You first


botw map was fantastic and expansive. I'm a fan of dragons dogma but i will concede the world isnt that great, but what's in it is.

I guess it makes more sense, but I hate how both cities are on the coast. There's just so much empty space in the West, you'd think they would have a 3rd city just for some filler but no.


since they made an online game over in japan, im hoping if a sequel ever does come out it will be 10x better with all the extra sources to pull from for the world.

Xfag flying through

It's so empty.

Such a shame how a good 50% of the map space is just Tainted Mountain/Frontier Caverns/Witchwood when there isn't much to actually do in those areas.



came here to post this

I think thats why the dark arisen dlc is so necessary to the game. It adds more content in a smaller space similar to the end game of dragons dogma, but it has a more linear progression rather than random.



>desert in southwest part of map

why does it seem like a lot of games do this?


anyone hate the colour of this map? Makes it look duller than it actually is.

This map is almost perfect but the rivers trigger my autism a bit

It reminds me of the god awful Eragon series, which is notable for having the worst fantasy world geography of all time

He stole most of it from LOTR.

I started out feeling pretty negative about this world but it's now the only (non-mmo) game world I learned how to completely navigate without a map, and now I really love it. I think it was pretty brilliant to compress it all into a pretty dense area instead of a bunch of huge, empty disjointed fields like the first one. That really helped it feel like a familiar place and increased the impact when something major changed.

came here to post this


How was BOTW's map? Was there really anything to do in it? Was it too empty and big?
Came to post this

Because that's where deserts seem to have formed in our world. North America and Asia both have deserts in their southwest region.

The LOTR map is also not great from a pure realism standard, but that's mostly because it was drawn before 20 years before plate tectonics were discovered and so the mountains don't make any sense. So I'll give Tolkien a free pass for that, since clearly every other aspect of the world was exhaustively thought out and cataloged.

Paolini on the other hand, is just a bad world designer.

It's pretty unlike any other game out there. You'll have to play it for yourself to come to that conclusion since there are definitely pro's and cons, but that first playthrough is one of my most memorable gaming experiences and really evoked a sense of exploration in a way no other game ever has.

It's an entire game devoted to recreating that experience Miyamoto had as kid while wandering around in his back yard, so if that sounds fun to you, check it out.

>this many posts without the GOATAY open world design
nu/v/ everyone

i absolutely hate the modern MMO styled maps that have all the zones conveniently divided up
pic related is the map of the first mmo i played, lineage 2. less focus on zones, more focus on landmarks. you didn't define your location in regards to the area you're in, you defined your location in regards to what was nearby. felt a lot more natural and organic that way.
or at least, i think that's how it was. desu that was like 13 years ago

There really is, If you visit the stables in the area you pick up a couple of quests to do in each area.

I think too many people are just too jaded towards video games. Exploring breath of the wild map felt like exploring Azeroth for the first time again, there is so much diversity in the map that even if there is nothing particularly to do, you will look around and see something worth exploring like in an elderscrolls game.

what the fuck are you talking about you clueless autistic retard?

dont be so mean to him, he doesnt know any better.


This map ruined all other MMOs for me. I tried to get into WoW and GW after playing a bunch of RS and the themepark-style worlds just felt so artificial and chopped up comparatively.

It's such a shame we've now lost like 13-years of MMO development to WoW-clones since sandbox MMOs like Runescape provided some of the most interesting and fleshed out worlds in gaming

It's empty in that the density is a lot lower than you'll be used to if you play a lot of Ubisoft or Bethesda games, but it's also masterful at always having something within view that looks intriguing. Most of the play time in this game is just zig zagging lazily across the map, hopping from interest point to interest point with a vague destination in mind, and that stuff is pretty great.

Your map orientation sucks, my desert was in the northwest.


My niggas

user, serious reply. Elder Scrolls Online is the closest thing I've found to Runescape besides Ultima Online.

Give it a try senpai. Seriously, best vanilla Elder Scrolls game since Morrowind.

Most of what the map has going for it is really interesting geological formations. Like almost every area actually looks unique or memorable in some way because of the way the land itself is shaped.

You'll run across a lot of little collectibles like bugs and mushrooms and stuff, there are animals to hunt and enemies to fight. A very large amount of secrets are scattered about the map.

IMO the overworld is great. The only real problem is that by the time you're two or three hours into the game, you'll have seen almost every form of transportation there is. The lack of movement options can make traversing the world kinda bland, but the world itself is fantastic.

If you play it then look up ways to conserve stamina online. It just makes getting from a to b faster and will only save you time.

Simply the best. I still get an itch to roam around Mira every now and again.

Behold, you feeble minded brainlets. Try not to hurt yourself by developing a thought more complex than "hungry need food" or "horny need anime"

you can't be this fucking stupid

Clearly you've never seen a picture of the Gobi desert, or Kazakhstan

Include Spain, Chile, Australia, and Antarctica in there for good measure. I don't know enough about African geography but maybe Namibia is one too

nice argument

>not south
>not west

you are an ignorant fuckwit and i bet my shit you're also from the usa

Please tell me you are not trying to say that those are the only deserts in the world?

It's called the Namib Desert. Deserts *do* tend to form in the west, with or without mountains. In continental interiors, deserts also show up in rainshadows (hence Taklamakan Desert), but basically the western coast of any landmass between twenty and forty degrees will be desert.

Both of your maps support his point

Jesus christ, this is literally cwc-tier levels of retardation.

