Monster hunter thread

>He's not excited for monster hunter world
Give me 1 good reason not to be excited.

Hammerbro for life

Good taste

>not GS master race
just get out


XX is better.

> I hold X/Triangle at the monster for a couple of seconds

Probably going to have terrible weapon/armor balance at the end of the game leading to players hunting a small handful of monsters to make the statistically best sets with tons of "hurr why don't you wear this set with a retarded name, you loser" if you find yourself in the very unfortunate position of playing with randoms. Just like every other mainline release.

The road there will be good though, which is probably better. Easy, but still good.

good thing since it's probably always online they can patch the game freely

Nergigante armor looks like (((that)))?!
That's actually pretty sick. Also yeah fucking hell man I can't wait for this game, fuck giving anyone a reason not to be excited.

Anyone here ever gotten back into Monster Hunter after forgetting how to play?

4U was my first MonHun game, and I played it for around 60 hours back when it originally came out. I remember I was loving it and got up to rank 7 or 8, but then real life got in the way and I didn't have time to play the game anymore.

Now I want to pick it up again and fight all the remaining monsters, but I honestly don't remember any of the mechanics and it just seems a bit daunting. Any tips for getting back in?

already decided i was going to play a Male character because of this armor

Don't be a douche the only bad weapons are the LS, the SA and the lances and they can still be fine in singleplayer, they're just shitty for the team you're on in multi

>Tips for getting back in
Play a lot
Avoid getting hit over hitting,

What's wrong with SA? It only has one trip attack, and why the fuck are lances an issue?

Meant for

SA was an absolute monster for dps with striker in gen/xx

Fuck the SA, it's a weapon for weeb ass bitches
And the lances are DPS sinks for party play, even the gunlance is terrible in higher ranks

I'm more worried about trying ti remember all the different equipment stuff, materials, traps, vendors, towns, palico farms, and other preparation you have to do before the fights. I only have the vaguest memory of all of that stuff.

The games, especially the newer ones, do a really good job of introducing and explaining all of those elements over the first 3-6 hours of play until you're doing it all naturally, they're designed for people who've never played an MH game before so you'll be fine

I haven't played as a femhunter since I started with Monhun, but I see a shit load of them online. Chadhunter armor is where it's at, big ass shoulders and plates, sick robe skirt things that provide no function, only form. And of course the manly g strings.

This guy knows

Sup Forums won't like it, so skip it or something dumb like that.

Did they say anything about drop rates? Farming the same monster 20+ times isn't fun.

I'm very excited, already talked a few friends of mine who've never played the series because lol-handhelds to play the beta.

CB best weapon you fucking scrubs

There's an offline mode

Um...because it's fucking Monster Hunter. It'll be fun for 3 hours then it'll just drop off, like every other monster hunter game. Oh and probable have shitty unresponsive combat controls every other monster hunter.

No Guildmarm (this one is important)
The characters speak real language


I remember renting monster hunter for the ps2 from rogers video as a kid. I recall thinking it was an incredible game but it was too hard for young me and i never rented it again and forgot about it till i started here and was reminded of it. I really hope this turns out as good as that one was so i can see what i missed out on and i hope its just as challenging because im not shit at vidya anymore

I hope there's a gong girl who will hilariously yell everything she says.

But they can still patch it if the launcher requires internet

Just came here to say that if you don't think DBs are the best weapon you're a faggot
Highest DPS possible without being a ranged pansy plus a much better dodge move


>the characters speak real language
This hurt my enjoyment of Breath of the Wild and it's probably going to annoy me in World too. Also if if the monsters I like don't get in the game I will riot.

Good thing there will be an option to change it to MH rambling again, cant play without it

I always make a male hunter and a female hunter geared towards blademaster and gunner weapons respectively.

There's an option to turn real language on/off my man

i can respect wanting a QT gunner.

Will it make the characters speak like proper monster hunter characters? And there's still no Guildmarm (or Aisha for that matter)

I love how they actually are allowing you to turn off most REEEEEEEEE worthy shit so sperglords have minimal things to complain about. Only real concern I have is gunners making the game a complete and utter joke.

