Webm thread?

Webm thread?
Webm thread.

Is this CGI?

Why are you posting a movie clip on a game board?

100% pure gameplay my man

But... the ps4 isn't supposed to be able to do this.
Can someone explain this?

of course it's gonna look good at such a shit resolution

Post the 60fps version

Holy fuck, that looks great

no, Post Processed gameplay, game doesnt actually look like this sadly

Those graphics....
Dem animations.....
Dat ass........

It runs native 1080p on standard PS4.
Twice that on PS4Pro.

You are right because this is 1080p.
Looks even better with a PS4 Pro using a 4k TV.

>the way her feet realistically crunch down on the snow

gotta say I'm impressed

So how many new enemies does it add, and do they add anything that changes the core gameplay? Roping and shooting shit with arrows gets old after doing it for like 20 hours

All games look their best on a PS4 Pro on a 4k TV.

Too bad the game itself is meh
I'll get the "goty" edition on sale for $15 a few years from now, maybe

Why couldn't you ironic shillfaggots plug Gravity Rush 2 instead?

Because falling endlessly is boring as shit

Game looks pretty fucking good desu

hahaha are you for real

open your eyes nigga

I've seen like a "spear-gun" that fires electricity, a flamethrower and new weapons to upgrade the old ones. New perks like picking things up on the horse and the ability to repair said horse. A couple of new enemies.


No man it's live action

I have played it and it is actually great.

30 patches ago

is this actually real? it's like they're were going for a meme when they really weren't. how does a big studio mess up so badly like this?


Touched up and edited vids by a NeoGAF user.
XV-kun's webms are from the same guy's when he's not talking about muh mechanics.

Pre-release build



Why don't you post the one where the horse goes through the cactus?


BotW on suicide watch.

What the fuck am I looking at

Hi shill

how do you think these posts aren't obvious? surely being on Sup Forums to market a game has given you at least some idea of how to stay under the radar but no, its just painfully obvious. heres your fucking (you) cunt.

Do people here really believe that someone would shill a game in a place with a population of 200 people at best?

is playing a total movie looking so fun? i dont wanna see these realistic boring natures and ugly human beings in games

id just go outside or travel

>I blindly hate Sony games



anyone thinking this is what the game looks like when you play is retarded

t. someone who 100%'d the game

haha nice try buddy but i'm a fellow sonybro

I remember when I had hopes this game and fell for the "better For Honor" meme

Are you ok bro?

Sup Forums is a top 200 website with several million unique users a month. source amazon's web ad traffic checker thing


A video game

And there is never a thread with 200 unique IPs.
Stop please.
A person could simply go on youtube and will see that that's the graphic.

>little corner of the internet
nice bait faggot

holy shit how can you be this fucking retarded?


>And there is never a thread with 200 unique IPs.
>implying 4chanx counts lurker IPs

OP here.
Stop derailing the thread and post webms.


you might be too young to know this, but 90% of internet community members are not active and they just observe and partake very rarely if at all


Why did the hatchet girl fall down and die again?


this is modern video games. Enjoy!


Not dead and not a hatchet.


hammer? Don't tell me they think a hammer will stick in someone's head

>that fucking potato face

She's so cute


Why does the west treat it like a sin to make attractive women in video games now

how mad is this guy to post this shit

Post your face Adonis.

Depends on the hammer.

I see Horizon shillfag-kun-bot is at it again with the webm threads

What game is this?

Man, I hoped this game wouldnt die slowly


DLC just came out and the complete edition in a month so expect shilling until the end of the year.
Gotta pay those bills.


>visible pores in vidya
>can't criticize devs intentionally making lead chars ugly for SJW reasons unless you look like an "Adonis"

What sad? This is a completely new webm taken from the new DLC that was released yesterday and that will be part of the complete edition in a month.

You already did it, posting that garbage

Are gifs still acceptable?

>on pc

>She's so cute

>everyone posts all the time
hw nu r yu


Sup Forums will never recover about this game

>ME Andromeda does this face
>people lose their minds over how shitty it is
>PS4 single exclusive does the exact same thing
>omg its good stop shitposting

if i get a 3 or a 6 ill dump my cancerous junkrat webm collection

>a guy
>call it a girl
what did they mean by this?

you're safe tonight Sup Forums

Anyone want to see WebMs from a game with bad rep?



the absolute hate this game gets is just bizarre. what is wrong with you people?

Jealousy over the game not being on their prefered device.


gifs looks shittier

I hate the UI in this game. So fucking lazy. Breaks all immersion.

maybe they should have had more than 2 levels and maybe even give characters more than 4 possible actions but nah gotta keep it insultingly simple because finnish game design