I have been playing this for 8 years and there are places that I have never been to, truly the pinnacle of open world

>tfw all of those continents have deserts in their southwest region
>Africa is the only continent to have desert regions anywhere else
>obsessing over the states this badly

nice seed desu

That wasn't the point. The point was when looking at individual continents, deserts have a tendency of forming in their southwest region, with a few exceptions


>still going at it
you know absolutely nothing about deserts or how and where they form

How? He's saying deserts either solely or primarily form in the south-west of regions, yet they are clearly all over the place in Asia, Australia, and Africa, and in North America it's really all along its western side until it hits the colder areas in Canada. He could have cherrypicked South America and the bottom half of Africa for his examples, those would have worked far better.

I'll have to check it out sometime for sure. Every 8 months or so I get the itch and resub to OSRS for a while, but next time I'll take a look at ESO too.

Shame that you have to give Zenimax money to do so, but I guess every western publisher is just as bad these days.

very pretty


We got a desertologist here

>Open World games thread
>Fags start fighting over the real world deserts
Kek never change Sup Forums



what's a biome/landform/etc that you feel in under-represented in vidya worlds?

>implying the topic is about how or why they form
Stop moving goalposts mind midget, pic any continent besides Antarctica and tell me there isn't a desert in its southwest region. I'll wait


And it got several times larger over the years

>north america
>deserts in the southwest
>south america
>deserts in the southwest
>deserts in the southwest
>most arid region in the southwest
>deserts in the southwest
>deserts in the southwest
huh, thanks user, I didn't get what the fuck he was talking about but you laid it out clearly.


North American deserts. I loved red dead redemption for having American and Mexican deserts.

>How? He's saying deserts either solely or primarily form in the south-west of regions, yet they are clearly all over the place in Asia, Australia, and Africa, and in North America it's really all along its western side until it hits the colder areas in Canada. He could have cherrypicked South America and the bottom half of Africa for his examples, those would have worked far better.

Most maps seem to be centered entirely in a northern hemisphere. Thus the desert in the south.

All that is necessary for the map to be practical is that the deserts generally occur within the latitudes that hot deserts usually occur in.

>EU education

Deciduous forests in fall always look cool and are relatively under used.

Great plains are in almost nothing, but that's more because they're real boring.

Tibet in general is pretty stunning and I've only seen it in Uncharted

Are you trying to prove his point?

Sewers. There aren't enough sewer levels in video games.


>b-b-but it's in the southwest of continents
Continents are entities made up by mankind. There may be tectonical plates but those are defined by mankind too. So fuck off with your retardation.

Are you retarded?

Calm down user, you're gonna hurt yourself. Those goalposts can be pretty heavy.

They have a good system for exploring the map, i.e. there's no HUD element like a compass pointing towards stuff and there's no Batman Detective Vision™ so exploring is up to the player to see something interesting and investigate. There's a lot of cool shit and there's one part that EVERYONE likes that was one of the best experiences not only in Zelda but in video games in general for me in years.

However, the map is gigantic and there's a lot of repetition in what there is to discover. It's got a handful of cool, unique stuff but really the map is just too big or the development time too short for there not to be repetitive filler like the shrines.

I think most people agree it's a good start but would prefer if the map was smaller or if they reduced the number of shrines/got rid of shrines entirely and instead put the development into proper dungeons

The definition of a desert is made up by us too though, so what's the problem with comparing two social constructs?

>There may be tectonical plates but those are defined by mankind too
Are you for real? It's a word we use to describe something that objectively exists. They aren't just arbitrary borders drawn up like country bounds are. You're literally just one step below Jaden Smith tier "how can continents be real if words aren't real" pseudointellectual dumbassery.

To be fair, we only use tectonic plates as a loose guide line, otherwise the continents would be N America, S America, Eurasia, India, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.

i genuinely thought that was taranis for a minute

They also tend towards the western side of a continent because global weather patterns deposit salt from the oceans. (Earth spins left)


>cornered animal lashing out in fear and anger: the post
Think of it this way: books, vidya and movies are all written by people who take inspiration from the real world, and usually base the world of their creation off of their own centric view of the world, making most deserts in vidya form in the southwest.

Never have I looked forward to an overworld so much.

My #1 most wanted thing was that I'd be able to ride a boat down the river system, and it actually happened. My only disappointment was that you couldn't go all the way from the east coast to the south coast through the rivers.

>the best

let me guess
>the terrain is created by a god's corpse when he fell to the planet billions of years ago, and retains his body's shape

Recommend me a comfy game similar to OSRS.
I want the same kind of experience, when i was in my early teens and exploring the world of runescape.

It's 1000% not going to happen, but my secret fantasy is that DLC 2 drops without warning and the new land is an archipelago in the East ocean. Then a KotRL descendant spawns in Lurelin village that you can sail around in WW-style

You'll need a time machine.

I wouldn't be completely shocked if the DLC gave us more overworld to explore. Well, it would be nice.

Where could i acquire one as soon as possible?


Yeah, I guess they probably would have advertised it as more than just story and a dungeon if it were true. Ahh well.

Kind of a weird suggestion, but EVE scratched that same sandbox MMO itch for a while that RS used to. It feels open in the same way at least, and classes aren't something you choose in the first 5 minutes but rather just whatever you put the time in towards.

However gameplay wise it's totally different and there's very little exploration.

>small island south of tanaris still there
>small village on the south end beneath silithus still in place
>no man's landing still empty
truely the best mmo map