Yea they speak regular monster hunter rambling again.
As for no guildmarm/Aisha, better get a new waifu

I'm fine with having infinite special ammo for gunners if the damage is nerfed

But we have fashion slots now, so they'll all just have the same skills but unique looks. While some will wear clownsuits in the fashion slots anyhow.
Although it still doesn't fix every room being completely dead a bit after release except stuff like Rajang lobbies.

You can always find some other players here and stick with them, im lucky to have 3 friends who are buying the game on release

Every new iteration gets more casual

Wont be long before we have regenerating health and infinite stamina

Better complain about things that are not in this game then i guess

I'm just riding the slippery slope

MHFU is best MH

With any luck this new multiplayer/singleplayer fusion will just allow me to play and farm all quests by myself without worrying about the enemies having like 3x health in Guild Hall.
That'd be what I want most of all.

>You can always find some other players here and stick with them
I'm trying to rope my brother's into buying it with me, so I'm hoping this game is a lot more accessible than 3U. Probably will be, not that I'm saying it's casual now or anything.

I don't want the game to become easy either, but the game isn't even out yet. Gen was really easy because of hunting styles and the monsters not being changed around them, mounting being overpowered and so on.

Completely forgot about difficulty changing with player count, hope we can change the settings to keep the old difficulty even in solo

This is the one, if anything was going to get new players in/people to give a shit about the series this is it. They've focused an absolute assload on breaking down the info and providing the information new players need while keeping the gameplay uncompromised. I have 3 friends who have gone from outright dismissing the series to being very interested because of MHW.

how about this reason

Overhype is not a fault of the game.

monster hunter has always sucked

>My subjective opinion is better than your subjective opinion

>Give me 1 good reason not to be excited.
Capcom paid for a Game Informer cover for one.

how is that any worse than sponsored videos from youtubers?

yes, my opinion does mean more to me than others.

>run to PS4 and switch that baby on
>somehow fucking broke overnight

Hey, OP only asked for one reason.

It's hardly a difficulty change, man. It's just giving them more health to compensate for the higher DPS your group is doing, making soloing Guild more of a drag. For me, at least.

I hope it's removed entirely for the Singleplayer version of the content while still keeping the Super G Rank Elder Dragon's damage intact, and then they can just add a method so people like you can still get the enemy buffs if they'd like. Maybe allow you to build a Local room that applies the buffs while not needing PS+?

It was never the hidden info or obscure mechanics that stopped my brothers, it was the 3DS itself and the camera. They're actually much more into the numbers side and will very likely be better Hunters than me in every area if they do actually get into it.
It being on PS4 is also a pretty big plus for people skeptical of MH in general.

Has nothing to do with hype. I have reasonable expectations coming from MHFU, and I do not delude myself into thinking they will actually make a game that approaches the same difficulty level. They will not balance the gameplay around tight windows and frames/hitboxes. Sure, I can hope for these things, but should I?


>tigrex and plesioth having extremely unreasonable hitboxes is good difficulty

take that back, didnt read original comment.
I do want tight hitboxes and still having the game be hard. I dont think its going to be happening unless you intentionally handicap yourself with worse gear/skills

>they didn't nail absolutely every monster, therefore the entire game can't be called extremely good

Also, Tigrex, really? You have got to be kidding me, Tigrex hasa stellar hitbox, the only remotely bad thing about Tiggy is the hurtbox on the sides of his claws while charging, and that's it. It's a really well tuned fight, although a bit easy as ranged, but what isn't?

I can't wait for watching him pace back and forth forever in HD.

Welp, ignore my last comment then. Shot before reloading.

The thunder insect bow absolutely destroys him


i wish i knew what you are talking about, sony is only releasing it on the PS4, nothing more

Because in a couple of years we'll get World Ultimate and have to buy the game again to get a full experience.

Plz don't post pictures of my daughter, Thanks :)

Is the beta available on pc or xbox?
Are there any character event quests for pc or xbox, horizon dawn

I usually play female hunter because the armor looks the best on them.

>Run healing
>No negative armor skills

I'm going to get God Eater 3 instead for my PS4, if I'm going to play casual shit I'd rather play God Eater than watered down MonHun.

I want Sup Forums, uh, sorry, "Sup Forums" to stop talking about Monster Hunter as if they know a fucking thing about it.

Can you really turn that off? Can I have a link about that?

