bit better thanks to emulators