Autistic shit you do while playing vidya

these threads are always fun

>Know object is going to fall in game
>move hand at the screen like you're making it fall

Hmmm... I dunno, OP. That's just a little TOO autistic for me.

thats pretty autistic

OP is not a faggot but an acoustic as well

If I'm immersed I sometimes play like I'm showcasing the game at an E3 event

when im playing fps i ALWAYS rotate the crosshairs in a constant circle clockwise

A-are you me?

I talk to the NPCs out loud if they talk to my character

I speak aloud what my character might be thinking or feeling

I once sat down and finished Killer 7 after a night long session. Being confused as shit with the ending and wishing someone was there to discuss it with, I ended up discussing it out loud with myself. Beyond that just usual shit, like taking forever to decorate a room in any of the more recent fallout games.

Oh here's a good one, I restarted Mass Effect 2 and 3 a ridiculous amount of times because once I was satisfied with how I made my Shepard look, some camera angle in the game would reveal how horrible their profile was. The amount of times I did this had to amount to multiple hours.

I look up porn of all the characters when I beat the game

I make grunting and pain noises whenever I take damage. I also hold my breath whenever I'm aiming down a scope.

I wish more shooters had a deadzone for crosshair to move without moving camera, like in Star Trek: Elite Force, or Arma. Smooth camera movement and all the precision needed at range.

Repeat the unit quotes from strategy games except only misheard ones.

High templar ready:
>I saw that you hurried
Archon select:
etc. but more misheard ones with borrowed words from native language also to fit better.

Used to drive my siblings insane with this stuff as we played SSBM and I repeated back misheard announcer quotes too. Good times.

>Oh here's a good one, I restarted Mass Effect 2 and 3 a ridiculous amount of times because once I was satisfied with how I made my Shepard look, some camera angle in the game would reveal how horrible their profile was. The amount of times I did this had to amount to multiple hours.

My Sheppard looked awful on ME2/3. I don't know what happened. He was alright in the first one.

Talking to yourself is something pretty Killer 7 to do user. I'm kinda proud actually.

I hum the quest complete tune every time. I also immitate npc dialogue
>stay away from da voodoo mon


I turn my body on tight corners on Mario kart 8

Sometimes when I'm playing a first-person game, if something flies at me, I'll duck my head. I'll also move my body like I'm looking around a corner, if I'm about to look around a corner in a game.

It's not even something I choose to do. It just happens instinctual.

If I'm listening to music while playing, if I really like the song that's playing, I'll move my camera around like I'm dancing or singing the song in-game. That's not instinctual at all.

>pause the game im playing
>tab out of it
>go fap to some hentai
>whip my cum off with some blanket or the window drapes
>tab back in the game
>unpause it
>resume my gameplay

I have to completely fill in the blank spots of an unknown map, like in Diablo. I keep running around until I explored it all.

>pretend Im doing a livestream of the game Im playing and talk to an imaginary audience

I do this too but not aloud. Helps with immersion and roleplaying.


I do the same thing, it's ok

>character asks if I understood
>nod my head yes
>if they go underwater hold my breath for the same amount of time as well
>if a mage or something casts a spell AI might mimic the hand motions like for Soren in PoR

I do a bunch more but those are the only ones I can think of.

> play game without sound
> silently imitating weapon sounds by mouth while shooting.

I always imagine all of the characters I deleted/died of perma-death being whisked away at the last second to an alternate reality where they collective fight the enemies of the game stuck at their level and with their current loadout of items/equipment since I'm not there to increase their power any more.

what the fuck, i'm not the only one? i don't know why i do it user. it lasts for like ten minutes until i just stop for whatever fucking reason.

Yeah same
We're all autistic here

When I play horror games I usually talk to myself and narrate what's going on on screen. I do it to keep myself from being too scared

Whenever I get done playing a level or getting to a save point I tend to pace around my room and think about how the game could have been improved.

I like to fantasize that I developed the game I'm playing when I know its ins and outs. In my fantasy, I show off the game to all the people who doubted I would ever amount to anything. I also do the same with music.

If an enemy does something stupid like walking of a cliff I call it a fucking idiot out loud even though I'm alone

I do this but when I'm in bed trying to get to sleep

>play War Thunder
>drive a Russian tank with 4 crewmen
>name them Nikolai (driver), Igor (gunner), Vlad (loader), Yuri (co-driver) and I'm commander myself
>interact and give order to them
>say stuff like "Niko's down, take him to the back Vlad, and no, Yuri, stay where you are", "got the engine, now 1 degree higher, and 3 degrees to the right Igor, we finishing this Tiger off"
I actually did this once because I really like Seamus.

I play the game while playing video games.
Pretty autistic, I know.

If I beat a really tough opponent online I'll dust my hands off like a cartoon character.

Whenever video games fill me with pure joy, like when I pull off something difficult or something funny happens, I pause the game and, feeling a tingling sensation through my whole body, uncontrollably stiffen my arms and flap my hands around while rocking forward and back. Sometimes I have to immediately get up and get it out of my system in a spastic dance-ish movement.

I taunt the enemies irl. self inserting as the main character

My brother did this during exciting parts of movies or games. After awhile I guess he grew aware of it and it turned into him just rubbing his hands together.

>rubbing his hands together.
I have some bad news for you

I like to roleplay as the same character across different RPGs and pretend hes traveling across different universes

I sometimes talk to myself about the game and what I like about it, but that's about it. I do the same thing with books, movies, shows or whatever else. Not often but sometimes. It makes me feel less lonely and makes me feel like there's someone there with me. I wish I had at least one person that I could do stuff with. But I just talk to myself since I don't have anyone else.

Same, except I get jazz hands and tap my upper back, with my elbows pointing up. The strongest trigger is getting a massive upgrade to my character, or assembling a killer squad for the first time.


Sounds very cool

>Playing a SRPG or a Pokémon game with generic units/Pokémon I've been raising
>Give them each unique personalities and backstories and stuff

Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

I search an area thoroughly before moving forward in case I miss anything

>character runs across hall/field/whatever
>he didnt step on THAT tile/patch of grass/whatever
>turn around

Fucking kek

I hold my breath as long as my character is underwater to see if I can match him. I do this while watching movies too

I close doors behind me, and that's it
surprising how many people talk to themselves or act like they're streaming a game, that's as autistic as it gets, feel bad for you guys

i subconsciously crouch when entering stealth mode and catch myself when i'm super near the monitor

That's literal autism.

When I played Crysis 1 on one map I gathered all barrels and other movable objects to one place, placed under it C4 and after detonating the game crashed because my toaster pc couldnt handle it.