Whatever you say, boss!

She's gonna get notsunburns all over her supple loli tummy working in front of a furnace like that.

There are some.

>monsters literally still phasing through walls instead of aligning to the ground properly (means head can be stuck in the wall and you can't hit it), despite even more focus on verticality
>extremely jittery and unpolished animations
>even more annoying vertical environments that a) are the the biggest reason the animations look so terrible, b) no one asked for (except casuals so they can have their stupid jump attacks) and b) add absolutely nothing to the core combat and just sabotage you when using weapons that require more precision (Hammer, Gun Lance)
>no more Blademaster and Gunner armor distinction (basically run around with a full Diablos or Uragaan Blademaster armor while carrying a tiny wooden bow now)
>any number of points activates an effect, not just at the 10/15/20 thresholds (probably because of all the casuals online without any active armor skills but one or two points in 20 different skills)
>no negative skills
>free traps, (flash)bugs etc. everywhere and farcaster that can be used anytime as long as you're not near the monster
>changing equipment mid-hunt and even refilling potions and any other item without any(!) consequences
>little monster damage
>voice acting and flies telling you where to go and what to do
>prompts on screens show you combos, sharpness state of your weapon and even when to capture a monster (again, experience is less important in this game)
>weapons have a greater range
>despite healing while walking and more mobility, monsters are slower than ever before (compare Diablos or Barroth with Tri Diablos or Tri Barroth)
>open world/walking simulator meme instead of zones
>probably paid DLC and holding back fan favorites like Zinogre, Deviljho and Rajang for the paid G Rank (and it probably won't be a physical copy so you can't even sell the original and save money)

Almost a hundred posts in and we haven't had any real cunts come to shit up the thread or post the list of "casualizations". They must be losing steam finally. Good fucking riddance.

>positioning and memorizing patterns barely matters anymore
>healing while running
>cannot just evade out of attack recovery animations (since MH3U) now but also evade out of Gun lance shell recovery
>can even dodge out of a Great Sword charge attack buildup with hyper armor (considerably reduced damage when hit)
>even literal iframe attacks (foresight slash of Long Sword, for example)
>even more anime moves and mobility (weapons have been given special dodge moves, hyper armor, grappling hook, basically flying with Insect Glaive and attacking from all angles while monsters are clawing thin air
>permanent lock-on
>casualized weapon mechanics in general (Heavy and Light Bowguns have infinite special ammo, Hunting Horn songs are stored to be played anytime, notes needed for songs on screen at all times)
>almost no blood (literally dust and pebbles instead) but damage numbers that tell you everything and ruin the whole kinesthetic element of the franchise ("learning by doing" and helping each other)
>weapons barely dull, even when bouncing off
>"epic" cinematic monster fights that deal more damage than you and cinematic environmental traps everywhere
>odds are people online will always lure the monsters to those traps and vanilla Monster Hunter combat will be almost impossible
>no more iconic turn (some people say it's more challenging this way, but it's actually easier because monsters telegraph their next attack while still turning around now)
>westernized and more anime shit at the same time
>over-the-shoulder shooter influences
>machine gun like shots

Muh flex animation

Oh you fucking nigger


>and it will be out on the Sony Playstation 4 (TM) in January, pre-order now

It's past nintenkiddo's bedtime already and they have school tomorrow. The only shitposters up this late are naughty kids staying up past their bedtime, I hope they know their mommy knows and is very disappointed in them.

You just had to fucking say it, didn't you?

s-shut up!

Look up, fag.

Man, the Capcom shills really got you guys good with the Nintendo boogeyman.

>point out flaw of MHW

>Anyone here ever gotten back into Monster Hunter after forgetting how to play?

Several times, mate. Getting back into the game is the perfect time to learn new weapons.

It comes out at the same time as DBFZ

>monster hunter looks
>casual ds fuck
I agree, the DS did casualise monster hunter, I'm glad it's back where it belongs


>Anyone here ever gotten back into Monster Hunter after forgetting how to play?
That's when I tend to do really good, since I just react and don't think too much


I'm hanging onto my Christmas money for this. My whole family basically ritualistically gives everyone they know $50 cards, even me even though I don't have a job. Shit's gonna be good.

>corner horners